Could O&A return to terrestrial?

0  2013-12-15 by UncPa57yrzyng

Since O&A look like they're on their way out at Sirius, you think they would go back to terrestrial once they realized the money in podcasts is peanuts?

Opie said on the show that WPLJ called him. I don't know what that means. I think if they were to return to regular radio they'd have to be given freedom to say and talk about whatever they want outside of the 7 dirty words.


No way. Even if they wanted too it just wouldn't work. They'd be pulled off the air within a couple weeks. There racial discussions would never fly on terrestrial radio. Someone would hear the show and freak out. They're sort of tucked away on siriusxm on there own channel so unless you know who they are you most likely aren't stopping to listen. Which means they get away with a lot more.

also opie is blowing smoke when he says he will leave. i was listening to a show in 2010 recently and opie was bitching about the studio and siriusxm. he then was also threatening to leave. i remember when he and ant got in the huge fight and he said he'd go back to spinning records. well guys opie is still here. he doesn't have many options if he wants to keep doing radio, and he's a radio guy so he looks down on most podcasts.



They do this every year.

The exciting part is we get to listen to this act until October!

Ya. They are starting much earlier. I mean I feel like all their complaints are warranted. I just don't think they'll actually leave the show.

Firstly, there's no where for them to go. Anthony could maybe go to conservative talk radio, but that's about it. Honestly, would you want to hear them censor every word they say and get in trouble once a day for saying something offending. As long as sirius gives the those big contracts, they aren't going anywhere.

If you think Anthony would go to conservative talk you haven't listened to conservative talk.

I agree. I was just thinking about maybe one instance. That's not even possible though.

I'm sure Cumia could get a gig at Glenn Beck's network, if he wanted to.

Like Ron talking about ditching Fez, Opie talking about ditching Sirius is just that. Even if they did leave satellite, I couldn't imagine them going to terrestrial.

I would love to hear "Dandy" Don "Wiki" Wicklin shouting through tears, "Don't let them do it Opie! Don't let them break us up!"

They have been saying the same shit through 4 different contracts. They are NOT leaving Sirius.

Holy shit they are right about one thing. Their fans are fucking idiots.

I don't think I'd listen to them on terrestrial again to be honest. Too much self-censoring. And if you think the bitching is bad now wait until they do about a weeks worth of terrestrial and realize just how much they've been getting away with on sirius.

For them its either podcast or siriusxm. And I don't think they'd be able to make enough money out of the podcast to leave. The bitching will die down a bit, and then in September it'll ramp up as their negotiations are ramping up. And then the day after their contract expires they'll be in studio once again.

Ant has turned the racism bit into a crutch that he can't get off of. They wouldn't last a week; Ant would call Obama a nigger on terrestrial and get fired.

O&A will be on XM or they will not be working. They have painted themselves into a corner with the podcast joke, and if they ever left they would be making five figure instead of six.

From 2006-2009 the terrestrial show sucked. I've been listening to the Patrice collection lately and it reminds how bad the K-Rock portion of the show was. It wasn't so much the not being able to curse, but the fact that they geared the content toward a more mainstream to try and draw a bigger audience and it wasn't entertaining. Besides, no terrestrial station would pay them anywhere near what they get paid now for a variety of reasons.

It's also important to know they start doing this every time a new contract is a year away.

I agree, their show was awful when they tried going back and their ratings showed it.

Yea, I remember thinking of the terrestrial portion of the show as like a pre-show for the real one back then.

Absolutely not. And I wouldn't say they're on their way out at Sirius. They always trash Sirius but they'll most likely be back.

Either that or they finally embrace this "podcast" thing. I just want them to do a show every M-F if they finally go podcast.

I cannot find anything about them leaving. Ants twitter just said the studio was Fixed. Is it possible that the stuff they had broke, they cried and refused to use another studio and demanded a revamp and did not return until it's done?

Their contract lasts till October and the boys were just venting on air about shitty management, for the umpteenth time. Speculating about O&A leaving is par for the course in this sub...

um no. would be a huge step backwards.

terrestrial is dead. its in its death throes.

They would want to be syndicated.

WPLJ is the home of Scott and Todd in the Morning. You understand what type of audience that station has...

Unlikely, considering they were fired before. And brought down entire formats in the process.

Their contract lasts till October and the boys were just venting on air about shitty management, for the umpteenth time. Speculating about O&A leaving is par for the course in this sub...