Anyone else starting to hate Roland?

39  2013-12-14 by Doom_Art

I never really paid any attention to him (he's barely on), but after listening to them talk about how he acted at Erock's party and the company holiday party I just got really annoyed. Food elitism always pisses me off. I don't know why.


Starting? He's always been a piece of shit.

Yeah. Remember that stupid ass pizza party?

He's a food snob that doesn't even like good food. He just loves unhealthy takeout. Real foodies appreciate Brie and go to vinegar tasting parties and gay stuff like that, Roland just eats mac-n-cheese hamburgers every day of the week. Godamn addict.

Exactly, he just uses "foodie" to justify his food addiction. Even more upsetting is that erock gets all the fat jokes, and roland is spherical and has diabetes coming out of his ears.

i think the reason roland is spared is because they know he's too thin skinned to take any kind of a REAL verbal beating

Maybe he would have thicker skin if all that blubber wasn't stretching it out.

He seems to be very rich and was one of those dumb ass rich kids in high school or college that lived off parents. Maybe his parents have something to do with investing in O or A?

Don't get the panda angry!

Yeah. Saying Roland is a foodie is like an alcoholic calling themselves a wine snob or craft beer guy. He uses this "foodie" thing as an excuse for shoveling down fried french desserts and mac & cheese burgers.

I know. It's a funny bud but in reality, Roland is like debilitatingly obese

Yeah It's not like the guy goes to Michelin rated restaurants. He knows where the best burgers, novelty desserts and pizza places are. Who gives a fuck.

yeah he basically goes to restaurants you would see on diners, drive ins and dives, he's a pedestrian human, and some people are just fat, but roland literally looks like someones pumping him up with air.

he's the only person on the show i hate because he cant take a joke and then comes back with personal shit, and its so annoying how everyone is always like "oh shit dont mess with roland, he's crazy", why cause he'll wish i die in a car accident?

one day hopefully someone will put him in his place, his comebacks are shit, i would love to be able to have an insult war with that kid.

Ugh, that "NOBODY MESS WITH ROLAND" shit is annoying. Fuck off, you miserable mushmouth...

its so annoying how everyone is always like "oh shit dont mess with roland, he's crazy", why cause he'll wish i die in a car accident?

This is the worst. For years O&A have cultivated an environment of total ball busting, and to see them so clearly make an exception for Roland is just irritating. Haha LOL! Roland fell asleep at a movie screening and started snoring, how outrageous of him to ignore social conventions! Don't mess with the panda because he'll go there!!

Give Roland one good jab and he breaks down into a blubbering fucking mess on air.

Vinegar tasting? That made me laugh. I agree with most everything else.

its a shame roland is a food snob and not a snob about his clothes. the guy dresses like a fucking homeless person. the way he looks i'm surprised he has any celebrity connections at all. i would never in my life show up to work looking the way he does. i'm surprised he doesn't get sent home most days.

I'd be fucking embarrassed if that was the first guy on my staff that celebrities either talked to or saw in person as the show connection. It's funny from a show end making fun of it, but I could see celebs just not wanting to come back strictly so they don't have to interact with that.

He is so negative and condescending to everyone. He is a walking black cloud.

Are you describing Roland or the show?

Honestly, there's a reason why they always defend Roland. I wish I knew what it was though lol

I think they legitimately feel sorry for him.

Why the hell do they put up with him? What does he even do for the show?

He books the guests. He has a bunch of contacts and getting someone new would be a massive headache. Roland already has established relationships with most of the publicists they deal with. That's why they put up with him. He's still an awful human being, but he does serve somewhat of a purpose.

Except they said they do just fine without guests. The no Roland years weren't that bad.

Have fun with the Children and Racism show, featuring Uninformed Dropout

He's smarter than your faggy liberal ass

lol, I would've voted republican last election if jon huntsman was chosen over mitt, fuck outta here

Funny how everybody says they would have voted Republican if the most unlikely candidates were nominated (Ron Paul, Jon Huntsman, Gary Johnson)

So, wouldn't that mean that Republicans have shitty candidates?

I would have voted Republican if they had nominated a liberal


let's not get caught up in this Team 1 or Team A bullshit

They cant help it. Anthony hates liberals so they think they have to as well.

hey i really like this show... i guess i should adopt all of their viewpoints!

No, you see, Anthony is actually realllllllly intelligent because he knows some bits and pieces of science trivia.

honestly anytime i watch a charismatic personality i pretty much fall for everything they say. the reichsparteitag was the most moving event i've ever been at

Dude, the guy knows how AIRPLANES work, he's basically the smartest guy alive.

Well, he is a professor you know. There is even a song that says so.

I knew it was the liberals. Even when we were talking about Roland, I knew it was the liberals behind it. LIBERALS!!!!!

The show does just fine without celebrities. Granted some of them are interesting like mike tyson, but most celebrity guests suck. Also, how many connections, and relationships does Roland really have? From what I can tell most of the celebrities on the show are already at siriusxm pushing there projects. he doesn't get anyone new, and if howard wants the guest roland has no chance. seems like roland is constantly ignored.

I could do without the guests. The interviews usually are okay and reasonably enjoyable but I hate when they have 3 guests in a day. I could do without Roland.

He is cannon fodder.

Besides Sam, Roland is probably the most valuable member of their staff. He has all the connections necessary to bring in the big-name celebrities.

the guest are pretty shitty tho

oh yeah what would we do without a paul anka interview...they have maybe 3 or 4 good guests a year, i would love no more celeb guests, this show was never about interviewing celebs, leave that shit to howard's boring ass show.

honestly how hard is it to book celebs when you work at the second biggest radio show on the platform, the guests come to you.

What fucking value does Sam serve? He's a useless twink prick. He's good at stirring shit up but he's not funny, not interesting, and doesn't deserve a mic.

On the shit show, he's perfectly serviceable because I almost never listen.

Him calling the office party desserts "pedestrian" was hilarious imo.

Ro Ro is an outlier in that he's a total mess who's in with a host of celebrities. He's fat, ugly, weird, an unabashed food elitist, and obnoxious drunk. That being said, he has a great network of connections, and some pretty high profile friends. Why not sit back and enjoy the highly entertaining pile of garbage that is Roland, it's not like you have to deal with him.

His family is connected, right? I know I heard that somewhere, but can't recall the source.

That might be true, I can't remember, I think he lived or grew up in LA, and also worked for Carson Daly at one time.

But hey, fuck that fat fuck

Well said.

It's r/opieandanthony, we hate everyone and everything.

We love Patrice.

And Louis C.K

And Billy Burr.

Not so much anymore.

Wait...why don't we like Louie anymore?

Wait... why? He's not on as nearly as much with his show but I didn't know there was any rift between him and the show.

They shit on him during his last appearance with Ricky Gervais (even though he deserved it), he's only been on 1 or 2 times since then.

And CQ, the Millenium Man.

But only since he died. We hated him for talking over everyone when he was alive.

I still dislike when he does that when listening to old shows. He's not my favorite.

No we don't

Welcome to Wackbag 2.0.

r/JoeRogan/ makes this sub look like Gandhi's blog

Can't stand him. I remember a while ago someone called him out for acting like a dick and he went into tough guy mode which may have been threatening or intimidating if it didn't come from the worlds most out of shape guy with the voice of an 11 year old girl.

I hope there's audio of that

EDIT: Roland is Mad, Jimmy with the best line at 14:58

When he complained about the steak Opie made over the summer at Opie's beach house. Ungrateful fuck

if that steak was anything like Opie's ability to be funny.. then it must have really sucked.


I was thinking the same thing until Opie said that he put bbq sauce on it.

If you put ketchup on my steak, I'll spit in your face.

Yeah? Will ya?

He looks like (and probably is) a pederast.

"You said it man, nobody fucks with the Roland"

8-year-olds, dude.

oh, uncle paul...

he is a foodie who thinks pizza and a sprite is a gourmet meal

i hate his voice, he is too stupid to go get glasses, he cant drive because he is retarded. and he is a snobby food cunt. he reserves peoples seats at the movies, then falls asleep. he is truely a scumbag steve.

Accurate. He also says SH and CH words backwards and cannot speak his native tongue.

He is awful on air and seems to be clueless about who is a good guest for the show

I'm tired of them interviewing celebs who I don't care about pushing books I'll never read. I want to hear O and A and jim. That's why I tune in. Guests days are the worst.

Unless it's a comedian sitting in. That's when the show is usually at it's best.

The 3 guys sitting around, the conversation will always devolve to racism, political correctness, or Opie's disdain with commoners and/or "as a father."

I just really like when Colin calls in,dr Steve calls in, lady di, Erock bash days. I think the best shows are the boys interacting with the ensemble.

Edit: I really think Roland needs to shut the fuck about unless he is able to cook some good shit ad bring it in. He strikes me as just a consumer who looks down on other people not because of talent but because he is pickier about things. That's not something to be super proud of.

I graduated from the French culinary institute in Manhattan and worked for Jean George. I can honestly say food snobs with no education on food are some of the most obnoxious and annoying people I have ever met. And food bloggers.

So you share the view that he isn't actually knowledgeable about fine cuisine, he's just a junk food addict with a map, right?

Yes you are right.

He is the premier guy on the show, that is completely unnecessary. I piss on his bookings, and i piss on his personality.

Jack Osbourne? Jenny Hutt? Brandon Steiner? What a fucking media destination...

Remember how Roland handled Di Paolo? He almost did not come on the show last time, because of Fattyboy.


I think he ignored nicks text about coming in

I don't think Hutt (Jabba the, tsss tsss) is even a hard guest to get. She does a show on SXM with Martha Stewart's daughter. She probably is just hanging out in the building already like Mashup Nicole.

I hate snobs of anything. Beer snobs, weed snobs, Food snobs. Just because you have expensive tastes does not mean the cheap stuff has no place.

lol weed snobs. I only smoked a few times in college but I can just imagine the concept of weed snobs and they sound like the worst.


Well actually sticks and stems can cause a harsh carbon burn to an otherwise pleasurable experience... Schinklebout it

I'm just curious to know if he'll ever manage to get his tongue out of Dominique Ansel's asshole now that they are bff's.

I had no opinion of Roland until he cried like a bitch on the show. Now I have no respect for him, he's a total faggot.

Jimmy & Erock have cried on the show too.

Well the OP's comment applies to them too I guess

Ro Ro is a spoiled rich kid. Never cared for him.

Really? I thought by the way he dresses and cares for himself that lived in a shithole and blew all his money on treats.

Roland is the new Danny. Well, maybe not exactly since Roland serves something of a purpose.

What happened between Nick Dipaolo and Roland?

Roland forgot to call him back or something. It wasn't a big deal, but nick called him out for it on a phoner.

I'm the last guy to defend Roland, I despise the fat cunt, but in this case he was caught in the middle.

It was Opie that was blocking DiPaolo, (fuck knows what his problem was, DiPaolo is great) - he was not giving Roland a yes or no or a date and time, and Roland was stalling Nick by not getting back to him.

he kinda sucks as a person but hes perfect fadashow.

Did he go to Sweden for a stint to be a stuntboy on some stupid TV show or am I taking crazy pills? Cannot seem to find any info about it.

They exaggerat Ro ro's antics for the Radio just like they do Denny's. The guys like him so he must not be that bad

Roland shouting at Vos:

He seems to hold them to ransom over who's booked all the time too. He's like an HR bitch who's set in their way and likes to think that they're just as important as the boss because, at the end of the day the company couldn't function without paperclips.

Also that joke was already done, Roland thinking he's being clever because the boys are laughing. "Letterman no, Leno no..." tired line that better people have said without stumbling over their transfat engorged tongue

Roland breaks down on the air, can you imagine that guy trying to tell you he's a 'foodie' lol

and him crying and sniveling just makes my day

I cannot wait for the day the mics come on and we find out he's died of a heart attack. Fuck that fat slob.

He's ridiculously fat and doesn't care. I mean he brings his own desserts to parties. That's so weird and rude but it's obvious he just doesn't care. But then when anyone makes a crack at him or his weight he gets so serious and FREAKS the fuck out on them. Fuck him and his overly serious, non joke taking, fat ass.


Roland and Erock are both terrible on the air.

Yeah but Erock seems like a nice enough, if nerdy, guy, whereas roland is a rude cunty asshole

I disagree. Erock is gold. He doesn't try to bogart the mic like Sam. He only speaks up when spoken to or when he has some value to add. He's also a good shit who takes his lumps even if he is a late-arriving, lazy, fat boy.

However, I think he should have shared some of his $100k jackpot with all the boys behind the show; except Sam. Fuck him.

anything to keep Opie from talking i'm on board with

i love the fat fuck. he's just a total disaster on air, but i love bobo too for that very reason.

i get a huge laugh when sam tears into him and erock about their binge eating excursions. i just get the mental image of the old school wwf tag team the Natural Disasters just destroying a buffet.

I dont mind him. He gets really angry when someone makes fun of him so the boys don't really pick on him. but .. who really cares.

No, I lik hishovy.

Roland's heel turn came out of left field. Im loving it. I like when he rips people apart on what Jim Bruer calls "social media" If you catch him in a bad mood and make fun of him. He's not to be fucked with. He's got everyone on notice.

like what "i hope your car goes over a bridge" all you have to say is, "there's a better chance that you die of a heart attack before i die in a car accident" or "yeah you would know how hard is it to drive a car while getting blown if you knew what it was like to get blown, or if you knew how to drive a car you bloated man child"

he's got nothing but personal jabs

"How's your dog? He still dead?"

I wish Po had broken his fat neck when he said that.

As much as I hate Roland I can't blame him for shitting on the caterer for the christmas party. It isn't that hard to set up hot plates and cold plates so people aren't shitting out their insides after the party.

One of the reasons I like him is because he is such a horrible human being. And contrary to Erock, he is on the offensive about everything including his laziness and horrible eating habits, whereas Erock is passive and vague. Him dissing Erock's pedestrian desserts was hilarious. Also, the fact that Ro-ro is actually really good at his job and it stresses him out so much just adds to his likeability.

i love roland. he is a world class shit stirrer. the same reason I like sam. when they messed with roland by announcing the metallica show, I was HOWLING.

This is /r/OpieandAnthony, we hate every member of the show, right? I love ro-ro.

If by "starting," you mean "continuing," and by "hate," you mean "love," then yes!

Naa.. Roland is great with his food knowledge ( I don't even live in NY). He is also funny more often than not when they have him on the air. He really is someone that is seems almost impossible to bully around, unlike Erock, Sam, Mars, Denny, et al.

Everyone is hating for jealous purposes. Never saw a problem with him and he always has a wealth of knowledge to share on his radio show. #TeamRoland

What exactly are these jealous purposes?

We're all jealous that we have to watch what we eat past the age of 20 but Roland continues to shovel expensive fried french shit into his mouth.

I'm going to be real... When I think of Ronald, "I'm jealous of this guy" isn't necessarily the first thought... It's more, "My God, how does someone like this go through life so oblivious?"

Well said.

His family is connected, right? I know I heard that somewhere, but can't recall the source.

let's not get caught up in this Team 1 or Team A bullshit

honestly anytime i watch a charismatic personality i pretty much fall for everything they say. the reichsparteitag was the most moving event i've ever been at

Dude, the guy knows how AIRPLANES work, he's basically the smartest guy alive.

Well, he is a professor you know. There is even a song that says so.