I nominate this for the new sidebar pic.

103  2013-12-13 by [deleted]


Denny is starting to look like Ant. In the face and in the alcoholism

No, no, no... I'm just having some good clean fun. Now get your cunt on that photocopier.

I'm channeling Rodney Dangerfield... now kiss my mistletoe cock you intern

He's channelling Dangerfield from Natural Born Killers.

I can't stop seeing this.

I'm comin up to da studio, ta see how cleaaan ya aaare...because I don't work blue

I wish he'd channel Rodney Alcala.

Had to Google it.

does this nigga denny got his high school class ring on?

I was wondering that as well. He's married right? That's his fucking band? That's straight up Jostens shit.

denny is incredible. the best thing theyve done all year is make him a part of the show. i literally dont get out of my car to do my job when hes in.


its like just a couple weeks with those guys can make you go from life long company man to a straight up i dont give a fuck attitude. its so funny that were seeing his wild side. i know there are a couple movie characters like this but i am high and its just not there.

edit - stevie janowski

Oh nice catch, he is a total Stevie.

Does that make Anthony Kenny?

The show as a whole at it's peak would be Kenny, now the show is more like Kenny at the beginning of last season, playing along at the dinner table, then going outside to scream curse words.

I love the idea of Denny excitedly punching a car window out.

He looks like Ant's gay uncle that has a cough that won't seem to go away...

just when i thought aids jokes were hack, i chortled.

he may not work blue but he prefers his bottles green...with envy

Tss tss

*Almond Shake

Looks like he has HIV.

He is a bit mysterious...

People like to talk bologna bout the good old opester but the "mysterious" thing is one of the funniest things he's come up with. Edit: was hoping they'd mention it today since Guy Fieri was hovering around.

Joe peschi with HIV

That's the low end of the AIDS spectrum

That hair looks completely natural.

Matches his moustache perfectly.

Wait a second, Denny said he drank two Blue Moons and 1 Sam Adams. He is holding a Heineken and some other beer. Lying about how many you've had is the classic sign of an addict.

He'll be calling Jim's advice show next Wednesday

"denny is a nice guy, he can hold my beer and i know nothing will happen to it."

Seems like a pretty great guy.

He looks like John Waters but gayer.

IDK how many of you are familiar with Attack of the Show, but that is a 60 year old Kevin Pereira right there

Is that the gamer show with that poor woman afflicted by a jawgantism?


I love his old navy gear. He's got that methed out Benjamin Button look down pat.

That stache...

Long may the Falcone soar!

Oh Denny.

He looks like a white version of the now skinny Al Sharpton

Dennys high point on the show was during his debut (aka the Tequila Friday show) and yet this was his low point, Alcoholism and sexual harassment Its just shameful

Go complain about it on tumblr you bleedy fuckin vagina.

a million upvotes sir.

Denny's on the spectrum.

The awesome spectrum.

He looks like a lesbian.

I really thought that was Ant lol

He could pass for Anthony's brother or cousin or like a 60 year old Kevin Pereira like /u/thndr87 mentioned.

I fucking love this weirdo

he looks malnourished


Two beers tss you gonna leave enough for the rest of us or sumpfin?

.......... What the fuck is he wearing..... he looks like he's trying to look 18. This is pathetic.

You have my vote for sidebar pic. I can't think of a better pic to represent the absurd level of love I have for this show. I'm willing to listen to Denny just to hear the b-b-b-b-boys. Long live Douche Bag Denny.

Performance fleece crosses all demographics.

This is the main reason I avoid all work parties.

Is Denny wearing a piece?



You have my vote.

What a zero.


What a creep.

What a zero this douche is. I haven't felt cool presenting my beer in a picture since I was in high school and didn't know better.

Too cool

such edge.

He'll be calling Jim's advice show next Wednesday

"denny is a nice guy, he can hold my beer and i know nothing will happen to it."