Some real advice for Jimmy...

0  2013-12-13 by [deleted]

Dear Jim,

We've all heard of Louis CK.

Some of us have heard of Bill Burr.

0.01% of us have heard of you.

Yours sincerely,

the United Kingdom.

Edit: Seem to be getting a lot of hate - I think Jim's great on the show and that's where he's at his best & I'm not saying the UK comedy scene is too good for him, it's fucking awful right now. TV, stand-up, pretty much everything is just really broad, lazy comedy. I mentioned CK & Burr because their Stand Up / TV Show / Podcast opened them up to a big international audience and that's why they did a tour. Jim's just not there right now and I don't think a tour over here would be a success for him.
Having said that, Jimmy phoning in while doing a tour in the UK/Europe would be some good material for the show.


Maybe he should put a dress on, then the UK would shit itself from laughter.

I thought that was black people in Hollywood? At least that's what Dave Chappelle told me...

So wheres the advice you buck toothed nancy?!

Jimmy is the funniest off-the-cuff comic I've ever herd. But standup-wise he's not on par with Louie or Bill (and to be fair, those two gingers are probably #1 and #2 right now). He'd gain some fans, but it won't take him to the next level or anything.

Agreed, I love a huge amount of comedians, and Jim makes me howl on the show, but his specials don't make me laugh. I enjoyed the audio books, but something about his stand up seems a bit dated, and try-hard with the 'shock' humor.

I completely agree. I love jimmy on the show, but I've been to two of his shows, seen three of his specials, and he does nothing for me. I bought his books too, I couldn't get into the first one, never opened the second one.... But I will still continue to buy his shit to show him support. :/

He was even funny when Leno sent him to (I think it was) Comi-con, etc. He's so quick in person and on the show, but his material sounds like it stopped progressing in the early 90s, both in content, and in the pacing / delivery. I've never really been able to put my finger on it, because I just ended up not laughing, then tuning out when I watched the specials. Aziz's new special was the same way for me. Meanwhile, 3 minutes into Bill Burr, and I'm already crying.

i'm so fucking ashamed right now...

Stop agreeing with ron.

Jim also hasn't toured there like Louis and Bill have. He has said that he doesn't think U.K. audiences get his style of humor. Not sure what he is basing that on.

fear, mainly

"I don't tour Europe. They hate americans."

Right. Great going, buddy.

I love that clip because he said that all Europeans generalize Americans, yet he's doing the same by generalizing all Europeans being anti American. Kind of ironic.

He's so out of touch regarding the rest of the world it's not even funny.

and stop obsessing about getting photos with idiot celebs

Why does this bother people so much? He likes pictures with celebrities why is that a big deal? A lot of people do it.

Because it affects the show.

It also helps the show. Its led to a lot of funny stories. Some of you guys are so sensitive and just love to let every little thing bother you.

Jimmy turns into Fez and stops talking for hours at a time whenever some celebrity is in the building that he either needs a photo from or an autograph for a photo.

As a Brit with an alright knowledge of the scene, Jimmy wouldn't be as big as Burr or Louis here because of his humour. Jim Jefferies found limited success here before he went massive in the US, so it wouldn't be a total failure. I'd say material wise they're a good comparison.

British stand up right now is awful, yet the big guys are selling out arenas 7 nights in a row. It's fucking depressing. Big reason I got into O+A is because of the comedians

Jim Jefferies is not "massive" in the US.

Jim Jefferies is far from massive in the US. Only people that go out their way to listen to and find new stand up comedy know of him.

He has his own show and can sell out some pretty big fucking venues. I disagree.

Jefferies is amazing. I dont get why he wasn't huge in Britain.

Is an American comic overseas making fun of America the most hack thing ever? Seems like it would be easy for an American comic to go to another country and make "We're fat and like guns, DURRRRRR" jokes.

Hardwick was talking about how when he doesn't fill his venues. He doesn't just get annoyed, he tries to make the most out of it. Interviews the audience, goes off the cuff a bit, and he feels that has indirectly helped his stand up presence.

Wish Yimmy would incorporate some other stuff into his stand up. Even listening to contemporary stand ups would improve his work. He could be a WAY better comedian.

Yeah..that's why jimmy hasn't really entertained the idea.. why fly over seas on a gamble.


T.J Sotomayor would be a great 4th mic to counter Ants racism (which I am in nearly complete agreement).

Nothing in the original post was advice?

Learn to English


Pepper Hicks/uh-huh?


population of United Kingdom:63.23 million (2012) 63,230,000 x 0.01 = 632,300 people

hey, that's not bad!


welp, just goes to show how fucked all of our math is in this thread

Don't bring us into this you dropout.

Maybe thats because Opie and Anthony don't have any asian fans.

I don't think that's true, Ant is always discussing Hong Kong current events.

Ya but since when has Ant said nice things about other races.

I don't think that's true, Ant is always discussing Hong Kong current events.

Agreed, I love a huge amount of comedians, and Jim makes me howl on the show, but his specials don't make me laugh. I enjoyed the audio books, but something about his stand up seems a bit dated, and try-hard with the 'shock' humor.

He has his own show and can sell out some pretty big fucking venues. I disagree.