If I were O and A, I'd invest some money right now into carolla's podcasting company, or jay mohr's! or hardwick's...

0  2013-12-11 by shaqfan99

Or Maron's....just get a taste of one of the growing companies that already have relationships with advertisers.

Then at least they can begin to recoup some money back when they inevitably move there.

Even if opie's contract forbids him from doing this, he should have done it on the sly.


If i were Carolla or jay mohrz or Maron i would swap me shitty podcast for O&A's radio gig.

Maron has a niche.....he doesn't have much mass appeal. Mohr does a traditional sports radio show now and loves it.

If O and A ditch xmsirius, the company would probably just find younger O and A clones....or maybe they'd move sam up.

or put another way

Maron Carolla and Mohrz would all slice their cocks off for the O&A gig

I almost wish they could do a network that includes each of the friends of the show's network. Like if they could have a channel that does Deathsquad, and Fake Mustache, and Riotcast shows.

Does anyone actually listen to podcasts regularly? I'm genuinely curious. It has zero appeal to me, but I'm guessing I'm probably a minority in this.

I listen to a few; todd barry, weird medicine, sometimes vos, nick dipaolo, and sometimes burr's but there are very few that i find really entertaining

I listen to some of the Smodcast podcasts every week and I'll listen to Maron and Norm when they have someone on that I'm interested in. I don't see how the concept of podcasting has no appeal to you...it's just radio without phone calls.

I do all the time.....it's just a case of not being able to catch things live. That does affect how people call in to a show, but let's be real, the callers on O and A have never been good.

I have listened to O and A "as a podcast" for about seven years......(you can guess how). Thanks to a few kind people, the show is always posted before noon.

the only reason to stay at an XM (think of it as a content producer now, not as a content platform - satellite radio as a platform is done growing because of apps that bring their content to your phone - is the centralization of the way they can attract and book guests, but then you look into podcasting and see how Hardwick can get Tom Hanks twice in a few months....because they have a rapport.

They would be a great fit on Simply Don the Podcast Network