Opie's Fez Impression...

28  2013-12-11 by okconsumer

was hilarious.


It's great. And I do get a kick of the "bit" between him and Anthony where Opie says something about Fez, and Anthony keeps saying "oh god, oh no, ohhh boy". Spaghetti against the wall.

Is there a clip of this floating around anywhere?

Pretty much all throughout this clip.


The opster had me howling with that today.


/u/opiesucks comment?

You know what they say.. Give a monkey a keyboard.. Eventually he'll type a word. And besides, it wasn't even that funny. How many hours did it take for Opie to say something that made you laugh? Fuck that ship steering zilch.

You know what they say.. Give a monkey a keyboard.. Eventually he'll type a word.

I don't think anyone says that.

im sure Ant has regarding WSH

Your verbiage might be slightly off, sir.

Your bit of trying to bring Opie down and every turn is becoming a little, dare I say, old hat!


Thus then ...

I got your back bro

What's the point here? Opie is terrible. His bits suck and spaghetti on the wall is old and hack and this point.

Gotta agree with you there.

Also accurate, as proven today on Ron and Pepper

the first time he did it recently was when O&A were reviewing the original meltdown R&F show. he didn't tell anyone or plan it. he just did it in studio really quick trying to imitate Fez's voice. for a second that first time I was like holy SHIT, Fez came in studio and he's gonna be pissed! for like a split second. Impressive as fuck impression

I loved that, and then I loved how shamefully Anthony laughed at it too.

Which guarantees he will do in the future.

"Love ya, miss ya"


Haven't heard it, but I'm certain it's stupid. Let's hope that Ant didn't pretend it was funny. We'll be hearing this amazing impression for years to come.

It would be funny if there weren't so much hostility behind it.

Fez deserves the hostility.

He is hurting other people's professional livelihood by being selfish.

Fez is a histrionic, unprofessional, persecution bully who hides behind his sexuality because he knows that homophobia has become a much less acceptable trait. Therefore, he can wield his gayness like a stick with dog shit on the tip in order to command the attention he craves and dispense the "justice" he gets off on. No sympathy, no tears.

I agree, but I don't think that's what the hostility is about.

What's your guess?

Its hard for me to tell with Opie because sometimes I think it's because he's a prick, and other times I think it's because he resents his Mom so much because of her crazy bullshit that he now takes it out on others.

Someone call doctor steve.