Would a version of /r/the red pill or /r/ men's rights work on this platform?

0  2013-12-10 by CAinCa

I know that this would be a pale imitation of Patrice's Bitch Management or Black Phillip shows but since they are already in an almost entirely male demographic, why not go with it? Maybe Nick Dipaolo could host. I will never forget him pointing out how white males are always the dummies in every television or radio ad. You know, we can never figure out what soap to buy or how to install something and we're always the ones breaking into homes but being thwarted by ADT security systems...


Ew, R/mensrights, just go suck a cock. Bunch of self victimized faggots.

I know- they do trend that way and /r/the red pill (or let's trick women into fucking us) can be a bit much but a smart, funny host could deflect that bullshit and make it into a show. I mean they have Oprah and Martha Stewart, they're not above catering to a demographic. It could be Spike on the radio if Spike wasn't being run by a bunch of ignorant douchebags ("Dude, 1000 ways to die, dude! This is what guys want to see")

So maxim radio?

i definitely don't want a show where men whine about how sit coms are offensive and not fair

I can't really say it's a bad idea, but maybe not for an entire show. DiPaolo is fucking hilarious, though, and if he were to get a show it could be about wet newspaper and it would still be great with Nick doing shit.


Yeah... Dante Niro does a 85% version of Black Philip called Beige Philip... I feel like it could work..

TIL White males are the most oppressed minority on the planet.

It's hard out there for a cracker.