That Soccer Break was the most worthless thing EVER!

6  2013-12-10 by KingTutsstache

I know the show does visual bits, but that was so visual that it made for pointless radio. It's all about bad lighting and atmosphere. How the fuck does that translate to good radio?

I'm starting to think that Ronnie B was BS'ing everybody with his Opie compliments.


I think they are kinda phoning it in for the rest of the year. I mean they literally said erock should take every vaction day. They didnt even call him today. I think they will be refreashed in the new year though.

I had expected them to find and play some of the racist chants that have been going on in British stadiums. God knows Ant would have loved that (Adebayor song fe).

Yah was really expecting that. There are some really fucked up chants in England and Germany about ww2. Ant would have loved it.

There are some great chants that happen in stadiums but they just got shit suggestions.

Up the Arsenal!

Opie is the one to thank for such bits. He's terrible.

What I don't understand is how opie LOVES hockey but HATES soccer. they are very similar sports outside of the physical contact.

Depends what league you watch. Let's be honest. Opie has no idea what is going on in hockey.


I don't see that at all.

I don't see that either. I love soccer but hate hockey and people use that argument with me all the time.

Yeah, how could someone like different things?

Ok asshole, jesus.

The last thing I thought I'd see on the Opie and Anthony sub was someone defending Opie.

Linger longer.


I love both, but they're not. Hockey is among the fastest sports in the world, soccer just isn't.

I guess what I meant to say was, in both games, more time is spent positioning than scoring as opposed to basketball lets say.

Ya, but that doesn't make them similar.

In my opinion it does, in yours it doesn't. Cool agree to disagree.

Ok, but your opinion is wrong.

Yeah and so is the entire rest of the world who kill people over soccer games regularly because they love the game so much. The vast majority of the world is wrong about soccer.

Whatever. I've upvoted all your responses including this one so have fun fuck face. What are you some kind of hockey fan or sumtin? tsss tsss

I'm a fan of both, as i mentioned in my first post. But there is just nothing alike with the two. Hockey is fast, soccer is slow and methodical (that's not inherently bad though).

Soccer is also 45 minute halves where as hockey is 15 minute halves. And theres no line changes in soccer to keep the players fresh.

They would be somehwhat similar if they made hockey them play hockey on mile long rinks.

Or soccer only had five people on the pitch.

Big hockey fan here, and I cant stand Soccer. No action, its slow, no contact, its just boring as all hell to watch.

None of your critiques are accurate.

They arent critiques, they are opinions. Watching a good game of hockey, then switching to soccer, is unbearably slow.

Watch epl on nbcsn. Pretty good product. It's not Mls garbage.

Still soccer. Still sucks.

You suck.

You're a fucking idiot.

At least I dont watch a shitty sport.

It's really not, I do it all the time.

Linger longer.