Is Opie saying "melk" worse than Sam saying "costchume"? They kill sam for his accent but "melk"? Really?

0  2013-12-09 by andrewsj1


Who fucking cares?!

His accent is normal North East. He obviously spent a lot of time in upstate ny, boston, and has family in Philly, so there's some of each region creeping in. But for the most part he's definitely got a soft Long Island accent.

*Source - from Queens.

Ants is a bit more pronounced because he's Italian, and I'm sure his pops had a much harder Brooklyn accent.

Yes, exactly. His is a perfectly cromulent accent. English has all kinds of vowel shifts. There are also creeps that turn all their 'o's into 'aw', and other people can't help themselves from saying all the days like MonDEE, TuesDEE, etc.

Yeah, I grew up in the bronx, and lived upstate and NJ, melk is a tristate area accent thing, upstate is a bit more either mid west or Canadian sounding

Do you fucks not remember the futchative or ope saying But instead of put for 10 fucking years?

Guaranteed, that's a habit he picked up as a junior broadcaster because he was popping his Ps. (The plosive blast of air from a strong P freaks the microphones out, even with windscreens.)

Same reason a lot of radio guys say their Ss like SH. If their S is hissy at all, it wooshes into the mic and makes it sound lispy. (And really lispy on AM)

Listen to any decent rock singer singing dry. Half their words are wrong, because it would sound ridiculous in the final mix otherwise.

The Opester's accent is boston/New York. I don't think anybody would say anything about it because it's rather normal. Even where I live (pa.) people say. "Melk" or "crown" instead of crayon

To add, and to confirm this the above notion. I grew in North Eastern PA and moved down South 14 years ago. I got called out immediately the first time I said "melk". Also, the word "sneakers" does not exist down here. Everything is a tennis shoe, even if it's a running shoe, or sneaker.

Nobody from Boston says it like that, though.


I can live with both. What I really couldn't stand was his attempt at getting Ro Ro to catch.

"Melk" is kind of a Michigan pronunciation. I think it's the dutch spelling.

Opie's pronounced way more words wrong than just melk.

But it kind of makes me laugh. I mean technically everyone pronounces words all fucked up. Everyone's got a few words.

Was Jim Breuer pronouncing "literally" as "lilly" last week? I kept thinking he was talking about a person.

That's just his weird slurry cadence. Same way lots of people say prolly instead of probably.

I don't even understand what kind of accent Opie has... is it faux surfer boy or what?? there are a few words he says that I can't even imitate. I assumed it was just that he's really really White lol! but isn't he basically from the same place as Ant?

is it faux surfer boy or what??


Late 20s wah


Opie does all he can to repress his LI accent.


Ya I don't get how him and Ant sound so different in that respect lol.

Yes, horrible. It's a revolting pronunciation. Don't forget "documenTREE" and "chawlklet".

Nothing will ever top "thus then"

"thus then" is a longer longer. On WNEW stupid Spaz would say that shit when he talked about his theories.


sixty foah, sixty foah, sixty foah zoo lane

Oh sure. They're hypocrites in all sorts of ways.