AMA request: /u/opiesucks

0  2013-12-08 by bouras


whats up fuckers?

as a fan of "the opster" how do you feel his nuanced character influences the show in these Post-Jocktober days. Answer in 17 words or less please.

This is an honest question and I'd love a straight answer: why do you dedicate so much of your time to Opie hating?

i don't feel like I'm dedicating that much of my time. i know it might seem that way but it isn't that hard to go to a website and type some shit out. while I'm at work and something is loading up on my computer, i'll go to reddit, obviously look for a thread where my disliking of opie would be appropriate or funny and type something out. i kinda only have one theme. i'm also listening to the show at work. it takes 5 seconds to make a new post after hearing something on the show that bugged me. it also takes no time to see a little red envelope in the corner of the screen when you check reddit and reply to the opie fans. and to be honest, the whole thing started caused I got into the show about 2 years ago and quickly noticed how annoying Opie was and how no one said anything about it. i always thought "why doesn't anyone call him out on his bombs or shitty subject changes right when jim and ant were getting really into it?" Then I discovered this subreddit (never fucked with reddit before) and went to town and the more people that seemed annoyed by me, the more fun i got out of it. my best friend was really into the show for years and i occasionally listened to it but i had no idea who was who. so my disliking for opie was created by my ears and 4 hours a day and this subreddit became a way for me to see if anyone else agreed that opie sucks.

id like to hear his opinions +1

Just message him you faggot.

Would be the most depressing AMA ever.

i'm for it

Which one of his accounts?


I believe /u/opiesucks is Opie.