If the Ron & Fez situation was occurring on O&A

0  2013-12-06 by [deleted]

Meaning one host had to pretty much steer the show by themselves, would it be any different?

Meaning, would Opie be Ronnie B in the situation? Or would Ant have to coddle Opie and tell him every things gonna be ok?


If one was severely mentally ill and went on crazy negative tangents?

The other host would probably just play Candy Crush, while Jimmy tries to lighten the mood. Hypothetically, of course.

Either of the two would say they were going home early and Norton would stay and try to advise the one with the problem by drawing on his vast experience as a habitual masturbater and ex-smoker.

And two week alcoholic!

Actually, Norton was an alcoholic for about 5 years.

From 12-17? I don't think that counts as alcoholism. I love Jimmy, I really do but his "addiction" is mostly a crutch he uses to fit in with the comedy crowd I'm afraid. I'm not trying to make it less significant but come on. He sometimes acts like he was living on the street smoking crack and IV'ing Hayron in his neck. Which we know it wasn't nearly that dire, from his own admission.

BTW the poster you replied to was making a joke by saying it was a 2 week addiction. I thought it was fairly obvious.

There seems to be some sentiment on this subreddit (I was never on wackbag, so maybe it was there as well) that, since Jimmy went into a 12 step program at a young age, he isn't an alcoholic, or that he is "less" of an alcoholic. This is frustrating to read when you know people in your personal life that entered AA at a young age (18-21) and they actually DO have major addictions that they luckily identified BEFORE they ended up completely ruining their lives. Even if Jim didn't hit rock bottom like living on the street, or running over a family of 4, that doesn't make his addiction any less significant. IIRC he entered a program after a failed suicide attempt, and he still has scars on his wrists to prove it.

Also, as far as I know, Jim didn't start to get into comedy until he was in his late mid to late 20s, and he's helped some of his comedy friends with their sobriety. He didn't get sober so that it would help him "fit in with the comedy crowd", he got sober because he knew he had a problem.

The poster /u/SwissFamJam was responding to annoyed me, too. I would have replied the same way that Swiss did, because of this extremely ignorant idea that, since Jim didn't drink away his 20s and 30s, that he's less of an addict.

TL;DR Jimmy getting sober at 17 doesn't make him any less of an addict, anyone who says otherwise doesn't understand alcoholism; Jim was sober for nearly a decade (maybe more) before getting into comedy.

I understand dude. I wasn't undermining his sobriety. I know he got into comedy long after getting sober, but he mentions in a way to fit in with comics that many of them also are in the program. Just like how he brings up his "acting" career all the time.

Don't get me wrong on this, I fucking love Jimmy man I really do. I've bought and read his books, listened to all his comedy, listen to the show pretty much just for him. I'm all about little yimmy and his success, this is just how I see it.

You know what? I like you. You stay classy, /u/hovanova

Hey thanks man I appreciate that. In all honesty.



Ant would just stop bothering to come in / come in on time / doing anything on air, while Op would let it simmer for a week or to before he starts screaming his head off.

Either way, the spaghetti would still hit the wall.

Hey thanks man I appreciate that. In all honesty.