Ant & Jim shit and piss in the mouth of *freedom of speech*

0  2013-12-05 by pekingoose

Today Ant used every argument that has ever been used against him when he defends freedom of speech to defend the firing of Martin Bashir. Every fuckin point he made agreeing with Bashir's termination were the very points he used to reject when used by people who think media personalities should lose their jobs over comments they might make. And what did Jimmy do? ..just sat there agreeing with him,what a fag.Every day Jimbo tells the world there should be no censorship in the media but today Ant has changed his mind.I'm thinking there is a Fez style man crush happening here only Jimbo is in love with Ant. Good on Opie ,the only one who stands by something he said yesterday.


It's really not the same, sorry. Ant's statements were about him understanding that the big wigs don't let that shit fly on certain formats.

Today Ant used every argument that has ever been used against him when he defends freedom of speech to defend the firing of Martin Bashir

no need to apologize.

I dunno. If they're going to constantly fire anyone with any un-PC shit, it should be turned around and also used on the left. It's them who started it. Fuck 'em.

Never forget that Norton is the beta in his relationship with Cumia. He will never really challenge him.