Opie, calm down, jesus.

0  2013-12-05 by opiesucks

starting the show like he's about to play in a championship. christ. bring it down.


I'm sorry, but R&F yesterday was gold and worth replaying for the OnA show's commentary.

Except it wasn't commentary; it was Opie letting his own demons (his mommy-centered narcissism, his homophobia, his hypocrisy) off the leash.

Wow. I just don't get that much inside of Opie's head. It was something that happened on a show on OnA's channel. Why not address it?

B-but Fez is an easy target! There's an opportunity for a direct contribution to the discussion! There's a chance to bring up mommy again! Me, me, me!

Ironic, isn't it Op?

Every time he says "enough with the ME ME ME" i really want to punch a baby

He said he's over the shit about his mother, somehow I doubt that.

To paraphrase Jimmy Hoffa, if he has to say he's over it, then he probably ain't.

I like Opie normally, but this is fucking horseshit to attack Fez.

Leave your mommy issues with your mommy please.

Opie is simply the worst. There's no defending him.

I'm heated up!!

hes stearing the show dude


I don't see no horns on you, boy.