Ron & Fez: Ron Loses It With Fez, Fez Breaks Down (12/04/13)

116  2013-12-04 by stevenknight


.....well then, lets talk about blueberries then.

oh my fucking god my sides.

Yeah I choked on a pomegranate seed when he said that ironically.

I think I saw them in orbit? It was all over the news.


That Ms. Fields live read....ooooof.

Most, pathetic, awkward, hilarious thing I've ever heard.

Haven't listened yet, but the combination of cookies and sadness sounds hilarious.

It was exactly that: Every time he said cookie I laughed louder. If you're not aware, they spent a whole day in the studio a while back with Fez uncomfortably trying to get his cat to say "cookie".

That episode is a journey. Every time they go off topic a bit Ron brings it back

'Alright now let's get this cat to say cookie'

'Be a fucking owner of a cat and get it to say cookie!'

I went and bought some cookies. I felt bad for them.

please fire fez and hire esd

Move ESD to afternoons and put Ron on with OnA. I know Ron hates mornings and all but it would be a way better room for him.

Imagine, someone who can conduct a decent fucking interview on OnA.

This would be a downgrade for everything Ron does and has built, it's just a dumb fan fantasy.

Of course it is, but Ron has a blast when he does OnA. He sounded like a different person when he did the show last week. Saying it's a "downgrade" is a bit much.

I'd say it's a downgrade to lose your own show you've had for 2 decades.

I'm 50/50 there. I love Ron's interviews. But I don't want good deep-think celebrity interviews fucking up my dick jokes.

3 plus Sam is enough though. I could see him coming on though whenever someone is gone that day.

So, fire Sam then?

Public backlash would be a fart in the wind

What about Sam & Ron show?

Only if Ron were to smash Sam constantly. That would be excellent.


Does it make me evil when I bust out laughing every time Fez cries?

At this point, all you can do is laugh. He needs to check himself in for treatment for an extended period of time and really get the root of his problems, but we all know he won't

I agree there's something going on but I just can't get the "its a bit" out of my head because of the way ron knowingly puts callers on that make him cry, etc. Is he doing that just to keep the show interesting or out of frustration or what? I mean, really.

It's a personality disorder. No cure.


Then Rons quick rebuttal that they are a great cookie was hysterical as well.

This is the payoff we've all been waiting for.. for like 9 years.

This has been a long time coming. Fez never owns up to his behavior, ignores Ronny's advice at every opportunity, and then begs Ron for his job as if he's powerless to change anything? How long is a friend expected to put up with this before he's allowed to think of himself and his own well-being?

One thing Ronny said really struck me: maybe Fez won't (can't?) get better without a drastic change of scenery. Maybe Ronny himself is the reason why Fez's recovery has stagnated so much. It would be a plausible explanation for why there has been minimal improvement over the years.

Either way, I'm glad Ron and Sirius/XM are finally doing something with the show. Something had to change.


I bet Fez, in his mania, made a pass at Ron semi-recently.

Maybe Fez's Christmas present to Ron had something to do with that? It would make sense given how Ron reacted to the caller who asked about it and Ron said that's the "worst thing you could ask me right now".

No, they are more like brothers

Ron is teasing an announcement this Friday, Dave is teasing one this Saturday. Just to wet everyone's conspiracy appetites.


No this dude is actually wet.


My nigga

Anal moisture.


You are the man!

I have been out of Ron and Fez for about 6-8 months, can someone brieftly bring me up to speed on whats up with Fez? When I checked out he was starting to not talk much on the air

Nothing has changed for him over the past 6-8 months, which is the problem

You could say the same words if you hadn't checked in 3-4 years.

It's really too bad, he seemed to be making progress for a while there ... maybe earlier this year or last? He was way more talkative and less sensitive. I wonder what changed.

Nothing has changed with Fez including his shirt.

He doesn't talk at all unless the show turns into a therapy session for him. Well that and the live reads. Ron has had enough but I'll believe a change is happening when I see one.

He doesn't talk at all unless the show turns into a therapy session for him. Well that and the live reads.

so he has just continued not talking? anything else big?

Came out as a 'mo. Other than that I don't think so.

Lately, he's had a number of rants about events that he views as anti-gay or anti-mental disorders. They're ignored or shot down. Most notable was the 'crazy' chevy commercial that the boys featured on Jocktober.

Fez is starting to think everyone is against him within the company which is making shit so much worse. He has to be entering schizophrenia nothing else explains it, and I'm not being funny I'm very serious

So is Fez, and that's the problem when you co-bill a comedy show.

Schizophrenia shows up in late teens, Jared Loughner for example. He has a mood disorder of some sort probably narcissism but that wouldn't explain why he has never had sex. I honestly think he has PTSD. His world was shattered when his father died and it forced him to challenge his beliefs about the world. He used to be a Christian, Republican, fun guy to be around, but now all he has left is Ron. Which explains why he wants to keep it even though it is unhealthy. Ron is the last strong figure he can depend on and he can't see any alternatives. He is in terrified cruise control.

I don't feel bad for fez. Ron has been carrying him for long time. He'll be back to his same old shit as soon as the tears dry.

Ronnie needs to cut him loose. Dealing with crazy people is exhausting.

Ronnie is exactly that, exhausted... and frustrated. He wants to be able to banter and bust balls like a couple of buddies on the corner. Fez isn't capable of that right now, and hasn't been for a long time. Ronnie is tired of it, so are the fans. I have listened to 99% of the content they have produced in the last 8 years and I love Fez and hope the best for him. But I really want to hear Ronnie riffing daily, like he did with O and A the last time he was on their show.

I've been listening to O&A since they joined Sirius and I had to stop listening to R&F because Fez's shit was getting old. This has been going on for years, and if it were anyone else they would have lost their job some time ago.


The last 16 minutes are the roughest. Holy fuck.

Even I would cry if Ron yelled at me. Ouch, he has an intense tone when he feels disrespected or is upset. You heard it too when he got after shelby for shitting on Opie & Anthony. Ron is straight old school.

When he yells at Zito for threatening to beat up Fez, it's pretty terrifying.


I wouldn't want Ron yelling at me because he's so fucking cool. Having Ronny unhappy with you would be the pits because he's such a funny, mellow guy.

Holy shit this is painful to listen to.
I cringed so hard I think I folded into myself.

Ron is like the parent of a methhead that won't stop paying their rent and doesn't realize how they're enabling the lifestyle.


can i get a link to this?





Fez needs to take some time off and get some help. Oh man.

i'm going out to get me some comfort food, and then listen through it.

quo vadis ronnie b?

I'm going to Florida to be crucified again.


Ron finally is really truthful with Fez(and audience) about how fed up he is with Fez's constant misery, and how Ron strongly desires a fun show. Fez breaks down and cries and basically begs for his job. Sounds like Fez will either be gone from Sirius/XM completely or have his own show away from Ron.

Fez gets his own show and finally reaches his destiny as "The Standalone Fruit"

Fucking goddamn hour of dead air and live reads. Great show.

Its already the Ron and dead air show featuring Chris "pepper hicks" Stanley.

No worse than trying to listen through the Android app right now.

Listening now, but is this real or a Ron bit?

Edit: It's real.

If this has been a bit this entire time, it's probably the most genius con in media history. It's been going on for so long, has been such a slow yet steady descent into madness and has probably cost them listeners.

"The Fez & Shelby Show" Live everyday Midnight to 5 am.

not on this channel.

Of course not. On OutQ.

I always thought it was just a bit..

So Fez, what is it, that ya do here? <office space>

If I was in the position to give Fez his own show, I wouldn't. Think like a boss for a second.... would you even THINK of putting this liability on the air anywhere else?

He had a great track record, but the past few YEARS indicate that he is incapable of being on mic. It's a shame.

The goodness starts around the 16:00 mark.

Thank you.

I don't know, I'm at 3:30 and he's already melting down...I'm gonna wait this out.

Sometimes it's best to watch the conductor board the train to fully appreciate its flaming wreckage.

Your comment was TL;DR

I wonder what the Christmas present was. Probably a pair of used underwear.

Engagement ring.

Cock ring.

I'm dying to know what the gift was.

This is why I will always love this show. You can't predict crazy

The definition of long overdue.

Fez is batshit crazy. He doesn't listen to a thing Ron says. Ron keeps telling him he's not happy and doesn't know if he wants to do the show anymore. All Fez keeps saying is that he doesn't know what's going on down the hallway. It drives me nuts, I can't even imagine what is going on in Ron's head.

Fez is gay?

Its not really official until you have a dick in the mouth and/or ass, so... Kinda

Confirmed queeb.


Pfft...Jee-zus Christ.

Light in loafers?

I don't have a lot of sympathy for Fez. He's a complete co-dependent victim, and acts like he has no power over anything, when in fact he created the entire problem and it would all go away if he would start taking control of his life. I don't listen to Ron and Fez that often, but I get the feeling Ron enables him, so while I understand Ron's frustration, it's kind of his fault, too.

fez is a bad person.


This is a perfect example of how impossible it is to deal with someone who has mental health issues.

It becomes impossible to sympathize.

Fuck yes. Thank you, OP. Came here just for this. Good lookin out.

To someone who is new to the o&a, what does these guys have to do with o&a?

They were on WNEW with O&A back in what we call "the day". They would hang around on each other's shows and were radio pals. When Opie and Anthony went to XM, they got R&F a gig as the midday show on their channel.

I remember when they first went to XM. "I'VE GOT A GOLDEN FUCKING TICKET!!!" The old Fez kicked so much ass.

I've never listened to Ron and fez but that clip of fez coming to Sirius dressed as hitler is hysterical



Ahh, "the day." What a great time it was.

They are on the same channel as o&a and start after o&a ends. Ron goes on o&a occasionally, fez is literally mentally ill

He's crazy

You can't say that.

they are the midday show on the o & a channel.

They were an awesome show. At one point I condsidered them to be every bit as funny as O&A. The AFRO (Anthony Fez Ron Opie) shows were great when they didn't all step on each other. Ron and Fez had great chemistry owing mostly to Ron but Fez held his own back then.

Any of those shows online? Would love to listen

Just look up ron fez AFRO

Whether this is 100% real or not, god DAMN this was satisfying.

I think people who keep saying fez needs to get arse laid don't understand one thing. He sees Ron as his life partner. That's so fucked up.

Fez just needs a half-slice.

Have a slice day.


just a line from the show

Either that was the most brilliant acting by all three of them, or the most awkward radio segment(s) of all time. Enjoyed it either way, and feel weird at the time same time about it.

So did Ron quit or something?


It's just a bit right ? /s



Dude, thank you so much for posting this. Fucking great.

Fez has walled himself into perpetual victimhood and refused every escape. Ron has given him plenty of time, now he has to do the only thing Fez will allow him to do: end the relationship. I've been there, when you see someone you care about locking you into that enabler role for years to come. It is counter- intuitive when their situation has been a two-lane street, but walking is the only possibility. Either Fez decides to be a man, or he loses his gig. it's that simple. his view that it's not really in Ron's hands is delusional, and Ron's view that it is completely up to Ron is only half right. it's halfway up to Fez, and obviously, Fez's side of things is an inadvertent choice to stop the show.

{insert Advice Show sounder here}

Lol oops. my bad.

So honest question: Is this show worth listening to? I keep hearing about them on O and A and the clips seem interesting, sometimes in that cringe sorta way.

Short answer: yes.

Long answer: Yes, but you need to give it time. It's a drastically different show than O&A, but it works. Like with O&A, you have to get to know the characters involved to begin to appreciate it. It'll seem really slow at first, but when you get into the groove of the show you'll be hooked.

Depending on what this coming announcement from Ron is you might have a chance to start fresh with the show.

I now prefer Ron and Fez to O&A. Like the other guy said, just keep listening. The humor is sometimes cringey and subtle. Ronnie B. isn't afraid to let his show slide into uncomfortable silence at times and it can be hard to listen to at first...until you realize that he's the Beethoven of radio hosts. This whole thing with Fez could actually be a eight year long bit that's has been slowly ruining the show for the better part of a decade. If that's the case, Ron has pulled off the most Kaufmanesque stunt in media history. If it's not a work, then Ron has somehow been making this absolute disaster listenable for eight years. Either way he's a genius.

He's also the best interviewer I've ever heard. When Opie, Ant or Jim interview someone, even someone I fund interesting, I sometimes tune out because they are so bad at leading someone in an interview. Ron could interview a plastic bag and keep me listening for a couple hours. If R&F does end up crashing and burning, I could see Ron's new job becoming a strict interview show that Sirius would promote heavily or making the transition to TV talk show host very easily.

A small part of my brain still thinks this is a bit.

I guess because I don't understand the radio industry. In any normal job, Fez would have been fired after a few weeks of this behavior, let alone a few years.

So just to recap - "Fez" is not a work, right?

Kidding. No one could sustain that level of misery and self-loathing if it wasn't genuine. Poor bastard.

Can we please not loose focus on the bigger issue... Opie and how bad he sucks. What's up with that?!? I wish he was more like Fez and never talked. Now that would be an enjoyable show.

I wish you were more like Paul Walker.

You're the best.


Why so many downvotes? I must not get the reference.

More than likely down votes because it doesn't add anything to the conversation.

amount of care from me.. 0... never got the show and still don't understand the fez thing.

"The Fez & Shelby Show" Live everyday Midnight to 5 am.

I always thought it was just a bit..

Listening now, but is this real or a Ron bit?

Edit: It's real.

Fez gets his own show and finally reaches his destiny as "The Standalone Fruit"

He doesn't talk at all unless the show turns into a therapy session for him. Well that and the live reads. Ron has had enough but I'll believe a change is happening when I see one.

So Fez, what is it, that ya do here? <office space>

Nothing has changed for him over the past 6-8 months, which is the problem

You could say the same words if you hadn't checked in 3-4 years.

Nothing has changed with Fez including his shirt.

Fez is starting to think everyone is against him within the company which is making shit so much worse. He has to be entering schizophrenia nothing else explains it, and I'm not being funny I'm very serious

Fucking goddamn hour of dead air and live reads. Great show.

Pfft...Jee-zus Christ.

Light in loafers?

If I was in the position to give Fez his own show, I wouldn't. Think like a boss for a second.... would you even THINK of putting this liability on the air anywhere else?

He had a great track record, but the past few YEARS indicate that he is incapable of being on mic. It's a shame.

{insert Advice Show sounder here}

can i get a link to this?