Opie dumbness that bugged me today

35  2013-12-04 by nolasen

When they were pondering why they didn't say "Superman" in Man of Steel, opie trying to interject his brilliant guess of "copyright infringement" about 10 times drove me nuts. Because "Clark Kent, Metropolis, Lois Lane, the superman suit or S, Krypton, Zod, The Daily Planet" etc, I suppose none of that is copyrighted. Just the "S" word. Really bugged me, so dumb. Sorry if missed something and aren't justified in my rage.


great post Nolasen. Keep em comin

Have you seen @BizarroOpie? Sometimes satire hits too hard, folks!

Damn you opiesucks!


can I jump in here guys?

Only if it's a bonfire.

They couldn't make the Man of Steel movie without owning the copyright. IT'S RIDICULOUS

Openy is a silly goose.

PS the reason they don't say "Superman" except once or twice is because the movie was going for it's super serious bullshit, and in it, they can't refer to superheros by their superhero name, because it usually comes off as cheesy. It's the same reason that they have to change the costumes and they don't have the bad guys pointing and saying I WILL STOP YOU THIS TIME and Superman doesn't go "your wacky scheme is over Brainiac!" and shooting rainbows out of his fingers and OH NO SUPERMAN IS USING HIS LASER VISION TO MELT THE THERMITE PAINT IN THE WORLD TRADE CENTER TOWERS or whatever other goofy ass comic book shit that never translates into movies. It's the same reason they always call Wolverine "Logan" in the movies, because going around calling someone Wolverine is kind of silly and would make the audience realize how stupid all of this is.

Then again, having a square mile of New York/Metropolis graphically pulverized and the skyscrapers imploded should make you realize how stupid it all is too.

I liked the change to Logan in the Wolverine/X-Men movies. No ulterior motives here.

Wolverine has always been Logan outside of the suit even in the comics.

Your PS was so much longer than your actual post.

You forgot twitter voice

He kept interrupting Dr Steve as he always does too. Shut the fuck up, Dr Steve is way more entertaining.

Fluuuuuid. He was trying to set-up callers with their birth horror stories so Dr. Steve could give us info. It gets annoying sometimes but he was trying to set something up. I like the occasional PAUSE! or HOLD ON, HOLD ON! He don't get no respect I tell ya!

edit; I did get annoyed by his copyright remark about Man of Steel. At first I thought he was joking but he was for reals yo.


I used to think people were being too hard on Opie... but as I listen to the show more and more he really does stink.


Opie is dumber than Vos, and it's not even that close.

Fuck knows what goes on at Geneseo, but they must give out degrees for turning up.

He did communications right? I'm not sure you can really count that as going to college.

I went for Journalism. --and you can't.

Went to college and has the IQ of a rock.


Opie has this thing where he consistently interjects with something idiotic, trying to find some sort of an "angle", but its almost always wrong, misinformed, etc. And after getting called out he resorts to, "My point was...", "I'm trying to pump 'x' up", or just repeating the idiotic statement(s). Just acknowledge what you said was retarded, its not that big of a deal.

I remember one time he literally thought Psy could be from North Korea. How fucking dense are you?

Pretty fucking dense.

Yeah like continuously saying the train driver was texting when he crashed.

When is he not a fucking idiot?

Why is that asshole Brandon on the show for the 10th time? Does anyone really find hocking chairs and gum droppings from stadiums that interesting?


Yeah, that bugged me too.

if Opie were so horrible/ useless, Anthony would have left and gotten his own show years ago. he doesn't admit it because he's humble, but Opie is the foundation of the o&a show. Ant, Jimmy, and all the rest are just along for the ride with............... THE PSYCHO!!!!!

I agree, he keeps the show moving along - but he is a bit dull.

Honestly the show seems to run better on days he's out and doesn't have as childish of a feel. When I hear that opie isn't in studio I get excited.

You want to cringe? Listen to him trying to disprove magic and then get almost every point wrong.

"Dude, I'm telling you - they take them straight back."

He just wouldn't stop saying it.

I hope opie gets fired and Sam takes his seat. He is horrible. Must be hard for a smart guy like ant to be around such a dumb fuck

Eh I can understand his line of reasoning though, isn't it a similar case with Agents of Shield on ABC, they can't say X-men or the word 'mutant' on the show because FOX owns the rights to those names/terms or something like that.

Yes, but agents of shield isn't about the xmen. Opie somehow thought the new superman movie was made with out getting the rights to the name superman. Ever other part of the character was approved but his goddamn name

Right. It's basically a logic flaw. Marvel has X problem with superhero licensing. Thus, then... DC Entertainment also has X problem with superhero licensing.

It's actually because Warner Bros. owns DCE. DCE characters have only ever been released through the WB studio. While the pre-Disney Marvel farmed out the movie production to various studios to get more films made faster. DCE/WB was always one entity/partnership. The pre-Disney Marvel method is now partly to blame for the mess the Marvel characters are in. The Marvel universe from the comics will not be completely unified until rights expire or Disney ponies up the $$$$$ to buy them back. The rights are lucrative. Sony really made that last Spider-man reboot to essentially keep the rights to that character.

Just today? Opie is one stupid fuck.

On SXM: "This place kicked us down!" As he works 4 hours a day and relishes in a million dollar manhattan apartment. sHAd AP!!1!

a million dollar manhattan apartment...

Spoken like someone who doesn't live near Manhattan.




Thats the one thing that I dislike about the Opester, his constant need to "know" everything. Growing up I had a cousin like this, I think that's why I hate it about him, he does it in the Grizzly Man thing too with Bill Burr. I can't remember what he says though, if it wasn't that then it's another bit with Burr in.


I just think you take the show a little too serious. Lighten up lou

Damn you opiesucks!

Have you seen @BizarroOpie? Sometimes satire hits too hard, folks!