god dammit Opie un-listenable today.

0  2013-12-03 by opiesucks

his take on things are shit. period. he thinks he has some angle thats a little different than the common person and OA are brilliant for saying what isn't said. his little tale about the dude that walked out during the pregnancy video... 'or how about you can't support your wife?!?' shut uppppp. could be due to the break, but i find him more terrible than usual today. ok fuckers, let the downvoting begin.


You seem to like Opie quite a bit considering he's the only thing about the show you ever talk about.

im like Ant going to a certain 'mania' website. gotta fuel the hate.

hulkamania? you must mean Sam

That doesn't make sense.

god damnit /u/opiesucks is unreadable today.

his take on things are shit. period. he thinks he has some angle that's a little different than last time and that he's brilliant for saying he hates opie. his little diatribe about opie's take on the pregnancy bit... "shut upppp." what a fresh new angle. i find him more terrible than usual today. ok fuckers, het the downvotes from his shill accounts begin.