Will Jim Breuers song play everyday till Christmas?

15  2013-12-03 by LLSB

Do you guys seriously think they are into this awful thing? Opie seems to be the only one who comments on it pumping it up like it ''rocks''. I like when Breuer is in studio , but this song makes me cringe.

Edit:Plug. Give it a listen for yourself: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/santa-claus-aint-coming-to/id757457192


My theory, based on absolutely nothing, is that Jimmy didn't forget about the Christmas song at all, he was hoping that Breuer would just drop it

Haha wow didn't really think of that.

interesting take on the situation.

I think I you're spot on

I think that theory is too good not to be true.

Good call. Jimmy doesn't have any kids, nor do I. He probably hates the stupid parents bullshit as much as I do.

I thought the same thing. Even Breuer himself sounded so unconfident pitching that tune on the show.

I think it's terrible. Absolutely terrible. But whatever, some people probably like it.

The whole time it was playing, I couldn't help but think "Please don't have a family and find shit like this amusing". I don't see how it is any better than the Leary song that they booed at.

I had high hopes when he said it was a Christmas song that had a metal-ish vibe. It had so much potential to be hilarious.

The older I get, the more I realize that I hate ALL parody songs.

I don't hate ALL of them, but Christmas parodies are the absolute worst. Someone's always got to do a shit version of 12 Days of Christmas. YECH.

This always makes me laugh, though. Not a parody, but can't be taken seriously

Most of them are utter dogshit. However, I do still find John Valby fucking hilarious.

This one's the only christmas parody song I ever liked.


I wouldn't give a care.

Woah. Calm down. We have children posting here.

shuuuure. typin wit there lit'l fingahs.

It takes a real pair of brass you-know-whats to use that kind of language, Jack.

You guys didn't think it was a good song?

It was worse than 9/11.

Troy said he liked it, maybe we should get him in here.



We need more showisms

I think its par for the course for Breuer. Last I heard his act has gotten alot more PG.

Yeah, I thought it was this more than anything. I don't think it's horrible, it's not a smug piece of shit like the Denis Leary song they didn't kinda criticize with their silence. But hey, if you want horrible O&A type songs, just listen to the fan parodies that go too far by asking erock to kill himself.


I have a theory that Breuer is in some sort of trouble. It almost sounded like Opie was pleading in one of the promos and mentioned that Breuer needs our support.

Probably nothing. I'm probably reading way too deep in to the tone.

Breuer said something like his wife was remodeling the house, and that he moved the song to iTunes after keeping it free on his site for a few days. Opie said "help a brother out".

It's funny, but.... Breuer has a family of his own, plus he's almost completely supporting his parents. He probably needs all the help he can get.

I like it well enough. It's Christmas and he is a friend of the show. It's message is true enough for most parents.

Kiss My Ass by Denis Leary is the worst. Jims Xmas song is definitely top three.

I think it sucks but I hate 99% of every parody song/singing comedian material I have heard. Doesn't mean that Breuer sucks, just that this song does.


Turn it off.....

After listening to it I felt like I had brain cancer and I was glad

He has good vocals. He probably could have fronted a rock band, but the rest of the song besides the chorus is terrible.

The music isn't bad, especially during the chorus like you said. I'd love to see more from whatever studio band Breuer hired to play behind his shitty lyrics.

Doubt it. I think it got just played again because it came out today. He's a friend, and great on their show, so they're being loyal and plugging his shit. Not a fan on the song...but I'll survive.

Also, does his wife still have cancer, or did she beat that? Either way, probably got some bills to pay.


Tell us more...

Alright, gyppo—what else is in that crystal ball of yours?

Are you buttsore that we don't like it?

Do they?

geez you guys are as bad as the show you listen to about bitching about inane shit, its a fucking parody song for parents and kids, your not supposed to like it, whats next making a thread about how shitty the new pixar movie is?

As a parent, it sucks.

If they play it on the show.

The whole time it was playing, I couldn't help but think "Please don't have a family and find shit like this amusing". I don't see how it is any better than the Leary song that they booed at.