Eughk. Discussion about comedy on /r/changemyview. What IS going too far?

4  2013-11-29 by Weed_n_Wisdom



i stay in this corner of reddit where there is no lib reddit bullshit.

i think a joke can go too far if it gets physical.For instance if you were to shove a wine bottle up a chicks cunt and step on it ,that would be going to far.But joking about it later is acceptable according to me.

Ol' Bottlecunt Macgilicuddy.


cough fatty arbuckle cough

Comics always get in trouble when they get more honest with themselves than their audience is.

We're encountering an entire generation of self-deceiving, thoughtless retards.

Wave upon wave of demented avengers.

Not even going to bother reading that thread. I'm sure its a lot of "what about me and my feelings"

I always want to discuss with people but speaking is a lot easier than typing.

I made the mistake of reading. It's more along the lines of "joking about something makes people think its okay and justified"

I fucking hate people

Read about 2 seconds of that thread and I want to toss my computer out the fucking window. I had to stop.

IMO, its only taking it too far when a comedian goes out of his/her way to be offensive (specifically when directed at a single person) and disregarding trying to be funny.

Jim was talking on Rogan's podcast about an incident when he was performing in a smaller club and he did a joke on 9/11. A woman stood up and called Jim on it and he was ready to go at her when he noticed a friend of the woman shaking her head at him so he laid off. After the show the woman who shook her head told Jim that the Heckler's husband died in 9/11.

If Jim, or any other comedian, knew that they were personally attacking an individual (and that person has a legit traumatic memory or whatever), than thats going too far.

Ew, this site has a board like this?

Why am I even on reddit?

Fuuuuuuuck! That comment section is disgusting. Ew.

Ha. That guy's example of the gay Rutgers student was atrocious. What a turd.

this is EXACTLY what fuckin irritates me about reddit; the majority of the users are whiny humorless PC cunts who think shows like Big Bang Theory and How I Met Your Mother are hilarious and edgy... and when anything remotely offensive does come along then they get a holier-than-thou attitude and try to bully anyone who doesn't agree with their views. They aren't even consistent about it. They'll get outraged at things like Opie stomping on the homeless guys cake, yet look the other way when Louis CK or Patrice say something blantantly meant to offend/provoke everyone. Reading these users try to dissect comedy makes me want to vomit blood.

So many agrees