opie no one gives a hoot about your dumb cheese and crackers

0  2013-11-29 by feignsc2

stop tweeting about it and trying to make it a good story no one gives a shit. k thx


Relax man, have a happy Thanksgiving.

did....did you see something on twitter and then run to reddit whine about it?

his twitter is not your show.

cRaCKers mAke mY tEEth dRy


i lIke tO EAt crACkeRs.... WiTH MaYONaIse oN itAPRELS FAULS

Its a GOST!

Stop creeping on Opie's twitter. Problem fucking solved.

Good advice. I unfollowed years ago because none of his tweets are funny also most tweets aren't funny

Be more funny.

Good advice for everyone

Except it was on the show Tuesday or Wednesday and will most likely be fucking brought up again when they get back because he's pushing it so much via twitter lol. DEAD ON ARRIVAL

Just fucking unfollow him already.

I give a shit about Opie's cheese... less about the crackers.

We don't give a fuck that you don't give a fuck.

Shut up. Maybe you can get /u/opiesucks to agree with you. I actually enjoy when he brings real life to the show then to twitter.

There are certain things I don't mind. I do, however, enjoy when he brings something to show expecting to get a laugh and Ant and Jimmy just sit there and wait for him to change the subject.

You enjoy the multi-millionaire complaining about having to buy a block of cheese and crackers to bring over someones house? And after the premise goes no where he continues with it.

Yep. I enjoy it. Now what Fuckface

I agree with OP and you're a fucking idiot who enjoys absolute shit. happy thanksgiving!

I'm a huge fan of the show but I don't follow any of them on Twitter. I listen to them on the radio...



Be more funny.