My opinion of Lady Di changed today....

8  2013-11-28 by bigplansisay

When she busted out all of Papa Gene's Blues, even including "play magic fingers!" I can't hate anyone who can sing a Monkees song from start to finish. She's still a horrible human being, but I don't hate her anymore. As much.


I haven't laughed as hard in my life as when Levy was calling "him" out. Holy shit was that funny.

I'm not one for Levy phoners usually, but that one was a homerun.



When she said "I'm not a man!" I completely lost it.

It was a truly brilliant moment, making me literally laugh out loud.

all the levy phoners were awkward but this reminded me of when he used to get in fights with beetlejuice or someone like that, at first i thought he really thought it was a man but when he called her sir i died.

The whole thing about her driving her truck, drunk on natty ice, singing the monkees and plowing over people has me laughing out loud right now.

"She's a babbling sot"

I was in the middle of making a roast beef sandwich for breakfast when they started to make fun of her for doing the same. I then choked on the sandwich when Bob Levy called in. I didn't know it was him.

What made her a horrible human being?

She's a drunk living off her father's inheritance and some old man?

Right. And the reason she knows the lyrics so well is because she has eons to sit at home slobally drinking and listening to shitty 70 music on repeat. A 2 year old knows songs start to fin. Big deal.

I think we are thinking about a different Lady Di. I thought OP meant Diana, late Princess of Wales...

Oh I don't know. I was using the in the usual show parlance. I could have used a Jimmy-ism and said "horrendous."

sitting at home all day, drinking cheap beers... lady di is living the dream.

I love when she asked if the road trip was in the spring after being told March and Jim called her a motherfucker. That was freaking funny!

I hate her more than ever now, but god damn was that bit fantastic. One of the best I've heard on the show in a long time.

I don't mind Lady Di because I put her in the same category as Bobo...alone, they bring NOTHING to the show. But when they come on the show, everyone else is funnier. When they were feeding Bobo lines during the magic act, it was some of the best O&A radio I've heard in a long time. Just like when Ant got Lady Di to tweet her number out.