The Norton and _____________ Show?

0  2013-11-28 by [deleted]

Say Jim started doing a 3 hour daily show on XM. Who would be his best co-host and what would the show be about?

Gotta be the Norton and Quinn Show


Personally I like Norton and Florentine a lot (minus David Lee Roth). Each adds something very different, and I could picture the show being more like a radio show than a podcast because they don't really rip on each other as much.

Norton + Florentine - David Lee Roth = ?



Jim Squared with Jim and Jim in the Morning

Honestly I love Jim and Sam shows and im sure im in the minority on that. Id be fine with those two doing a show together.

The morning jam with Jim and Sam

Sam is a snarky little shit. He is the closest thing we get to old opie. Without him we get three old men complaining about pop culture.

I'm getting sick and tired of Sam. He pipes up way to much as 4th mic. I don't mind his aftershow especially with Who Kid or that big footed whore.


The only thing worse than Sam is the circlejerk on here that worships him.

You are definitely in the minority.

Ant & Jimmy=funny...or at least listenable.

Opie & Jimmy = not funny, but maybe listenable.

Sam & anyone else = zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

I don't hate Sam. He's a young Opie minus the Frat Boy assholery.

He also sounds horrible.

3 hours a day? If they lock the door and don't let him out:

The Norton and a Room Full of Snakes Show.

The Norton and Charles Manson Show.

The Norton and Tim Conway Show.

mad tired norton and big a A+ show.

Either Norton & Colin or Norton & Vos. Listening to them smash each other is always a treat.

Norton, Colin, Vos and Bobby doing a Talking Funny style show might be worth a listen.

' Hehh, We're Talking Funny or Schomething, Dude '

I couldn't see Vos working long term. He's too selfish with his stories and never gets to the point. He'll also restart telling a story over and over. If you listen to "My Wife Hates Me" podcast you will see countless examples of this. Colin, Bobby or Florentine are much more radio disciplined.

  • Norton+Ant=Way too much trying to suck each others dick and would sound like a podcast
  • Norton+Opie=Norton would not have as much room to breath comedicly
  • Norton+Quinn=Might sound like a podcast and not cover any news stories
  • Norton+Staff=Could be pretty good
  • Norton as himself = Could be pretty good. I imagine it would be like Bill Burr's Monday morning podcast with some advice show, cover news/pop culture, interact with callers, and occasionally have other comics on. (This is my personal favorite)

Norton and Burr!

I definitely see burr forgoing his acting career to do a daily podcast.

Yea...because we're being literal you cum eating faggot.

Awe. We got a tough guy here. I'll deal with you when I'm done eating your moms ass.


but seriously, Jim and Bobby would do a great show

i don't know. lemme schinkelboutit. ;D

Jim and Bobo

Controversial view perhaps . . . but I always think you get the best out of Norton on a 'Grim' show.

For a one off show I'd like to see 'The Jim, Bobo and Dennis Falcone Show' to see how Norton handles that. Just a one-off show though as obviously it would get old fast and aintnobodygottimeforthat.

Norton and Patrice would of been nice but maybeNorton and Twitchels would work bling bling

It's tough cause I think the comics are less funny when they're in the Opie role, Sam talks too much to play it properly but if he kept quiet then him hosting with a Jim/Bobby/Colin combo would be amazing.

Gonna shoot it out there, but Jim and Florentine with Kenny as an occasional 3rd mic, of all people. Colin is sort of an easy cop-out because of how well he handles any situation. Kenny fills in the role of a foil in terms of Jim's rapid fire and off-the-cuff delivery to keep things from being a torrent of bits flying at one another, and he also doesn't butt-in like a lot of people do. He's sort of a doofus, and that's just fine. Florentine is on a similar level with Jim in terms of comedic outlook and has a sharp wit as well, though he plays things more sensibly than Jim, who tends to be more dark with his humor. Jimmy-boy serves as the "What's up with this guy?" to the listeners, Florentine is the "What's up with that guy?" and Kenny is the "What's up?".

Norton and Florentine= endless praise of shitty music.




The Ron and Jim Show.

Honestly I couldn't listen to a show where Norton wasn't the third mic...the advice show is decent because it's a different format but other than that I don't think Norton + anybody would be a good show.

I can't stand Colin Quinn. I seriously don't get it he bores the shit out of me , he's as boring as Bobo.

Bailey Jay


Sam Roberts

Sam is the best and most realistic choice.