Magician on Opie & Anthony

91  2013-11-27 by EricGoldfarbMagic

Hey guys visit for booking information on Eric Goldfarb the magician who was in studio today. Hope you guys enjoyed it!



haha I loved it.

Hey it's actually someone with half a brain trying to promote his shit the right way.

Thanks bro!

Good appearance!

I smiled when you said "Chips, what's that" and beat Chip to the punch. Good to hear a fan not bomb while on the show for once.

haha thank you! I'm actually a huge fan been listening every day for the past 8 years so I was doing my best to NOT-bomb, doing good magic tricks was secondary. Thanks brotha! already had me sold just listening to Ant's reaction(s), but that was true magic outdrawing ole' Chippah. you have a very unique and fresh approach/act/everything--many good vibes and success to you in the future.

Eric's a friend of mine, and I can attest that he's a very sweet boy.

Thanks S**n for turning me onto this forum everyone below had positive things to say....surprisingly!

Now we know Spork2000's name is Sean. Hi Sean!

I want my weight in quarters now.

Not gonna happen, Slobbo

Or Stan

or Scunt...he may have missed an asterisk...

or SATAN in that case!

Hey man, a devoted O&A fan and poster here, Steven Knight, uploaded the audio from your appearance on YouTube. Sounds like you were a big hit!

I fell for this. How?


the link was even the visited color "oh I must have opened this earlier"

Ah you motherfucker! You're the first one to get me with that.

Oh, isn't this great?

I can't believe magic translated so well to the radio. Great appearance

Thanks that means a lot glad you enjoyed it!!

the shit with jimmy's phone number seemed awesome even over the radio. he seemed genuinely mind fucked. i can't picture the guys helping to sell that shit. that whole segment came together nice with bobo in the background. well done all around.

Thanks brotha means a lot - I can tell you that no one in studio or on staff was in on it - if they were I'm sure they would have just blown up my spot and made great radio by ruining the dumb magicians trick. Thanks again glad you liked it.

Do you have a video of you or someone else doing that trick? It was a little tough for me to follow over audio.

I just want to know... did you deal out his good boy phone or his naughty boy phone number?

I knew you were a sweet boy with a heart of gold when you said "chip" during a conversation and said "whats that?" before Lyle did. Good appearance.

Thanks brotha much appreciated!

great job on the show today Eric

Thank you sir!!!

That was great man. Thanks for not trying to outshine bobo on the show. That was absolutely my favorite OnA show ever. Good shit.

Thanks brotha! I knew not to step on anyone even if it was bobo who was being fed lines by Sam Roberts - I was just happy to be in studio it was crazy!

Thought magicians don't reveal secrets! Good appearance dude.

I'll admit I was skeptical, but you held your own, won me over and definitely won over the room.


Much appreciated glad I won you and the boys over!

First 10 seconds, I was thinking, "This is a smash interview, right? Steve the Whistler or something?" Then you did your first trick and I was enthralled. It was cool.

Awesome work mate, I would love to know how you did the Norton phone number one

Ha thanks a lot man! You wouldn't even believe me if I told you. Glad you enjoyed it!

My first thought was that you bought Lady Di a six pack, but then I realized she wouldn't have it. I'm guessing you made an ad on craigslist titled "meaty pussy massages" and then just used caller ID.

Great work, loved the whole show. Props for not steamrolling their jokes and letting them do their thing without making it all about you like every caller/non celebrity guest seems to.

Performance converted real well on the show, sir. And beating Chip's timing at "what's that?" nailed it. Look forward to another O&A apperance.

I was shocked that translated so well onto radio. Really good stuff.

I'm a big fan of close up magic. I've seen some first hand that had me mystified, so I wish I could've seen video of this. Sounds like you know your craft and I wish you....continued success.

Good work. You're a straightforward magician who works in the realm of what entertains and makes people think. You're not a cop-out hack like the MINDFREAK! who'll act like it's some sort of supernatural feat. Best of luck from someone who's made a career of bombing and fucking-up.

excellent segment.

eric's knowledge of the show made a great appearance even better.

and we need more heckler bobo.

The Jim phone number trick was awesome. You legitimately stunned the whole room.

What happened when you went to shake Bobo's hand?

My most favorite magician on O&A was, hands down, Magic Bob ...and here's the other part

The nose thing....can you give any hint or explanation to it?

great appearance!

If you're interested in getting into magic just contact me on the site I won't blatantly give methods away but I'm happy to point you in the right direction! Glad you enjoyed it thank you!

Derren Brown has an invisible touch bit with strippers that's apropos. I will check it out, thank you!

i asked the question just sounded like you wernt involved at all. that you just made them feel something on their noses. can you just explain how the situation is setup ? do they just sand in front of one another with you between them?

Yea that was the only one that was a little confusing over the radio

On another note you got to meet the Legend CQ, highly envious of that.

You should team up with Bobo regularly.

one of those interviews i thought was going to suck but ended up being great, you and bobo together was hilarious.

So....will you be performing on the cruise?


Ha thanks a lot man! You wouldn't even believe me if I told you. Glad you enjoyed it!

haha I loved it.

Now we know Spork2000's name is Sean. Hi Sean!