Opie on Tuesday's Show: "Doing a daily podcast is just stupid"

12  2013-11-27 by Drunken_Wizard23

Does he realize he essentially makes his living now doing a four hour daily podcast? And many people listening to O&A daily also listen to other people's podcasts?

When he complains about podcasts being too long or too frequent, I wonder if he realizes the beauty of podcasts is they usually aren't very time sensitive, you don't have to listen to every minute of every episode, and you can listen on demand at your leisure.

Would you prefer an O&A podcast where O,A, & J just got together for an hour and a half a week? or a daily one like Carolla's?


I guess he thinks people don't have time to listen to that much. But what about his own audience?

Theres probably some interesting SiriusXM stats showing that most of their listeners only tune in for 30 minutes or something. Its usually a minority that consumes 100% of the content.

This is the one reason that I hope they dont leave Sirius. No way would they be doing 15 hours of it each week.

I dont care how much freedom they get on their own, if it means an hour or two of shows each week.

You guys dont get it do you?

With less time to fill up, they wouldnt have to do as much bullshit filler radio.

You think that having less time means less quality? it means MORE quality. thats why you see basically nobody else doing daily podcasts and thats why daily talk radio is going the way of the dinosaur.

The funny thing is that Opie is the next Howard. Because getting older makes you disconnected. Him, his man-tits and his trophy wife need to face the fact they are becoming what they rile against. Because nature.


Well that added nothing....to the table;)

gnight you cunt.

I almost only listen with On Demand which is basically like listening to a long podcast. Other then knowing it's not "live" it's no different than what they do now. I hope they go to subscription service with a live audio/video aspect and the ability to listen to archived shows.

How about making additional deals where someone like Netflix, Amazon, Redbox, Epix, Crackle or some other current online service. Not going 100% with these other services but allowing them to play that days show 12 hours after it aired with their service(and maybe a weeks worth of archived content).

Podcasts don't pay anything. Even at the top, they don't pay very much. No way Ant could make mortgage payments on the compound with podcast money.

Joe Rogan is my go-to example here: he's keeping his brand of smart stoner/comic/MMA guy established while hocking Onnit products. But his podcast isn't paying his mortgage. His standup shows, UFC, Fear Factor (when it aired) were paying his bills.

Chris Hardwick, Kevin Smith, those guys with entire podcast networks make it profitable for themselves by running ads across all of their underling podcasts, so instead of selling 10 weeks worth of ads to Stamps.com/Lumosity/whatever, they're essentially selling 70 weeks worth. The lesser podcasts don't make anything, the tradeoff is being on the Nerdist/Smodcast label and you hope to come up from there (obviously. Forgive me if you already know this, but I'm surprised at how many people don't).

Let's say they could get an O&A VIRUS Network together with Jimmy, Ronnie B, Davey Mac etc it... might work. For awhile, anyway.

But what are O&A selling other than Steven Singer ads? We all know they need Sirius paychecks or they can't afford their lifestyle.

I didn't quite get that statement either. Not everyone can make millions working for sirius. And those people will never have to bitch about management all day. I think he let the word podcast make it sound differently.

He's only saying that because he, personally, can't listen to more than an hour a week from people.

He thinks he's the guru on podcasts because he's been in radio so long. It's disgusting.

You know Greg. You can pause a podcast and listen to it another day. And /gasp. You don't have to listen to every single podcast.

Either he is trying to ensure he doesn't have to do much work when they leave SXM, or his OCD won't allow him to do it.

He likes the once a week, one hour podcasts because he doesn't want to miss any episodes because it will drive him insane and make him pick a scab for another 6 months.

i don't think opie has any kind of imagination, and is just interested in following the standard podcast format.

Adam Carolla must be the biggest idiot in the world then....

he was clearly meaning why do they do one everyday and spread your content thin, bill burr does it once a week and i always look forward to it, if it was on every day it wouldnt be as good.

imagine how great the show would be if it was one day a week, it would always be good guests, no shit news stories.

Two a week would be good, and won't really be that hard for them to do considering how much material they do now.

i'll take anything if Opie isn't involved.

You blow.

He's right.... It's really to promote your gigs... Why do it everyday?

NOBODY does a daily podcast. when you arent getting payed why would you put in that kind of work?

Hes saying its stupid because essentially it is.

edit- dont know why the fuck i got downvoted for saying a basic truth?

Carolla and KATG do successful daily podcasts. And you would put in that kind of work because you aren't using podcasting to supplement something else you do, you're doing it to help revolutionize the medium they're supposedly passionate about on a platform that works for them. And five days a week=increased ad revenue. They still won't make a ton of money, but a once-a-week thing would be almost pointless from a financial perspective.

Thats 2 podcasts out of millions. And they have been built AS podcast brands already. That should tell you something about the viability of daily podcasting. Until it becomes an actual business its going to be this way. Not everyone can be those 2 podcasts.

Also, this theoretical podcast opie is talking about would be done not as a daily job (ala carolla and KATG) but as something to do once he retires. Hes got fuck you money. He doesnt need to work or make money. Hes not so passionate about podcasting that hes going to make it another career. And its not his or the shows responsibility to help 'revolutionize' the podcast platform.

Stern is already down to what 3 or 4 days a week? And thats for a PAYED radio show. Thats just the trajectory these guys seem to go through. they arent going to do MORE shows now that they have MORE money.

edit- you fucking neckbeard fatass douches. at least reply to my post if you are going to downvote it. be a goddamn man. this subreddit and the people in it make me ashamed to like this show.

buncha spoiled entitled fucks here. you arent going to get a daily podcast from opie or ant, deal with it.

Until it becomes an actual business its going to be this way. Not everyone can be those 2 podcasts.

That's the thing though. Podcasting is still in it's still in its infancy while Satellite Radio is already dying. There will be money in it at some point. You make a good point though in that O&A could easily just ride it out to the death, making better money and doing less work, than they would podcasting, and be able to retire nicely at the end.

Fuck you and your logical thinking. We're here to shit on Opie.

Rogan usually does 3-4 a week at 2-3 hours long.

Yes, and he has a piece of Onnit.com, he's establishing his personal brand as a UFC guy/comic/smart stoner/alpha male-bro, and he loves doing it. He does all that because he's passionate about the subjects, and because he has the time to spare.

Thats wonderful, but its not daily.

I was pointing out someone who comes close, not someone who does it every day you fucking dunderhead.

And I was pointing out that I was talking about daily podcasts and the post you made was completely irrelevant and unnecessary. You fucking dunderhead.

Because it's not true? You even admit in another post that it's not, so what's the confusion about? You have no point.

Steve Dahl does a daily podcast.