Happy Sexual Harassment Day!

121  2013-11-26 by HoserIN


"Having men work with women, right, is like having a grizzly bear work with salmon dipped in honey" —Patrice O'Neal

yeah we all just watched it too

lol. Give him a break. maybe he's a new, albeit slow recruit.

By far the best guest on O&A that I have ever heard, and the beauty is he was there so often. He thought of things no one else would.

I miss him.

I have to admit, once in awhile I'll come across a clip on my front page and be like "fuck yes! Reddit is recognizing the brilliance of patrice!" And get excited to rant an rave about how amazing patrice is, only to realize its from /r/opieandanthony and you already know... You all already know...

Whiffed on both of my requests this year. Better luck next year.

It's actually Harassment Day. Not Sexual Harassment Day. Their is a distinction.

not funny, fuck patrice

kind of transparent, don't you think?

Tss Tss whut is he a ghost or sumpthin tss... tss.... :(


Schinkel 'bout it...
