guyz, for real, anyone notice how Opie acts different when Vos is in studio?

0  2013-11-26 by opiesucks

like thinks he's better and funnier than Vos. as well all know.. he isn't. it just bothers me. anyone else?


I think Opie and Vos have (or at least had) a relationship outside of the show. He's probably more comfortable antagonizing him than other people. Vos is also probably the only person that Opie feels he's intellectually superior.

If you ever listen to him bring up a point with Ant or Jim, he almost always seeks validation of his opinion.

They play golf occasionally, and they're both dummies

It really bothers me how cute the Opster is.

lol'd. you're account is great.

Heresch the fing; me and Opie are friendsch, okaaaey.
Come on guyysch I gotta be niische he finansched my shhhityy movie, okaaaey.

Joking aside I agree, he does the same with Bawwby as well.. He'll say "okay, you really wanna do this today?" when one of them 'breaks his balls' cause he knows they'll always back down cause it's his show.

Not really an Opie hater, but that annoys me.

ha right, like he has this ultimate slam that no one will ever come back from.

Opie loaned Rich a large part of the money he needed to make that movie and they bashed that around a little today.

When you watch The King of Comedy is it like watching home movies?


He does that to anyone that he can get away with. What a fag. The day where he finally gets slammed by someone will be glorious.


Got a link? Would love to hear Billy put him in his place. His last appearance was awesome, telling them they find the worst aspects of good things or whatever. Was great.


Oh snap. Don't think I've heard that.


Everyone is funnier than Vos

Yes. I can't stand the tone if 'superior' Opie's voice.

Probably gonna get downvoted to oblivion for this but I kind of wish Vos would stop bringing Bonnie along.

I won't downvote but I feel just the opposite. I wish she'd come around without that guy. I don't think he's funny even to laugh at.

Yeah just bring guys around. Next thing you know they'll all be fucking each other.
