I just started to listen to ron & fez, whats up with fez?

4  2013-11-25 by [deleted]



Todd: Hello, is this Fez? Fez: Yes Todd: My name is Doody McFartstink and my brother shook your hand last week and caught your AIDS.


Anxiety disorder that is way out of control. He needs to be in a partial hospitalization program - one that does like 4-6 hours of intensive individual and group therapy and allows the participants to go to home/work.

The Advice Show.....

What's crazy is he has a potent exposure-therapy available to him five days a week, but hides in a glass box, remains silent, and gets treatment from a woman that encourages the idea of "Fez" and "Todd" being two different people. That's fucked.

See, I think actually the therapist just was saying it as a metaphor, and then Fez, in all his weirdness, took it a bit too literally, and rolled that into another thing to be neurotic about (and to also use as a crutch).

Yeah, you're probably right.

...who am I kidding there's a very high chance you're completely correct. I guess with everyone showing concern over Fez's description of therapy I took it literally. I should know better.

He was really close to his dad who died a few years ago and later fez had a heart attack which brought all of his negative stuff to the front. He hasnt been the same since. Coming out as gay just feeds into it cause fez uses it to stir shit up in the wrong way, like thinking esd or sam roberts are out to get him or troy quan is anti-gay

Listen to Friday's show. He now thinks that O&A and all of the callers are trying to split him and Ron up. And when I say all of the callers, I literally mean that after every caller he was crying and asking them why they hated him and why they wanted to see him and Ron split up.

Listening to Fez literally hurts me. Friday was beyond uncomfortable.

Every time I read your name I do the whole damn scene in my head. Literally every time.

He and Ron should break up. Ron is a comedic genius on the radio and Fez is deadweight. Nobody hates him, he just isn't in a condition to be on the radio.

Fez used to be good on the radio though a weird loner but gradually since at least the XM days he's deteriorated to complete insanity as bad as staying dead silent through entire broadcasts besides going on self-victimizing tirades. Don't believe any moron who calls it a 'bit.' It's only a bit in that he's been acting the same way but gradually worse and worse for years and the bit is Ron and the rest of the show awkwardly working around it and quietly laughing at him. Fez is also psycho in that Fez was originally a gay character who did spots and then became a fulltime persona to the point of him really becoming Fez. Sort of like Andrew Dice Clay but a bitchy old fag. Not to mention his bizarre relationship with Ron where's he's incapable of getting angry at him or responding to him when he's talking directly about uncomfortable things, and Fez is also secretly in love with him.

This is dead on, too.

Jesus christ that is fucked up... Might have to listen to a show


K will look for it now

Just to clarify, are you talking the 22nd, or 15th?


I just wanted to say that this is the first link I've clicked on in 6 months that wasn't the goddamn basketball shot. Thank you for your service.

I would've loved to call in and tell Fez that O&A were telling Ron it's time to sever ties.

You should, the show is great, and Ron is amazing. I listen to all kinds of shows and podcasts, and Ron is probably the quickest wit, and best interviewer I've ever heard. If you give it a week or so, you may like it. I caught it by accident several years back and actually like it better than O+A many times.

Could yo recommend a good episode that's on you tube. Honestly I'm massively put off by fez

Shit man, that's hard. Fez is a turn off for sure, but luckilly, for the last year or so, he didn't even TALK the whole show, even though he was sitting right there. The Ron Bennington Unmasked interviews are just Ron talking, which are all really great, especially if he's interviewing someone you like. As far as the shows, I like them all and just ignore Fez really. Friday was a really bad one, but it's really weird listening to a literal crazy person breaking down day by day live on the radio. Otherwise, the show mostly being the banter between Ron and Pepper Hicks is great, Ron is so quick off the cuff, and he's a master at gaming people or situations, but it's subtle many times, hard to explain. Check out the Ron + Fez sub, maybe there are some good clips on there of old shows, they don't have the type of stand out 'bits' like O+A that I can just pull from memory.

It's a weird dynamic over there. Ron IS the show. He could do a one man podcast the way Bill Burr does, and that's more or less what the show is because IMO Hicks, Fez, etc. don't add all that much. Eastside Dave was fun when he was around.

when mighty horse rocks, he rocks a fat ass.

He and Sam's love affair ended sour leaving him bitter and derainged.

Why hasn't he been fired? Is he under contract? He doesn't seem to actually contribute much.

Ron is probably covering for him and continuing to sell his service to SXM as a package deal with the two of them. Can you imagine Fez in his current state, unemployed in the most expensive city in the world? He'd probably have to move back to Florida and live on welfare for the rest of his life. No way he gets another job anywhere when the R&F gig is up.

one podcast I listened too he didn't talk for a hour.

He's...H-He's a stand alone fruit.

door closes

Same here. I guess he just doesn't like the word fag used in any context. He also seems depressed to me but again I just started listening.

Kinda, but no. Him going off on the word has nothing to do with the actual use of the word or situation. It's a way for him to freak out about his own life, using another situation to vent the anger and frustration. It's really sad and twisted. He's mad at himself, really. He's the literal representation of the 'Me me me' mentally unhealthy people that O+A talk about, which is hard, because he needs to be fired, but nobody wants to fire him because they are all friends and he is so unstable.

A lot of it is a bit.

Did you hear Fridays show? It's not a fucking bit. Ron will amp it up sometimes, but Fez is grade A neurotic and anxious. On Friday he broke down so hard that I was actually angry at his complete lack of self awareness.

It's probably all a bit.

I bet half the time he's "locked up," he's out having meetings and taking phone calls.

Yes, he's a real mover and shaker. He grips the table so hard it shakes and the moving part is his hand rubbing his leg.

Could yo recommend a good episode that's on you tube. Honestly I'm massively put off by fez