Has @agathaC80 ever called the show?

10  2013-11-23 by bigplansisay

These two need to quit slowdancing and kiss already.


Don't think so, would be hilarious just to hear them scream over each other.

she needs to do a compound party show with him

They'd end up fucking by the end of it.

Sounds like a sitcom!

"The Halfricans" - coming this fall.


How did her and Ant even form a dialogue without Ant instantly blocking her? I use dialogue loosely.


But she's black...

My bad

She's one of the good ones?

I know, because if he's a racist, that's what he would do.


I honestly think if she ever went over to a compound party, they would get along. If he didn't block her long ago, he likes arguing with her knowing she's never gonna change her opinion.

Oh god, her and her racist justice system horseshit.

Of course not, she's an idiot who parrots X amount of points and when called out either reverts back to slavery, cries racism, or says that the person is lying. She's a dope.

Can you not see that Anthony parrots right wing bullshit in order to refute her left wing bullshit?

Usually when they discuss race Ant "parrots" crime statistics while she does nothing but blames whitey for animalistic behavior perpetrated by blacks.

That's true.

Ant IS racist. I really don't care, so long as he's funny. His rants are increasingly unfunny & he often comes off as a bitter old white guy. The fact that he's on the "right" side of the statistics doesn't make his rants funny.

That said, I still think he's funnier and more interesting than Opie. I don't hate Opie & it's obvious that Ant simply cannot run the show by himself, but Ant is funny & Opie really isn't. Opie is a radio guy & he's necessary for the show to flow properly. But, "as a parent" (I really am a parent--my youngest is 14) I can't stand it when he talks about his kids.

NO ONE GIVES A SHIT ABOUT YOUR KIDS except you! I hated Opie when he was the "Destroyer" (overgrown frat boy douche bag) and I don't like Papa Opie much better, but he makes the show better.

I love LFTC, but it would be better if it weren't drunk Ant and his drunk friends doing things that drunk people do. I've been drinking for the last 3 hours. No way I'd want to get on camera & broadcast my stupid Karaoke version of December, 1963 right now.

edit: Opie's presence prevents that sort of shit from happening on the show. Most of the time--when Opie isn't busy talking about his kids.

Both are fairly entrenched in their views, but at least Anthony provides examples to back up his fearmongering. Agatha just throws out wild statements how white Americans are responsible for everything bad without a single bit of evidence to back it up.

Agatha just throws out wild statements how white Americans are responsible for everything bad without a single bit of evidence to back it up.

I agree.

It's very easy for her to take that position, because it puts absolutely zero burden on black people to get their shit together & stop fighting at Denny's, playing the knockout game, whatever other destructive behavior Ant rants about on a given day.

If she called the show you wouldn't be able to hear her voice over the gushing sound of Anthony's precum spraying everywhere.

She claims that the screeners won't let her on, when I asked her on Twitter.

Take the world's biggest racist, put him in a room with a naked Beyonce, and all that bigotry goes out the window.

"Tits bring the show to a halt" or words to that effect.--Opie, when he was still "The Destroyer."

She's the twitter version of Bobo.


RT @JayFromRye @AgathaC80 Just Fuck & and get over with it! -Om going to start the "You 2 should fuck" blocking with you. Anyone else?

From Ant's twitter today. Just as a heads up, I guess don't make these kinds of jokes to him. He's very sensitive (like the head of his cock).