Proof of a JFK Assassination Conspiracy But OnA and U Idiots Too Lazy To Read 700 Words and some Footnotes, so go f urselves.

0  2013-11-22 by waytogo17




fuck off.

Thank you for your service.

It was.......MIMI BEARDSLEY for shooting a load in her mouth

The bodacious Mimi Beardsley. 50-50 where it counts

But enough of this palaver! Let's blow his brains out!



She was a virgin, I think it was Ant said "I bet the bed looked like Kennedy's car when they were done" that line fucking killed me.


OH FUCK!! I forgot about that part, was that Ant who said that? I'll have to listen to that again, that has to be one of the funniest bits ever.

No, it was Jimmy doing his hilariously awful JFK impression.

Attempted to go 'f myself', but instructions were unclear. Tried factorizing, fulminating, flossing, flavoring and forsaking myself ... still no success. Please advise.

Or if you meant fuck, you should have said it, you fucking soccer-mom faggot.

Calls us lazy by abbreviating words that are already one syllable

Proof of a JFK Assassination Conspiracy

That statement means there is proof that a conspiracy regarding the assassination of JFK exists.

No one has denied that there are conspiracies.

U Idiots Too Lazy To Read 700 Words and some Footnotes...

You abbreviate the word "You", so you're a moron.

You capitalized words such as "to", "Too" which are NOT meant to be capitalized.

You also forgot to put an "are" between "Idiots" and "Too". It should be: "You idiots are too lazy to read 700 words."

I don't give a fuck about grammar or ur lame ass.

Well you refuse the truth of grammar and syntax, so perhaps you should take your own advice and go die in a ditch.

Are you on meth?

I have a question, waytogo17 -- and be honest -- were you the caller from earlier in the show?

why would i lie? yea i was. I wish I was more cogent but its hard to try and be clear and concise about such a complex topic when u call into a radio show at 6:30 in the morning after staying up all night.

well its not like you have a social life or friends.

my social life is irrelevant to the topic at hand. if you actually had interesting points to make you would refrain from ad hominem attacks and make them, yet throughout this thread u focus only on the inane and banal, get lost loser.

Banal and inane are synonyms of one another. Try again.

Also, I have made coherent arguments, but you simply say my facts are the work of a gullible dummy.

Gullible dummy is very irrelevant to the topic at hand don't you think?

If it helps, I'm unfortunately Nervous Jarred from Virginia. Anxious + sick = me stuttering like an idiot.

I liked Nervous Jarred's call. Good call.

Just FYI, I didn't click the link because I don't believe in the conspiracies.

Oswald shot at a public official prior to JFK, so what's so hard to believe that he shot JFK?

Why let Oswald openly talk to the news after being arrested?

u are quite the gullible dummy my friend. lose ur illusions.

So the video I saw of oswald talking to the media was fake?

No. It is way more complicated than that. The evidence is truly hard to sift through. The key to understanding that a conspiracy existed can be found by examining the available facts of Oswald's trip to Mexico in Late Sept to Early Oct 1963. If you actually clicked the link and spent 10 minutes to a half an hour carefully reading that PBS article you would see that a conspiracy of some sort existed and it probably involved elements of the C.I.A. and who knows what else, we haven't had enough discussion and discourse as a nation to move further...yet.

you would see that a conspiracy of some sort existed

I admitted that the idea and theory of a conspiracy existed in my very first post. My issue is with the assumption that a conspiracy is what actually happened.


we haven't had enough discussion and discourse as a nation to move further

For DECADES people have been swearing up and down that it was a CIA plot to kill JFK. There have been documentaries, movies, books, prime time television series dedicated to examining the facts...yet...

Not enough discussion...?

Maybe YOU are just the man to bring about that discussion ;) eh?

YOU are the chosen one to illuminate everyone's blindness.

YOU are the reasonable person in a sea of madmen.

and the greatest lie of all: YOUR OPINION MATTERS!

what kind of weird semantic games are you playing? You believe in the idea or possibility of a conspiracy? The article I linked to in this post basically proves there was some type of conspiracy, not that it may have happened or could have happened. You literally have been arguing w/ me over nothing for the last hour or whatever instead of educating urself about the actual facts regarding Oswald's trip to Mexico. Seriously, if ur just gonna keep hammering for ur position w/ no facts and no info or insight to back urself up, just tell me now so I can stop replying to a lost cause.

And what I meant by that discussion and discourse statement is that while the basic facts showing conspiracy exist, the specific facts of who did it, what their goals were, and why they did it are not available. I was implying that for us to move forward and find out those details, the nation would have to come together and focus on the fact that there was a conspiracy and cover up first.

Ok, i'll read it now, but if it was a conspiracy, how is it the only successful conspiracy in US history?

Bill Clinton can't get a BJ without it being international news.

There have been many, many conspiracies kept by the US gov for many years. I.E. CIA just admitted its role in the Iranian Coup of 1953.....60 years after the fact!

Let's not forget the Gulf of Tonkin incident, Operation Northwoods, and the Iran-Contra scandal that may not have ever come to light if that plane had not been shot down. Oh yea and Reagan/Casey/Bush's secret deal to squash Jimmy Carter's possible October Surprise before the 1980 election.

yeah and how quickly were those lies exposed?

How could they keep the vast majority of sane americans believing a lie for generations?

through deception and propaganda and co-opting of the mainstream media, duh.

documents show that the Agency created two more false stories in connection with Oswald’s Mexico City visit.

So if you are going to destroy phone tapes and lie to CIA branches, why make a paper trial of those said lies.

im going to cheat on my wife, and let me write down the details of my fool proof plan, because if she can't figure out that I'm cheating on her, then even if she reads these documents, she won't know whats going on.

If you read closely the paper trail was likely altered after the fact to hide that the tapes weren't destroyed, ect. It was the interviews with the actual people in the CIA Mexico City station that showed that records were likely altered. Ugh, arguing with u is annoying as fuck. Instead of having an open mind and basing ur conclusions off facts, u have a pre determined conclusion and whatever idiotic reasoning/rationales u come up with u just apply to selective facts. use ur brain. why would someone impersonate oswald when calling a known KBG assassin? why not read a little further down where Katzenbach is quoted as saying:

Katzenbach warned that speculation about Oswald’s motive had to be “cut off” and that the thought that the assassination was a communist conspiracy or a “right-wing conspiracy to blame it on the communists” had to be rebutted

Oswald not only had not acted alone, but was in the employ of Castro and the Kremlin

Why wouldn't Castro or the Russians come out and boast: HA! WE KILLED THE US PRESIDENT! NO ONE CAN DENY THE GLORY OF COMMUNISM!

Castro openly bragged about how many failed attempts were made against his life, so why not brag that he was the mastermind behind the death of JFK?

You are paranoid.

I don't think anyone is out to get me. I just think the facts easily show something else was going on with Oswald and people who read all the facts and don't agree w/ that or are too dismissive to even check into the facts are just people who live in a bubble and don't want to pop it cuz they are scared of not feeling comfortable.

Oh cool I'll check out these links they sound very informatZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZzzzzz


fuck off.

I liked Nervous Jarred's call. Good call.