Anyone else feel like the show has really gotten better in the last year or so?

13  2013-11-21 by Doom_Art

I dunno, the "vibe" of the show just seems a lot better now than it was at this point last year. I can't really explain it.


Lack of Danny. Let the up votes pour in.


Thanks champ!

upvote for somewhat racist screen name.

Danny, as we all know, is a piece of shit.

I'd rather have inoperable ball cancer than even being in the VICINITY of an insufferable cunt like Danny.

You called it (both the Danny and the upvotes).

It cannot be a coincidence that Opie and Ant started getting along after Danny left. I sound like a goddamn broken record/new-aged cunt but Danny was the stereotypical "toxic" person that brought every one him down.

He's, as Anthony might say, about a piece of shit.


Ant and jim are absolutely funnier than ever

Rabble rabble radio version of Fox News, rabble rabble Ant's racism, rabble rabble Opie sucks, rabble rabble Jimmy likes the NSA, rabble rabble.

We'd be better off if people would stop complaining about every little slight they hear and just enjoy the program. Instead, any one of those complaints is frequently brought up.

It would also be better if they spent the time they take to rehash this shit to be more funny.

Ant can bring a funny angle at times. Opie and Jim don't have funny angles when they're complaining.

This part makes me hate the show

I don't know about anybody else, but the O&A show started me down the road of not being a liberal anymore.


As opposed to what?


You spelled FOX NEWS wrong. Same difference, though.

Seems like after the FH Riley shit with Ant things have gotten much better.

What happened?

Anthony got drunk while waiting for a table during a crowded night. He got upset that he was waiting with the common people instead of being treated like a fancy man. Before he left in a huff, he announced "This is what I think of the service in this place." Drops his pants and plops a steamy, mushy, six pound, Guiness deuce on the main bar. Tweets a picture with the same announcement and goes home. Google it.

Wow, that's fascinating thank you.

I think he was mostly upset because FHR marketed it as an O&A appearance and then made him wait rather than reserve tables.

The rest of your post is absolutely true.

Nailed it.


I'm a negative Nancy about the shows direction right now. But interpersonally yeah they're at good places with each other right now.

Yes and no. Yes the rapport between them has gotten better over the last year, but the content has been poor. For example this last week every time a new Steven Knight video pops on youtube (thanks Steve fr your stellar work) I just haven't bothered to listen. I know what they're going to say and it gets a bit boring. It feels like a sitcom that's coming towards the end of its run. Yes its still funny, but it just doesn't have that fresh and exciting feel to it anymore. I've noticed this even more with the amount of quality podcasts out there, like the Crab Feast, and The Champs, and Talkin' Shit with Eddie Ifft are all stuff I'd rather listen to now.

But that's just me, and the fuck do I know?


WTFFFFF lol why does wolvie have a massive donger

Are you referring to Talking $h!7 post Jim Jeffries? Holy shit

yeah I still listen to it. How do you like them apples?

I agree with you except 2 of your 3 podcasts blow.. Not having listened to the crab feast. I know that podcasts might be a little more subjective. Actually, I just want to run yours down to pump my lesser known ones up. they are High society radio, and legion of skanks. the rest being the ones that are more o and a related.

crabfeast podcast sucks. I listened to the Bill Burr episode only because Burr was on it. Those dudes are BORING!


Tequila and Donut day ranks with the all time classic moments, and it's a whole episode long. That was kind of spontaneous though, but it shows how funny the boys can be on the spot.

I like it. They know how to stay funny, no matter what happens.

Yeah, it is because Danny is gone.

I feel like the chemistry between Opie & Anthony has improved, however I still think the vibe is brought down by management. Instead O&A just sound demoralized at times.

I actually think Opie has gotten much better, too.

I miss the comics being in as often, but the dynamic when it's just the main three (and even the staff) is great... By and large, it's much more fun than angry.

And seriously, fuck Danny.

Danny was a raging asshole Anthony wannabe, but Sam sucks on the show. I actually LIKE the shitshow w/Sam. He's fucking hilarious.

Way way way better than 2012.

2012 was nothing but listener song contest parodys and filler.

Its a hell of a lot better than when I stopped listening in late 2011.

I think so. Except this past week because for some reason they became Animal Rights radio

Oh yeah Wolfhoof being against killing endangered animals for fun is ridiculous.

That was great radio, but for reasons that will probably elude Jimmy & Ant.

They don't realize that their "animal rights" bullshit is just as much bullshit as the political correctness they rail against on a daily basis.


Why not? Does all the political correctness talk IRK you?
