We all agree that there's a disproportionate number Ant, but we're only 45 yrs removed from Jim Crow

3  2013-11-21 by [deleted]

This is what really bothers me about Ants rants. He refuses to acknowledge the role our country played in the struggles Blacks face today. The tearing apart of families, the poor schools, the poverty. It's gotten better, but think about where it was. Poverty breeds crime. Thats sociology 101.


I don't get what ant's goal is. He keeps saying he's tired of the media not being able to talk about it. Well, he's talked about the same shit for an hour a day every day. Now what? Without offering up any solutions, he's just a racist old man complaining about the blacks.

The solution is that they develop a sense of personal responsibility.

I'll play the part of Anthony's response to your statement.

the poverty. It-


So you clearly can't deny that he's willing to listen to other angles.

I'd be tired of black violence too if I spent the last 5 years watching violent videos on niggermania and world star hip hop. It still doesn't change the fact that it'll take generations to really fix the problem. What bothers me about Ant is that he's not a dummy, but he's been made lazy by political ideology and he's unwilling to go the extra mile to look deeper into an issue. Privately he surrounds himself with sycophants who parrot his views for compound invites and he can't be challenged on the radio show because he's a part of the show and you're not so he's completely stagnated. Patrice really was the only one who threw it back in his face in any meaningful way.

The shitty thing is that I agree with him on some issues. For example, I'm tired of O&A&J getting riled up by outrage-peddling carnies like Al Sharpton and his ilk, but if Obama is willing to tie his race into the Trayvon Martin discussion then I'd like to see him do the same for wanton black-on-black gun violence and the vile glorification of money and violence found in popular parts of black culture, too. But Ant's constant "LIBERALSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" bullshit is just so predictable and irritating that it immediately forces me into a contrarian mindset even if I might align with him on a certain point.

Apologizing and making excuses doesn't help anybody or explain anything. I'm sure Bayard Rustin would have agreed.

I'd make the argument that the disproportionate crime is growing because we have given perps a pass for their violence because they are black.

Not to get into a big debate, but excusing someone's behavior, and explaining someone's behavior are completely different things. I find that a lot of the time people try to explain a root cause of these problems they get shouted down and accused of "making excuses."

And seeing as how we arrest and lock up more black people than any other group, I find it hard to fathom how we're giving anybody a pass because they're black.

We arrest and lock up more blacks than anything else because they're committing all the crime, dude.

I didn't dispute that. I disagreed with the idea that they're given a pass, or let off easier than other people.

Watch the documentary 'Slavery Under Another Name' and look into the prison industrial complex

It sha conshpirashy!

I find that a lot of the time people try to explain a root cause of these problems they get shouted down and accused of "making excuses

Agreed, although I think it is because people feel that since so many have risen up in the past and overcome their shitty upbringing/social situation to become good productive people, that by saying this is the issue now in 2013, seems a bit like making an excuse.

Ant came from the household of an abusive, fiscally irresponsible, alcoholic, and his early life consisted of: stop crying, youre a faggot booze, Punch, FUCK YOU ROE!, booze. Now he is a multi-millionaire, and he never even finished HS, but he certainly didn't give the fuck up.

I find it hard to fathom how we're giving anybody a pass because they're black.

a few years before Trayvon, a Black man using an unregistered gun in Fla. shot and killed a white 14 year old. The 14 year old was shot 3x's in the back.

Black version of Zimmerman claimed self defense, never went to trial, no criminal charges filed.

Ok. Sounds like a shitty story. Pretty vague though...I'd be curious to hear the circumstances that made the state not press charges. But you also never mention anything that says he got off because he was black. He got off...and he was black...but you don't mention anything to indicate that one caused the other. You can't accept the stat that a disproportionate number of black males are arrested/incarcerated and then in the same breath say we're letting them get away with shit.

I never said I agree with both, but there do appear to be instances of people being giving special treatment because they are black. Even if it is just in the way the case is reported in the media.

Remember when Jimmy flipped a shit because MSNBC refused to mention that a serial rapist was black, but they mention the guys clothing?

As for him getting off for being black, this guy did something worse than zimmerman, yet people tried to make zimmerman the anti-christ because he was a close-enough-to-white mexican, and it was barely news that a black man shot a 14 year old white kid 3x's in the back.

I'm definitely not making any excuses for the media. Unfortunately "white guy vs black guy" gets way more coverage than "tons of black guys shot each other this weekend" because this country isn't shocked or interested in gang violence. People can't wait, on the other hand, to tune in to the news so they can root for their team in the "white guy vs black guy" trial.

That said, if you type "black male suspect" into google news, you'll get 20,000 hits, so lets not act like nobody ever reports it.

white guy vs. black gets more coverage.


so lets not act like nobody ever reports it.

no just certain mainstream outlets dont report all the facts for fear of sounding racist...places like MSNBC (so typically more of the Liberal-we-love-the-darkies kind).

I mean, come on, they literally refused to mention the race of a serial rapist for fear of sounding racist.

Yeah, MSNBC would be the obvious one, but I thought jimmy was also citing The Post on some of those rants. I always get the impression that they think the media as a whole is guilty of this kind of shit.

I can understand not mentioning it if a person has already been caught (because it's really not the most important fact at that point), but if they're looking for a suspect, it should always be mentioned. It's ridiculous not to mention it.

You can't accept the stat that a disproportionate number of black males are arrested/incarcerated

I do accept it, and also think that the numbers would be higher if certain crimes weren't pled down to lesser charges or ignored.

Before Trayvon (THat poooooor angel) was put down, he was apparently according to his own tweets, selling an illegal gun, dealing drugs, and actively participating in gang related violence at a school. YET he had no record with the police (How is that?) he didn't even try to hide his criminal behavior.

That has nothing to do with whether Zimmerman was right for shooting him that night.

never said it was. I never said Zimmerman was right/wrong, or anything in between. Looks like someone named /u/nochinzilch can't read very well.

I was merely drawing a parallel to how the thought process changes with people and the media when the scenario is Black vs. white, and white-ish Spick vs. black.

even when the situation is a black man shooting a white teen in the back 3x's and claiming self-defense.

Charges tend to get plead down because either cases aren't strong enough, prison overcrowding, and defense attorneys being bags of shit generally. I'd also be willing to bet that they get plead down for white people at an equal or higher rate.

I'm not really sure what your Trayvon point is. Because he tweed about things, and got in fights (which is apparently "gang related violence" now), he should have a record with police? Maybe he just never got caught? I did tons of drugs in high school...but i didn't get caught, which is why i don't have a record.

I'm pretty in the middle on the whole Trayvon thing, but most people don't reaaallly believe that he was out to murder somebody. 17 year olds don't (usually) wander around looking for random people to murder on the way home from the store. At worst, he started a fight, but you can't even really prove he started a fight...you can only prove he was winning it (until he lost, obviously).

17 year olds don't (usually) wander around looking for random people to murder on the way home from the store

Not in the past they didn't, but now, i'm not so sure.

See the case about the Australian baseball player who was visiting the USA on a HS study abroad, and 3 black teens were tweeting about wanting to put it to some white ppl for Trayvon, so they shot the aussie kid in the head, and their excuse was "boredom".

Also this past summer, the 16 year old that shot a new born baby in the face in the middle of NYC over a woman not giving him $20.

Also this month, black teens killed some old jews playing the knock out game.

Unless you want to take responsibility for all the crimes of white people, you can't expect the black "community" to take responsibility for all the crimes of black people. Race doesn't matter.

Yeah, but these are kind of the exception. Most of the time, there's at least a motive of robbery.

But on the media angle, every one of those cases outraged people, while none of them had half the country yelling that they were innocent, so they went away pretty quickly. Controversy sells. Terrible stories every agrees are terrible aren't going to soak up the news cycle for very long.

none of them had half the country yelling that they were innocent

No. instead white-libs and race-baiters like sharpton were screaming up and down that situations like these had nothing to do with race.

(paraphrasing) Al sharpton: These young african men were merely victims of their so-sai-o-tee, and the tragic death of this Australian boy had nothing to do with the color of anyone's skin.

Speaking as a "white lib," I think Sharpton's a joke, and has never been a person I, or anyone else I know takes seriously. I don't expect worthwhile statements to come out of his mouth.

On a related note though, I find it funny how some people (not you in particular, just people in general) are so quick to downplay white people being racist, while jumping at the slightest opportunity to call black people racist. White guy hits black guy, while calling him a nigger : "he was just mad, and saying the worst thing he could think of in a fight." Black guy hits white guy for no apparent reason, or to rob them : "Well, it's OBVIOUS that this was a racially motivated attack."

Thats called cherry-picking.

more like cotton picking tss tss tss double slaves bitch

take us out ya fat sack o' gah-bage

Upvote for the Bayard Rustin call-out. Did a lot more for the civil rights movement than a lot of people with a Reverend title, that's for sure, but will never get the acknowledgement he deserves even with the Presidential Medal of Freedom

He's always been my favorite civil rights figure, if there could be such a thing

No ones apologizing for anything, it's easier to solve issues when you understand why they exist.

That's like not acknowledging the fact a girl was abused as a child when she becomes a prostitute.

That isn't even remotely like it.

The "racism is out of control" argument is an old mans topic. This matters less and less to each generation. Sorry Ant that you as a child of the 60's miss out on the time when this will be a non issue. I cringe when he talks about watching the news each night. Jesus Christ old man have fun with your money. Get out of shitty Nassau county.

This matters less and less to each generation" That's why race is pushed into the social conciousness far more than it's been since segregation?

Race matters to any generation, If you're white america just visit WSHH and see what blacks think of you.

I don't live in a very diverse area so what scary blacks think of me holds little interest.

"I don't live in a very diverse area" Yes, so your another stupid white geek sticking up for blacks while you live in a homogeneous area. You're more cliché than a black boy that likes popeyes. Stop acting like you speak for any young people when you're a typical man child shut-in that normal people ignore- Which, I'm going to do from now on.

Enjoy your neutered existence you self victimizing bitch.

The President is Black, the richest woman in the country is black, entertainment and sports industries are dominated by successful black people and there are more black business owners, CEOs, professors, authors, doctors and lawyers in America than anywhere else in the world. This is the best country on the planet to be black in. Shut the fuck up with your white guilt.

Well sadi. Things were terrible back then, but they've really improved today.

That being said, The Wire really illustrated what life is like for many poor kids growing up in the 'hood. And before I hear the refrain of IT'S A TV SHOW, keep in mind that The Wire was probably one of the most realistic TV shows you'll ever see.

Why would you want to go to school and learn when you grow up in such a terrible environment?

Especially with the outsources of many decent wage factory jobs, there are people of many ethnicity that are struggling, working fast food jobs (if they're lucky) barely living paycheck to paycheck and have substance abuse issues. Their stories may not make it on The Wire but Poverty isn't an exclusively black situation in this country even though it seems that way sometimes.

Oh look this thread again.

If poverty breeds crime, than considering that there are more white people in the US living in poverty their shouldn't be the insanely disproportionate crime rate. And in the 60's when Jim Crow was still in action, blacks had an illegitimacy rate 3 times lower than what it is today. So as much as I would like to think it is all the fault of evil whitey & our oppressive past, it's a cultural issue among the black community that won't be addressed b/c people like yourself refuse to hold them accountable for their actions.

I am completely shocked that no white guilt liberal attempted to touch your statement.

Ant's whole argument has included this statement, which he reiterated just the other day:

How long are people going to live in the past, obsessed with their own blackness, using that as an excuse for current issues.

And think about this:

in S. Africa, it is a firmly held belief among many that having unprotected sex with a virginal, HIV and AIDs negative girl when she is under the age of 12, will in fact act as a cure for your own AIDs.

I attended a guest lecture in Uni. and listened to a woman from S. Africa explain the above idea, and also tell this story:

She be woman living in S. Africa, age early 20's (year was late 1990's). Pregnant and married (shocking).

One day, entire town is forced to relocate due to territorial gangs and hit squad.

Before she and hubby can escape to refugee camp, she and he are tied up, and hubby is forced to watch as over 12 men violently rape wife so hard, her 7 month old fetus is killed, and she later has to induce labor to deliver a dead baby.

A few years later, her and hubby leave refugee camp, and she gets preggerz again.

Bandits return again. Rape her till her baby dies...again. But this time, they make her watch as they hack her hubby to pieces with a machette, then force her to eat his raw dead flesh.


Hitler and Stalin killed millions. White Culture! Race is a distraction.

Yet Jews have been through far worse than blacks but are still less violent and FAR more intelligent.

Race is a fact.

Race exists, but it doesn't matter.

What does that even mean? Blacks are on average the least intelligent race. They commit more crime and they've never had an advanced civilization.

If that were true, evolution would have wiped them out 100,000 years ago. Put any race in the same historical and socioeconomic circumstances as black americans, and the results would be the same. There are billions of people of all races living in shit like animals right now, as they have been since we were all monkeys. The fact that they can survive at all shows intelligence.

If that were true, evolution would have wiped them out 100,000 years ago.

You clearly don't understand evolution or natural selection. Blacks are perfectly adapted to their habitats in Africa. Whites/Asians were selected for higher intelligence because they were faced with harsher seasonal climates which forced them to plan ahead.

Put any race in the same historical and socioeconomic circumstances as black americans, and the results would be the same.

What utter nonsense. Blacks existed in Africa for 200,000 years before humans even left the African continent and accomplished nothing. Then modern history occurred in the last 50,000 years it took whites/asians to evolve.

There are billions of people of all races living in shit like animals right now, as they have been since we were all monkeys.

While many people of all races are still in poverty, it's interesting that Africa is the only continent that has largely failed to develop modern industrial infrastructure.

The fact that they can survive at all shows intelligence.

Intelligence is subjective.

Intelligence is subjective.

And... you just proved my point.

Perhaps, but not in the way you intended. Black intelligence (on average) is perfectly suitable for a hunter-gatherer lifestyle, just not so much for civilized life.

Hitler and Stalin killed millions

as well was their white privilege to do so.

...and Mao, Pol Pot, Kim Jongs. Authoritarian governments killed millions.

Proving that race doesn't matter.

Those were Authoritarian governments repressing their own citizens. Not individuals victimizing people outside of their social strata.

But they were white people. You are responsible. Just like all black people are responsible for black crime.

Mao, Pol Pot, Kim Jongs. And before that it was the Mongols, Aztecs, Incans, Mayans, Arab caliphates. And before that it was the Romans, Greeks, Carthaginians, Before that it was the Persians, Egyptians, Babylonians.

Blacks would have too if they were capable (They did sack Egypt for a short time period). Complete envy.

The only thing that kept any yellow or brown race from doing the same thing was lack of technological evolution.

If poverty is the only thing to blame, why aren't poor whites killing each other every night like blacks are?

Blacks are just mentally inferior. That's why they are prone to violence and crime.


I find that a lot of the time people try to explain a root cause of these problems they get shouted down and accused of "making excuses

Agreed, although I think it is because people feel that since so many have risen up in the past and overcome their shitty upbringing/social situation to become good productive people, that by saying this is the issue now in 2013, seems a bit like making an excuse.

Ant came from the household of an abusive, fiscally irresponsible, alcoholic, and his early life consisted of: stop crying, youre a faggot booze, Punch, FUCK YOU ROE!, booze. Now he is a multi-millionaire, and he never even finished HS, but he certainly didn't give the fuck up.

I find it hard to fathom how we're giving anybody a pass because they're black.

a few years before Trayvon, a Black man using an unregistered gun in Fla. shot and killed a white 14 year old. The 14 year old was shot 3x's in the back.

Black version of Zimmerman claimed self defense, never went to trial, no criminal charges filed.

That isn't even remotely like it.

We arrest and lock up more blacks than anything else because they're committing all the crime, dude.

Watch the documentary 'Slavery Under Another Name' and look into the prison industrial complex

I didn't dispute that. I disagreed with the idea that they're given a pass, or let off easier than other people.

Blacks are just mentally inferior. That's why they are prone to violence and crime.

Perhaps, but not in the way you intended. Black intelligence (on average) is perfectly suitable for a hunter-gatherer lifestyle, just not so much for civilized life.
