First hour of O&A show most days lately, in a nutshell:

33  2013-11-20 by rufusjonz

Opie bitches about SiriusXM.

Ant rants about black people.

[edit - Jimmy complains about political correctness , from comment]



Honestly, do the boys really expect SiriusXM to hang their coats on them with Ant's extensive racism?

Good point.

Really good point. SiriusXM wants to invest in hosts with long term mainstream growth potential; I.e. Opera, Stern, Martha Stewart. O&A racy humor is not enough to hold them back from an enhanced place on the spectrum, it's definitely Ant's shameless often self-pronounced racism that skews their reputation with management and holds them back.


Hoo-hoo is done --- 2 years max

Oprah (or did you mean a music channel?) can't get a tv network to take off, she isn't even thinking about selling satellite subscriptions

Martha??? really - her star has faded

O&A if motivated and promoted could do something

as it is, they are stuck and spinning their wheels

You make a great point. His "discussion" with Jamaal made me sad. He's unhinged. I wonder what he'll do without the show?

I usually try and hang through Ant's race hour, even though he says the exact same thing every time. I had to fast forward today when the black guy called in to discuss race with Ant, and even though the guy supported Anthony's point, Anthony just pointed out that the guy spoke incorrectly and said "SEE THATS WHY YOU CANT GET JOBS."

It could have been funny if it sounded like Anthony was joking even a little, but he just sounded like such an angry old cunt I couldn't deal with it. You are a millionaire who only works four hours a day, lighten the fuck up.

Ant yet again surprised me with his racism this morning, somehow. That black caller wasn't calling up to defend black people at all. He was clearly calling up to show some black people agree with some of Ant's points. And Ant immediately yells at him and is combative for absolutely no reason other than the guy's race. His response to why was "He's had it." With what? People agreeing with you? Then when the caller called Ant out on complaining about the dude's grammar, Ant said "I wouldn't say nigger at a job interview." The black caller wasn't at a job interview, he was calling into a radio show. That explanation made no sense.


The writing's been on the wall for a while and it's killing his comedic creativity. Every time there's even the slightest reference to a monkey, banana, jungle, a word that ends with "-ger", etc., Anthony has to lean over and hit the bell like he just made a hilarious, too-hot-for-radio connection to black people. What hack shit.

I think it started as a bit, but he's become the bit.

And he doesnt even deal personally with any of these things he bitches about like crime, bad schools, poor economy and racial tensions. He locks himself up in his house and searches out all the awful shit that black people do. Part of me thinks hes dug his heels in so far that theres no coming back. What a miserable fuck

yeah i live in a city and have to deal with minorities all time and yes a percentage of them piss me off and are completely rude to me, but i dont hate them anymore than i hate any other person, i hate anyone thats an asshole, ive met some of the nicest black people and then ive met ones that makes ant seem right so you just gotta judge for yourself.

I tuned in at 6:30, heard Ant in the middle of "I don't say all black people do that, just a disproportionate number do it", and I immediately put music on instead. See you in the second hour, fellas.

He wasn't joking. You can easily forget Ant was a high school drop out. He's amazingly talented, but his bitterness is becoming sad.

And he regularly bangs attractive young women, etc. Quite an awesome life he put together for himself, but still can't help the ranting.

I'm not even sure the girls he "bangs" are real. There's been a few, obviously, but he also flashes some pics of unadulterated trash.

he's definitly plowing, young, white pussy. His 18 year old now has the personality of a brick, but she's still attractive.

I've seen her. She is white trash. Biker-babe...


Jimmy complains about political correctness




^ with that added, pretty much encapsulates it

Oooooh look an interview with a fighter!!!!!


That's the 1 part i enjoy of those interviews usually - and Dana White & Rogan are cool.

I have never been so mad as when Norton railroaded the Norm interview because Brock Lesner was coming in.

and very few hot chicks or women guests at all (except MMA fighters)

You know porn is incredibly easy to find now right? We don't need some pornstars tits out on the radio anymore.

Welcome to 2013.

Not porn necessarily ... just 51% of the world's population is women, some of them are interesting, funny and/or attractive. Amy Schumer for example.

Or silly games/bits like Stern still does once in a while with wanna-bes/hookers/models/porn girls.

Or like Stern does with celebs like Courteney Cox, Whitney Cummings, etc, getting them to talk about their real life sex life or other interesting stuff that is not normally covered by entertainment media.

If you want that go listen to Howard. I give a fuck about female celebrities sex lives as much as I give a fuck about yours (hint: I don't give 1 iota of a shit).

Can a female guest be great? Sure, I like Amy Schumer and any other female guest who isn't coming in to take her clothes of on the radio, could be fine or suck just like any other guest. I got nothing against women, I have something against shitty radio though.


interesting, funny and/or attractive. Amy Schumer for example


you have horrible taste

It really is tiresome. We get it, you don't like black people. And if he said something about it occasionally, that'd be ok I think.

But every fucking day? And as someone else mentioned, it's not even remotely funny. It's just a middle aged white guy screaming about "them".

Relax. Or don't, whatever.

Jimmy: I hate political correctness and people that have causes, except this one thing where I have a cause and think political correctness is great.

Hypocrite city

Jimmy: People should be allowed to have free speech, except for the times where it shouldn't be allowed, like when advertisers want to pull their sponsorships.

He is saying that the name Redskin is bad and he is for changing it, which is completely counter to basically everything else he normally says. He tries to say he doesn't rally for them to change it but tweeting and talking to 100's of thousands of people is doing exactly that.

Not hypocritical at all, but his point about the goddamn redskins is fucking retarded

It is very hypocritical actually. On one hand you hate political correctness causes, and in the other you have one of your own.

I think people to this moment still don't get his point... he's not criticizing the use of the name Redskins, just the fact that the whole nfl is all about pc shit with other groups, except this one. He's saying do it for everyone or do it for no one. He couldn't care less about "Redskins" per se.

Except the NFL as a whole doesn't have a say, its just the owner of the redskins. As grovellingly PC as the NFL is, they can't force him to change it, which completely mangles Jimmy's point.

The reason the NFL (on the wrong side of history) is that they hate the idea that anyone could possibly tell them what to do. The name will be changed but under the guise that it was the leagues idea.

He's a cowboys fan. That's about where the logic begins and ends on his redskins stance. There was a baseball thing recently (last month or so) where he exhibited blind bias against the red Sox because I'd the Yankee rivalry. I imagine it's the same with the redskins

I doubt he even knows they are in the same division.

yeah he knows as much about sports than my mom, any sport name references are from the 90s when he jumped on the bandwagon, im just sick of him blaming white people for not speaking up like any normal white person has a voice, he acts like we are the ones making people apologize, he generalizes everyone as guilty white people, im not guilty one bit.

He is a little fucking faggot, he wants to be sooo profound but of course all his life is about is whores and celebrity photographs, so when he makes a statement it is fake which is why 2 weeks later he forgets about it and contradicts himself. Fuck him, i love him when he is riffing but no one pisses me off more than him trying to preach some fake bullshit. Also he hates people being offended yet everyday this week he is offended at something new. LIAR WHORE LIAR WHORE AND HE KNOWS IT.

I love sports and am very knowledgeable about them. Unless Travis is in studio they should never even think about sports.

I'm glad for Steven Knight chops up the show, and puts it on YouTube so I can skip over them complaining about the same stuff again. Its been hard to listen to a whole show lately.

A vague race issue is brought up! Cue overused Ant rant. Cue everyone else clamming up. Cue disgruntled black caller. Cue Ant alpha maling black caller by simply yelling over his points. Cue boys pointing out how angry Ant gets over race. Aaaaaand scene. Fuck off.

I don't mind the bitching about Sirius, it's justified. I just wish there was something we could do as fans to help. I love the guys, the treatment they're receiving sucks and as far as I know I'm powerless to do anything about it.

I've had Sirius for years and I'm fine with it -- lots of entertainment for a low price -- sure the app and internet app are buggy, but that's not a deal-breaker for me.

[disclosure -- bought SIRI stock around $1.50]

Meh, after the merger the music channels suck and there is way too much jock talk. Oldschool XM had it going on, I liked the music channels better and jocks were a rarity. I use Pandora for music and I download the show while still paying for the service because I don't want to feel like a thief.

think about the synergy if a black man would take over sirius.

Take over as in "own" -- not likely at all to happen (very few black billionaires). Possibly as a CEO type.

UGH. Had to turn it off again this morning. I will tune in later for the show part.

A racist rant once a week had legs,it was funny listening to Ant get wound up... but every fuckin day ?!?

First hour of the last 5 years.

I've stopped listening altogether because of Anthony. I wish the replays of Ron and Fez aired more often.

Ron is master. I'd rather hear him most days too.

Fez's bits are just as bad and Anthony's rants. I just focus on other things and wait for them both to pass

I said it when it happened, the show died with Patrice

Oh, Ant would never have these conversations with a black man in the room. He's a coward at heart.

Downvote all you want. Ant's becoming a shit-head.

I oversleep now, I used to wake up at 6 AM but now wake up about 6:50 AM. Sounds like I don't miss much. I wake up, and they're already 50 min in talking about music or stuff.

that's been going on for about a year

I'd take that over music talk.

That's the second hour.


Fin's a faggot.

OP "Fin" drops mic, walks off stage, douche applause follows


I wouldn't have it any other way.

And you and many others just bitch about the show constantly, what's your point?

I stand corrected, I just listened to the first half of the replay and had to change the station.


Yeah, it's a shame they had to go and destroy America's stellar record on race relations.


Very timely response. By the way, I am American, you fucking shithead. Yes, we did abolish slavery...after a couple hundred years. Then we instituted Jim Crow laws. I guess you forgot about that though.


Okay, I'll bite. How did they do that?


Not porn necessarily ... just 51% of the world's population is women, some of them are interesting, funny and/or attractive. Amy Schumer for example.

Or silly games/bits like Stern still does once in a while with wanna-bes/hookers/models/porn girls.

Or like Stern does with celebs like Courteney Cox, Whitney Cummings, etc, getting them to talk about their real life sex life or other interesting stuff that is not normally covered by entertainment media.