Yeah...maybe Anthony should stay out of this contract negotiation, Sirus trashing.

2  2013-11-19 by t_o_o

It's so overtly bullshit coming from him. Jimmy seems legitimately ignorant, Opie entire career has been compaining, but Anthony has a mortgage for a mansion and a gold digging girlfriend. He's clearly not going to a podcast to make 1/20th of what he makes now.

Because let's be honest, all this crap is is a contract negotiation and an excuse to trash howard.


Ant's Girlfriends is not a gold digger. The fact is kids these days cost a lot of money to raise.

This is the most upvotes I've seen on a comment on this sub and it's well deserved.

I have to wonder, more often than not in this sub, almost everybody bashes the hell out the show and the boys. I've been listening since wnew and still enjoy the show and subject matter. If I were to complain as much as I see in this sub, I would have stopped listening awhile ago. What keeps you guys intrested day after day if you bash them so much?

I've been listening as long as you. Probably a lot out of habit. I'm starting to question if I would listen to the show as a new listener. The obvious lack of show prep and monotonous racial PC discussions are getting to me.

I've been listening since the late 90's, and I still enjoy the show. Only recently have I been annoyed and it's by Jimmy. His little rants where he shows absolutely no knowledge of the other side of the issue and pretends 'their' the dumb ones is getting old.

If you can't understand and explain the opposing view, then how can you possibly be making an education decision? You can't. Jimmy's issues used to be well thought out, now not so much.

I can absolutely see that and do agree to a certain extent. The only thing I would say to possibly counter that is he's a comedian, not a political analyst or some great philosopher. Same goes for ant and opie. Usually when jim goes off on a rant, he also throws in jokes about bangin trannys, chip, uncle paul, or whatever other funny nonsense comes to his mind. I never really go into the show wanting to be enlightened. I just want to ne entertained. Though I realise that entertainment is different for everybody

Yeah when he gets on those rants, though, comedy takes a backseat to calling for the death of whoever he's annoyed with. It is a good point though.

The only thing i hate about OnA are the celeb guests. Enough of them.

I don't really get it either, I love this sort of stuff. I've only been listening for a few years though so maybe long-termers are a bit more jaded.

"A" gold digging girlfriend?

Like, just one?

Who knows. But a 17 year old girl isn't gonna get with a 60 year old for no reason.

Especially when they look and act like Ant.

He's fourty-flufth.

Late twenties wah?



They will if you have a massive HOG like Ant does.

And even bigger bank account.

She is 19 and in college now.

There are a lot of girls who like older guys. Dudes their own age generally suck.


Naughty boy phone.

They say "podcast" but I doubt that it'll just be a podcast, more of a subscription service with a live elements and also a video aspect. The only thing they'd be missing would be guests that are at Sirius and only being heard over the internet(no satellite feed).

I don't know. Rogan, Carolla, Hardwich etc. still get pretty big guests.

who the fuck is hardwich

Nerdist podcast. Perhaps you've seen it atop the iTunes Charts forever.

twas a joke

You miss 100% of the shots you take.

Live podcast with call-ins streamed live for free from Monday-Friday 6-10 (11 with a shitcast) available on demand for free. Premium features (video, HQ, archives access, etc) for a reasonable subscription rate.

I really want to see WOW stickers that say "the Opie and Anthony show Podcast. "

It's too late for the boys,

you can't encourage 'syndication underground' and then subscriptions. also, they can't seem to keep sponsors.

Youre not very smart/a good listener are you?

also, they can't seem to keep sponsors

Jimmy brought a friend's business to Sirius to become a sponsor of the show, and Jimmy said the cost of advertising on the OA channel was SOOOO expensive, that it would be cheaper to buy a billboard in NY.

so how many inexpensive ads on a podcast will they have to sell to reach their current salary?

Ads are just the tip of the eRock.

  1. Premium content shows (Doug benson sells eps for $1.99 a pop)
  2. live events like the one the company fucked
  3. Subscription fee to purchase archived materials (some podcasts I listen to make you PAY for the earliest podcasts in archive)
  4. Personal appearances (rumors that Opie already charges for such a thing)
  5. alternative revenues like Kick Starter (funding events, etc), Pay donations, etc.

Also, who's to say that they wouldn't sacrifice a pay cut to expand their freedoms.


No set schedules

No competition with in-house groups (YKWD won't try and take all the networks budget for themselves like Howwie)

No content restrictions (they currently aren't allowed to play anything of Howard's, even in context of quoting something he said.)

No week-long wait+questionairres to fix a problem, that they already know how to fix (they have the file to patch the phones, but they are waiting for their boss to say that some other department's boss said that their boss could tell OA and install a patch for the phones)

No way - you mean Jimmy had no idea how much radio ads actually cost and had an irrational view on the business side of things? Business is business - and sometimes it's not smart to give "a friend's business" a discount if it compromises the value of the same airtime you're capable of selling to others.

Actually, ads are worth what businesses are willing to pay for them. It seems that X amount of money is worth more than 0, once you get enough advertisers you can raise your prices based on supply and demand for those commercial slots.

Their passive aggressive threats and bitching could be likened to a little boy warning mommy and dada he'll run away from home.

I've always thought Ant would be able to adapt better to being unemployed than Opie. He lives in the suburbs (albeit a mansion, but still cheaper than Manhattan) and does mention his stock investments from time to time. Opie is living in the Upper East Side in a penthouse and renting houses in the Hamptons and is putting two kids through $40k/year private schools.

Jimmy has his comedy career and probably would be okay.

opie owns his apt. and doesn't blow money like Ant. Opie also didn't lose half his cash to an ex-wife

Ants mullato-knights always seem to forget this.

Congratulations, I downloaded RES just to block you.



Yes, but that's before his SiriusXM contracts, yes?

You're right, when they made really good money.

They're making FAR less at SiriusXM than they were at WNEW.

Before Sex For Sam, they signed a $30 million contract for the two of them. There was no Jimmy in those negotiations.

Ant's ex (Jen) cashed in on that in the divorce.

Plus he owns half of a restaurant.


I'm pretty sure they both have fuck you money. Whether Opie or Anthony have mortgages or paid off homes doesn't really matter. They could write a check and pay their joints off in no time either way. I bet Opie's place costs more than Anthony's.

Anthony's house cost just under $3 million when he bought it, and he pays about $40k in property taxes every year. Not sure what Opie's place is like - but it's probably in a similar range, if not higher based on current listings in his building.

I'm sure they both have plenty of cash, and never need to work again.

Opie also didn't lose half his cash to an ex-wife.

And how long ago was that? Hasn't he remade all that money and more?

That was what, 10 years ago before their first big syndication? Ant was fresh off working as a Tin Knocker, and now Ant has remade 20x's the money he lost in the last few years.

Calm down dude. Opie has 20 years of income, Ant has about 15-17.5 years worth since he gave a lot of it up to his ex. Everything else kind of evens out. Opie has a wife, Ant has Keith the cop. Opie has kids, Ant has young females he buys cars and teeth for. Opie has FH Riley's (heart of huntington village), and Ant has gambling/stocks (presumably).

Opie lives on the Upper West Side ... and not the penthouse, but in a large luxury high-rise. Anything else you want to get wrong?

According to, Opie is worth double what Ant is.

Yeah, the most accurate site in the world. Opie got rich on all that WUFX money.

This sort of thing has happened about contracts and hating management ever since I started listening in 2004. They've always hated management- even at the XM only side- HATED them. But in the end it always works out.

I would pay ~$10 per month for a live streaming show if I spent most of my time in a place where I had internet access, but the issue is I spend a great deal of time behind the wheel and listen to the show as I drive. I am not about to bump up a data plan to listen to the show for hours on end.

I pretty sure that there are others that feel the same way. They need access to those behind the wheel. Where do you think the term "drive time" came from?

No doubt they could have a successful podcast. However, they barely want to work the hours they do. When you factor in all the hard work needed to build a podcast capable of generating the money they make now, it is much easier for them to sit back and collect easy money from Sirius.

I still love the show as much as I did ten years ago but it's clear the ambition is long gone.

Sorry, but they'll make WAY more doing a subscription model online thing than they ever made on Sirius or terrestrial. People here are ignorant. I predict and have always predicted they can get 500k subscribers that pay $5/mo. Lets say they only get 50,000 subscribers. Thats $30mil a year. 8mil each for the 3 of them, 6mil for staffers and other shit, although it would probably cost way less than that and they'd get way more subscribers.

Half a million subscribers? I doubt it. Adam Carolla has the biggest most downloaded podcast in the world and I believe he gets around 250k a show that by the way is free. Adam Carolla is just as big of a name as Opie & Anthony, and has been doing radio for just as long. What makes you think Opie & Anthony can surpass what Adam Carolla has worked years for which is building his podcast brand. Secondly where are you getting your numbers from? How do you know 500k subscribers will sign up, and its not cheap running a podcast of a large magnitude. Adam Carolla has even said it cost him around 9k a month just to host everything. I wish a subscription based podcast would work, but podcasting isn't quite there yet. Even names bigger than Opie & Anthony aren't doing subscription based podcasts. If it worked someone would be doing it already.

the other thing is podcasting isn't popular enough yet. I don't know one person in real life other than me that seeks out podcasts. However I know a shit ton of people that listen to the radio.

It can't be a podcast, it's got to be the same live streaming product they currently do to be a subscription service. Have recent shows on demand, do some other "shows/podcasts" to make available to their customers and of course, add more content(maybe just weekly) from other people like up and coming comedians and of course an official web portal where they will be contributing to. It just depends on how much they believe in themselves and how much money they're willing to put up to start this venture.

You realize that shows like Adam Carolla already do a live stream? Rogan does a live stream. A few other ones do too. That's still not going to bring in 500k subscribers. Its easy for even low budget podcasts to set something up on Ustream. That's not necessarily something that'll bring in more listeners. For example Rogan does a live show, however the bulk of his listeners still download the podcast. Rogan is a way bigger name than Opie & Anthony. He's on UFC, did Fear Factor, has a successful comedy career, and does a podcast that's free and still isn't getting 500k. He's also got a huge following of dedicated fans, and a rather large online presence (have you been to the rogan board?). Also why pay for a podcast when there are 30 quality ones out there for free?

Also what makes you think comedians are going to jump on board. Guys like Burr, Rogan, Florentine, Bob Kelly are already on podcast networks, or they've started there own. Networks like Riotcast, or Podcast One are already established and have a majority of the comics that come on O&A on them. And for example Podcast One has the backing of radio syndicates Westwood One. A company which is managed by CBS. Just because its Opie & Anthony doesn't mean comics will start jumping ship to join them when they've got the backing of bigger networks. And as far as Riotcast goes I think Bob Kelly and a few other comedians have a hand in running that. edit: my mistake westwood one is no longer managed by cbs. they were in the past though.


can we please leave the great Anthony Cumia alone and steer this ship towards you know who....

Opies awesome.

Half a million subscribers? I doubt it. Adam Carolla has the biggest most downloaded podcast in the world and I believe he gets around 250k a show that by the way is free. Adam Carolla is just as big of a name as Opie & Anthony, and has been doing radio for just as long. What makes you think Opie & Anthony can surpass what Adam Carolla has worked years for which is building his podcast brand. Secondly where are you getting your numbers from? How do you know 500k subscribers will sign up, and its not cheap running a podcast of a large magnitude. Adam Carolla has even said it cost him around 9k a month just to host everything. I wish a subscription based podcast would work, but podcasting isn't quite there yet. Even names bigger than Opie & Anthony aren't doing subscription based podcasts. If it worked someone would be doing it already.

the other thing is podcasting isn't popular enough yet. I don't know one person in real life other than me that seeks out podcasts. However I know a shit ton of people that listen to the radio.