Ant has zero credibility during the race discussions.

8  2013-11-19 by [deleted]

He's been so out front over the years with his racism, bigotry and hate for blacks, but he expects to have rational conversations on race and race relations? Sorry Ant we know what your stance will be every time. I honestly think if Patrice were still alive he wouldnt be doing the show any more. Considering the hate that Ant is spewing these days. He was always a racist, but never this outspoken about it.


You're not wrong about Ant. Couldn't be more wrong about Patrice.

If Patrice were around he would put Anthony in his place. He wouldn't quit the show.


Patrice seemed to think that Anthony was just saying what every white person was secretly thinking.

I don't blame him. Ant's been getting his shit from somewhere.

I used to think it was mostly schitck, but now I realize he's a bit delusional and obsessed.

Sometimes he hypes it up for the show (eg. joking about calling people niggers in traffic) but there's times where he thinks he's being real, when he's just being delusional. Funny guy, smart guy, but he's a bigot.

Not delusional at all. Name one socially progressive stance or policy that doesn't disadvantage straight, white men. And give me one reason why we should be following these policies other than "to not be mean." Where is the benefit for us?


The struggle for gay marriage affects straight white men, which is how I qualified my question, because it's part of the larger LGBT movement. Now we're ostracized for being homophobic anytime we use any word, or display any sort of disagreement with gay lifestyle and culture. We're having a gun pointed at our heads, saying we not only have to learn to accept it, but have to tolerate it in our personal lives. God forbid we fire a faggot we don't like, or get in a fight with one... federal crimes. -1 point for the straight, white man.

I'll give you marijuana, got me there.

As far as public school funding? Yeah, that NCLB law is great... in no way, whatsoever, has it brought down the standard of public education in order to pass the most struggling minority students. -1 point for the straight, white man.


Good talk, good talk. Anyone that isn't a high school freshman want to chime in?


Enjoy contributing to the eradication of your own race and heritage, you fool. Can't wait for the conversation with your grandchildren.

"Yo whitey, what's it like to be a cracka?"

"Well we had to live through tough times, with racism an- oh god, why did you stab me??? That's like three months in jail..."


Realize the person you are talking to said:

[–]pbpble 1 point 11 days ago To be fair, blacks do care about the policies. If he took away free healthcare, cell phones and food stamps they might just turn on that Uncle Tom.

Your LGBT rant speaks multitudes about you. White straight men are disadvantaged? Really?

What is it about you liberals that make you creepers? You have to dig through my history to try and discredit me? No wonder you don't stand for privacy anymore. I stand by that statement, and all others, for what it's worth. Why don't you try and discredit the statement rather than appeal to the popular view?

Trust me, no one has to dig through your history to discredit you. Your current posts are doing the job.

I wanted to determine if you were being a caricature of a backwards belief ideologue or an actual republican. I was sad to find out that it was the latter but unlike being gay or as you say "faggots", conservatives choose to be who they are.


I'm not a republican. Calling me names like that really shows your naivety. I'm a conservative, which means I reject socialism in pretty much all forms. Cultural Marxism is no exception. There's no need for us all to be equal. Capitalism, which built this nation into the powerhouse that invented the internet that you're speaking on, is built on the idea that the cream of the crop will rise to the top, not that the mold will be considered discriminated against and that the cream will be forced to coincide with the mold.

Adam Smith would call you going overboard. You know, the Father of Free market capitalism? He was for a progressive tax rate. Was he a big liberal faggot too?

What heritage? I'm part English, part Irish, and part Swede. I live in America, but I enjoy learning about the history of those 3 places perhaps more than other countries. That's as far as it goes. If you think white people are going to experience some sort of ethnic cleansing, you're delusional.

NCLB wasn't a progressive bill.

Govt stimulus grows the economy not tax cuts and People with a job and hope are much less likely to commit a crime.

That's completely incoherent.

What about the people and small businesses whose taxes are raised to pay for government stimulus and social programs? Are they better off with progressive policies?

Yes it's about building the pie and growing the economy. In the long run this benefits everyone especially business owners. You don't hear folks complaining about their 401k anymore do you? That's because the stock market has doubled since Obama was elected. Building the middle class has proven time and again to be the best route to a strong economy.

Obama has very little to nothing to do with the stock market nor did Bush for that matter. It was/is the Fed Reserve pumping cash into the system and putting forward the idea that some businesses are "too big to fail" all of this is almost guaranteeing that the next crash will be even bigger. Personally the fact that I now hear mostly rosy cant lose outlooks makes me think it's time to pull out.


We've tried tax cuts ( Bush years) and we've tried the other way (Clinton and Obama years).. the debate is over as to which one is better for the economy. Clearly there is a cutoff point there, but the Clinton/Obama tax and spend policies are better for the 100%.

I take all Ant's rants with a grain of salt,he is after all half African American.

Or just dirty Arab.

You know, when the moors invaded sicily....

You mean, the morons, surely?

I wonder what Ant will have to say when Zimmerman eventually shoots one of these women.

bitch was asking for it

Remember, he got rid of one thug.

George Zimmerman can do no wrong

I disagree with your Patrice comment, but yeah pretty much. I would argue Patrice's death made his racism worse; there isnt that force in place that would match Ants bullishit. Patrice use to keep ant in check i guess.

I don't know, he seems pretty rational about it.

You have to remember, you are still on Reddit. Redditors are obsessed with race. Why do you think every sub has a /r/ before it? Shinkle bout it.


If you're not a Gay Atheist who loves cat's your just racist homophobic on Reddit.


He is rational and not afraid to talk about the problems that the black community faces... all day..and all night... and shit.

We get it ant, you like to focus on blacks.

I think he likes black people, he's just a little bashful to admit it. He's going to marry that Agatha chick one day I'm sure. When he's like 80 (so in a few years in other words WOAAAAAAAAAAAA SHIT).

He's a single man with (as far as we know) no external business ventures or activities that require being social outside of his house. What the fuck else is he going to do other than become even more entrenched in his own views?

He isint single

When you are 50 plus years old, regularly planting your cock in an 18 year old isn't a girlfriend. It's a false reassurance that time, is indeed, not on your side.

Listening today to Ant berate a black guy immediately for his grammar... and the guy called to agree with him.

He then gets into an argument with the guy because the guy says that some black people and some white people don't work for what they want; according to Anthony, laziness is essentially a behavior "certain groups of people" do. He then goes into how there's a "disproportionate" number of black people who do these things (which is entirely consistent with the point the caller made, which he had objected to).

He really is just a scumbag at this point, and not even one who raises rational points.

I think he's progressed into hating blacks for their blackness more so than ever. There was a time when he would have accepted someone arguing that black people aren't inherently evil, stupid, criminals, ect. Not anymore.

Or at least he is more vocal about that now.

I normally just roll my eyes when he gets into race rants, but his side comment today about how it was good that George Zimmerman got rid of a thug when he killed Trayvon was fuckin' nuts. That's one comment where if the media picked up on it and got the boys fired I think most people would have a damn hard time defending them.

In light of how things turned out with the Trayvon trial and the true-story getting out there, I don't think it would be hard at all to defend him. Alec Baldwin can call some woman a "cocksucking faggot", and the whole media has that story, and MSNBC doesn't fire him over it.

Alec actually said "cocksucking fathead."

I'd agree with you, but Ant expounded on that point, basically saying based on his history prior to the incident he deserved to die.

But he didn't. He was a wannabe who flicked off a camera and smoked some dope. He had a father figure in his life who loved him; he might have turned out okay.

I think that isn't that bad, because based on his actions during the incident, he DID end up deserving to die.

I interpreted it more as "he's not doing anything good with his life, so why is everyone so sad that he's dead?", not that he necessarily deserved to die.

You would fire someone for calling someone a "cocksucking faggot" off the clock?

Not at the restaurant where I work. But if they were in the limelight and a loud vocal representative of my company, yes.

he clearly said he posted that to twitter to troll people.

He said it one the show too, and defended himself. Jimmy and Opie were both taken back.

I must have missed that. My mistake.

It is an unfortunate and sad crutch for someone who is as funny as it gets(when he lets himself be). I think twitter is a bad thing for Ant just helps him stir up his hate more and when the blackout ends he's in front of the mic and thats the last thing on his mind

I absolutely despise when dickheads like yourself try to bring up "if Patrice were still here" as if you have any insight into what Patrice thought or would currently think. And most of his "hate for blacks" is in reference to acts of violent crime.

My ass. You must not be a regular listener. Ant has hate to his core for anything black.

and yet, invites them to halloween...



+1 again for chippah...always on point, dude. cheers.

This is true he will steer any conversation back to the black issue. I agree with him on some of his points but for christ sake he is preaching to the choir repeating the same shit day after day for the past 5 years. I don't understand why he cares so much he goes to work then locks himself in his house. Also him defending Zimmerman is stupid. Ok so he was acquitted for murdering the kid but the guy is obviously a piece of shit who can't stay out of trouble. During the trial it was hard to listen to Anthony speak he would spout off like he was a authority on that area where the crime took place. I used to live in that area and hearing someone who has no idea about the area preach facts when he has no idea was maddening.

Also if there was a black guy going through the same stuff zimmerman is going through I think Anthony would be sining a different tune. Isn't shooting someone, multiple domestic violence arrests, multiple police run ins associated with black people? At least that's what I get from some of Anthony's other points.

It's like something happened with him and a black guy that we don't know about his passion for hatred of black people is a little odd for someone who has zero contact with black people.

I couldn't listen at all during the zimmerman trial.

Yeah, I'd skip everything Zimmerman-related during the trial, and really didn't listen to much of the show at all during that period.

In Ant's fervent defense of Zimmerman (who I believe was rightfully acquitted) he has now called multiple people (zim's wife, girlfriend) liars with no basis other than planning to argue with AgathaC80 later on twitter.

Deff agree that GZ was rightfully acquitted but defending the guy with everything else that is going on is stupid.

BTW I pick GZ in my 2014 death pool there is no way this tard will make it another year.

It always comes back to "how can I trash blacks" with Ant. The Banksy museum curators were hilarious, relieving hipsters of their parents' money and displaying EXACTLY what Banksy's point was in 'Exit through the gift shop'

To which Ant just sits there grumbling about legitimacy rates in the black community.

Thats the thing.. you know what Ants going to say before he even opens his mouth. He's going to trash blacks, tow the GOP party line and never admit there's a gun problem. That's why he has no credibility. He comes into these discussions every time with blinders on--Not trying to understand anything. Makes sense considering the guy's an alcoholic high school dropout.

"Makes sense considering the guy's an alcoholic high school dropout."

So is Ronnie B. Don't think that's the issue.

Huh. Ron hasn't drank in 10 yrs

So that means he's not an alcoholic?

Right. It means Ron walks around with a clear head all day unlike Ranthony

Neither has jimmy and he'd still call himself a drunk.

I seriously doubt Ant actually has "hate to his core for anything black". A few weeks back he mentioned in passing that he just stopped denying that he was racist because he knows his actual feelings and people saying he's racist doesn't mean it's true. I think he's been getting more racist because he thinks it's expected of him. I seriously doubt he actually believes all the things he says on air. Why would DJ Whoo Kid go to Ant's Halloween party if Ant is actually racist? Why would 50 Cent go on the show? Why would Mike Tyson hang out with them? Why would Ant associate with these people if he actually hates all black people?

hate to his core? you sound like a douche. now tell us all more about what Patrice would think.

Call him a racist on Twitter and watch him go off.

Racists don't like to be called racists like hipsters don't like to be called hipsters.

The problem is the word racist is thrown around too liberally now as a crutch when you don't have an argument.

His Trayvon comments were really disgusting, so the kid deserved to die because he fought a couple of times and had a gun? Imagine if Jimmy hadn't been there, he would've probably started screaming about some security footage one of his sycophants linked to him on Twitter.

i dont think he ever said he deserved to die. i think he said zimmerman is allowed to defend himself. i know it sounds the same, but its not.

He said (I believe) that he was a "thug" and "fuck him" (re: Trayvon).

He then bent over backwards pointing out that the allegations against Zimmerman were alleged, but felt completely fine labeling Trayvon a thug based on fights he got into in high school (things that never had to be proven in a court of law either).

This "Anthony is a bright guy" idea that gets bandied about really is ridiculous in context of any argument he makes - he's good at regurgitating things he hears other people say, but he has the critical thinking abilities of... well, an HVAC repairman.

As a minority, I think he's only had one absurd argument so far. It was when he brought up the theory of eugenics, and even then he only used it to illustrate the idea that no one would touch the topic.


I could see how his obvious obsession could rub others that have to deal with racism often the wrong way.

sorry for my poor grammar, eugenics.

Anthony, if you can believe it, is too politically correct when it comes to his race talk. He's always talking about how the problems in the black community are because of "culture", even though he has hinted in the past he knows about the intelligence gap.

Patrice loved Ant and Ant loved Patrice.

I think he's become more outspoken about it because as time has gone on less & less media outlets or people in the public eye are willing to give their honest opinion. I think if it was acceptable for white people to offer a criticism of the black community without being called racist, or to discuss race from a non-groveling point of view he wouldn't discuss the subject with such vitriol. He's definitely racist but who in the media and/or entertainment do you think does have credibility in race discussions?

Obama has very little to nothing to do with the stock market nor did Bush for that matter. It was/is the Fed Reserve pumping cash into the system and putting forward the idea that some businesses are "too big to fail" all of this is almost guaranteeing that the next crash will be even bigger. Personally the fact that I now hear mostly rosy cant lose outlooks makes me think it's time to pull out.