direct link of Jimmy's ghost story for those having problems viewing (tested in chrome)

12  2013-11-18 by VeritablyClean


also noticed in the recreation, Jimmy is drinking with Dice

oh shit that's some good shit mother fucking shit. yeah shit. I had to drink some water after watching that shit.


If you're from outside the US you might have to use HolaUnblocker or similar. That's what fixed it for me

I got the same message, and when I tried Hola it just loaded infinitely.

Yeah their player is extremely shitty



shits thats fucking creepy, and so hilarious seeing a paid actor saying "my mouth is dryyyyyy", i love jimmy's constant wink of the eye with his characters on tv.


So THAT'S the Secret Origin of Edgar...

If you're from outside the US you might have to use HolaUnblocker or similar. That's what fixed it for me

I got the same message, and when I tried Hola it just loaded infinitely.
