Am I the only one who doesn't really miss Troy?

38  2013-11-17 by Doom_Art

Never really liked the guy.

Him and his little rocker/hipster persona.


Troy sucked ass on mic. I'm glad he's stuck in the back doing production, which I actually think the 'edgy' little hipster fag is good at.

I am a huge fan of Troy not being on the show. For every good appearance he made, there were three that made me switch off and check back in an hour. Typical trend-hopper unfunny douchebag with aggression problems.

"Trend hopper douchebag" is the best way I've ever heard Troy described.

He is talented at production though and he seems fun to party with.

He's that guy that is always too high strung and intense.

No. The show is 100% better without the negative influences of him and Danny.

I might even argue 104%

Why don't we bring TroyQuan into this thread and see what he has to say?

Woah woah, heyyy, no no that's ok...

You sure? Lets just hear what he has to say


You are correct.

I talked to him and he doesn't feel either way about it. Its not on his radar.

I miss Opie, Ant, and Jim being able to play off of him. He seemed like a cool enough guy, as well.

I do not miss his passive aggressive, I'm-clearly-mad-but-insist-I'm-not attitude.

I miss them playing off him too. And I do kind of miss him on the aftershow, listening to Sam by himself is a little much sometimes. But I agree that his personality otherwise sucks.

Plus, I actually do kind of miss the staff fights. I thought they were entertaining, at least. I imagine that management has put the kibosh on having those on the air.

No. No they weren't. That's when O&A is the worst. Fuck the staff.

no when the show is serious and talks about news is the worst, staff fights are great because it happens to all of us at work, oh and "hot girls" in studio is the worse, they turn into 16yo's

I concede the point that hot girls is the worst. You are correct.

The problem with staff fights is that they're already on TV all the time, it's called "Reality TV". Where do you work where you have fights like that all the time between entitled brats? I've never had a fight like that break out anywhere I've been employed.

I've said this many times, the show is better with reduced staff presence. The staff rarely brings anything useful or insightful to the program.

Examples: Troy, Danny, and the female interns. Nothing but vapid insightless nonsense.

The only exceptions are Travis and Sam...and even they get on my nerves sometimes. It's the Opie and Anthony show with Jimmy as third mic. It's not the Opie and Anthony and Jimmy and whiny staff who complain about everything and attack each other on air show. Keep your drama off the airwaves.

Ok cool man. And hey, fuck you and /u/opiesucks too.

/u/opiesucks is a saint on erf.

The staff fights were stupid. O&A should just talk about the news, even if people have problems with their political beliefs and complain about how Jimmy "has a high school education / is a HS dropout / whatever hackneyed trite insult they want to hurl at Jimmy"

Yeah, well, that's just like uh, you know, your opinion, man.

no. he's an unlikeable cunt.


This thread is a Quanspiracy


The guy whose response to anyone challenging his opinion was, "ehhh, you know... I just have questions."

No, I don't miss him on the show.

"hey why you do care so much I'm just asking a question, why you getting so defensive bro?"

I could not stand troy but I don't want anyone to lose their job. For me this is the best outcome because I haven't had to hear his cuntface shit opinions. I hope they never let him on-air ever again.

At least he is not Danny. The show is better without his energy.

So glad Danny is gone. Even more glad Danny and Ant are broken up. I wish Ant would rip him apart on air. Although, Danny's inside shit about the show are interesting if only for entertainment value.

Yes. I've noticed a LOT less "Anthony spent the entire night drunk on a Tuesday" stories since he went away. I also wonder if Anthony's sober month had anything to do with Danny going away.

I couldn't care if he fell off the side of mountain but i did like when everyone ripped on him on the show,it would take minutes before he lost his cool.

Sadly.... that's what happened to his girlfriend


He knows

troy was never a hipster. source: hipster

Nope. He was never more than all right and not attractive as they liked to portray. Yeah, tats and a decent sense of style but his face is jacked.

Don't forget ears like a fucking jug.

They also said he was in good shape and in that one shirtless pic he looked a little pudgy.

Nah, I never really liked him either. The show's a lot better without him.

Plz explain how it is better without a guy that came on air maybe once a month?

Because he was such a nuisance on the airwaves. All he would do is confront other people. It was annoying to many listeners who didn't want to hear his hoarse voice hurling insults.

Sorry for thinking a real douchebag, on air personality or not, is better off where he belongs off-air instead of fighting with other people on-air.

But he's up for whatever.


Shit you're right

To be fair, he's probably up for whatever too...

Hyeah I bet he's left and right for whatever too! Double directions

Fawkin homerun, DoctorSauce

I feel the same way about him as I felt about Danny: horrible radio voices, shit personalities, good technical skills that will be better used off-mic.


holy shit, i am in the minority, i always liked troy on the show. he would always go with the flow and direction of what the boys wanted to do. i guess he was down for whatever.

danny on the other hand is a cunt.

Troy, comment?

I've forgotten who he is.

He was ok, I don't miss his terrible rebuttles, but other than that he was ok.

He should have been fired.

I like troy on the show but I miss his intro music more than anything else. That technobeat was sick and hilarious


thanks. youre not really troyquan. stop trading on that mans name.

I feel bad that he lost his job over bullshit.

a) He didn't lose his job (though he should have). He's only been banned from appearing on-air.

b) Why do you call it 'bullshit'?

Fez ran to management like a bitch and tried to get him fired. Nothing would have happened if that fairy bitch minded his business.

Fez did whine on air about it, but the only time he went to management was to tell them NOT to fire Troy.

You really believe that?!

Are you just asking some questions?

That's what fez says. The majority of O&A interns hating Fez says otherwise.

The reason for Troys trouble isn't because a hated Queen complained.

Its because he threatened YET ANOTHER person on air that he would go to their home and beat the shit out of them.

First on-air, he threatened to assault Joe Derosa A GUEST OF THE SHOW, then later he threatened to attack that other douche guy.

As for the

majority of O&A interns hating Fez

There are 3 interns this semester and none of them have appeared on air SO HOW THE FUCK DO YOU KNOW?!

Why would people hate Fez? Maybe because he is a radio baby, a basket case, a whining unrealistic faggot, and a bad radio personality.


I guess Fez screaming on air, multiple times, that he did not go to managaement to get Troy fired, and in fact told them NOT to fire him is trying to get him fired???

uhhhh that's the bit.



thanks. youre not really troyquan. stop trading on that mans name.

You are correct.