Stern rips off Strange Medicine/Dr. Steve with medical question call in show based around Dr. Harry Fisch.

5  2013-11-16 by [deleted]


Let's phone scam the show. "Hey! This is Poopyshorts McSkidshnoodle. Somebody put lasagna in my hair."

That wouldn't happen, sir.

It did happen.

Weird medicine isn't an original idea itself. This is a bunch of fake outrage.

agreed. I myself freely discuss the fact that my show is an uncensored version of Dr Dean Edell's show.

My purpose was to do a medical show that OnA listeners would actually listen to, sneaking in good information while masquerading as light comedy.

You rule Dr Steve.

I wonder if the boys will give him the grilling over it they constantly give the SNL skits that have very little actual evidence that they are copying from O+A.

Ahhhh Robin I ahhh invented the medical advice call-in show hoo hoo hoo!

I invented medicine robin, hoo hoo

Ahhh I invented radio robin, hoo hoo hoo

It's not like they took the idea of the wrap up show from Stern? Wack Pack, Interns on the air, fake outrage at management on the air... The whole format is a retooling of Stern's best moments. The medical shows are a dime a dozen and really have nothing to do with either show.

Just heard a promo for this Harry Fisch show. The promo states that the show is the only one like it on SiriusXM but it sounds just like Strange Medicine.

Weird Medicine

thank you, yes, I wasn't going to say anything.

plus this guy is probably just some boring doctor, even if dr steve is being boring his accent is too good.

his story yesterday about his first memory was shitting the bed and hoping his mom saw it as creative was hilarious.

ha ha thanks pal. Dr Fisch is boring to me, but I'm sure he has legions of fans.

yeah the promo is bullshit, but to be fair, I still say "The First AND STILL ONLY uncensored medical show in broadcast history..." with Harry F doing his thing that's not strictly true

Fuck Howard Stern, he's at least 10 years outdated for being edgy and I've never found him funny or interesting otherwise. He's only held on because he's a zealot for himself and a psychopathic businessman.

Pretty sure it was Sabean's idea

Tim told me that indeed the show was his idea.

Loveline was doing it for like 20 years

Adam and Dr. Drew still do it on a podcast as well, same format. People call in with weird issues, and they talk about them. I like Dr. Steve though since he's an actual doctor and doesn't just deal with mental health and sex issues.

Dr Drew is an actual MD as well. His show just focused on mental health and sex because that's his specialty and that's what his young audience has the most issues with.

I don't know why I said 'actual doctor.' I know Dr. Drew is, I think at the time I meant he was more like an actual day to day town doctor and not a celeb doctor.

Is Dr. Steve's call in number really 347-POOHEAD?

ha ha of course. and our LIVE call in number is 754 22PENIS or 754 BARE NIP

Give it a ring.

Hypothetically, if a bunch of pests just all called in and asked him why his show is a rip off of strange medicine and/or inquired about Fredrika Bimmel, what time would they need to call in?

Just keep calling and ask for Art Bell.

If Sirius is gonna hold these guys hostage then fuck them. Burn it all down! You phone scam them!!

How about you don't do some dumb shit that will get the O&A show in trouble. Howard has the upper hand here. All you might end up doing is getting Weird Medicine dropped.

It's just a radio show, don't be that guy that has to take things too far.

This fanbase has a lot of "those guys".

Loveline has been around since 1983. Dr. Drew has been doing the show since 84'. The best years being with Adam Carolla which is some of the best radio of all time (the show sucks without carolla, and dumb teenage callers). So Dr. Steve is anything but original himself.

this is true, but my show is not a ripoff of Loveline, but rather the Dean Edell show. He did evidence=based medicine in an entertaining way. Our only advance was to make it uncensored.

That douche couldn't even analyze female ejaculate properly. Dr. Steve owned his ass on one podcast..

Hoo Hoo, I ripped them off...what are they paper or somethin??

Dammit, Jimmy needs to invent Chip Stern.

HooHooWho gives a shit?