Can't find the "Applause" Erock parody song

6  2013-11-14 by harriswill

During the Erock jingle contest one of my favorite was the guy who parodied "Applause" and during the "I live for the applause" part he sings "Garlic butter sauce", it was genius but can't find it anywhere. Anyone know the link to the soundcloud?

And not the "fridge doors" version, that was fucking atrocious.


A few of the songs are now gone for some reason. I know tanneritemike took his channel down because of the new google+ commenting system on youtube.

why would google+ commetning make him take down his channel?

A lot of the old youtubers (me included) don't like that youtube and google are finally integrating and that was his way of protesting.

good for him I guess did he take his videos elsewhere?

I've never once commented on youtube videos, so I'm curious why this is a big thing? Can't you just make a fake g+ account and be just as anonymous as the old commenting system was?

Yeah but the youtube users/purists still don't like it so they're either spamming every goddamn video or not using youtubeo or like me just going with da...dashow.

No no, I'm asking you what you don't like about it. I legit don't understand how it's a bad thing.

Mainly that I now have to use google plus to moderate/view my comments whereas before I went to my youtube inbox to see my comments. I have a few popular videos that are contentious so I get at least 20 comments through out the day and its annoying to see that shitty google+ plus bell show a notification that tells me nothing and is simply obfuscating.

Didn't that guy have a Soundcloud page? I think his name is Shawn F or something.