Anthony hates Mustard, my favorite clip

7  2013-11-13 by abeezmal


If it's not Whites, ABBA, cats, firearms, alcohol, or hot teenage box Anthony is going to hate it. He's my favorite curmudgeon.

Yeah he has things he likes and things he doesn't like, what a weirdo!

My favorite is when jim asks if he likes something and he almost quietly says "nnnno"

I think that's the funniest thing ever.

I want a "Anthony being fed up with things" compilation

"When Ant has had it...he's HAD IT."

He also likes Lord of the Rings, Half Life and Alice In Chains.

I'm a crepe.


Opie looks like a young Scott Shannon in that video.

who are the 19 soul-less sons o bitches who didn't like that clip. I lol'd and I hate everything.

Such a well edited clip, I wish he kept it going

What's Mustard up to these days?