you guys think Opie likes pointing out what Jimmy said about being stuck in the mud?

0  2013-11-12 by opiesucks

i feel like i've heard it more than once. what do you guys think?


Do you think opiesucks likes pointing out that "opie sucks"

oh god yea. have you been reading my posts?

You know what, Opie says "oh god yea" quite a lot...

CONFIRMED. /u/opiesucks is actually Opie.

then again jimmy says it a lot too...

i'm not Opie. Period.

That's what Opie would say.

I you like your healthcare plan , you can keep your healthcare plan . Period.

Its not a thread without you, brother.

But, it's like Jim said, we're stuck in the mud.

Didn't Opie already point that out under his reddit name opiesucks?

He is trying to make sure he isn't stealing lines from someone else.

You be nice!

He doesn't like it........... (wait for it) .............. He LOVES IT!!