Fucking Tom Papa, I hate you!!

1  2013-11-12 by Motorboat_Jones

Who do they continue to bring this fucker on the show? He brings nothing to the show. I'm sure he's a perfectly pleasant dude but he's so damn boring.



does anyone here actually like the show?


I like Tom Papa

I saw Tom live and he really made me laugh. Attell, Stanhope, Jeffries and Burr are my favorite comics. Take it for what it's worth.

So angry drinkers...

Thank you. You and I will continue to fight to good fight.

Agreed, I like him as well. I checked out his special on Netflix, and it's actually really funny. He wasn't as clean as I expected.

I love Tom but I miss Louis CK, Bill Burr, Jim Jefferies, Nick DiPaolo and other hilarious comedians coming in as almost regulars. Also Patrice but there's a 1% chance they can get him back on the show.

Jim and Bill live out West. Louis is busier than the President. I can only take a Nick/Ant team-up for so long. Rich is good sometimes. Patrice is dead.

The gang broke up.

Jim at least lives in America now, before he was in LA he lived in England.

Stem cells?


I'll take the weekend at bernie's version of Patrice O'Neal over Tom Papa any day at the week.

the comedian pool really has dropped off since the Riotcast podcast network went up

That's an excellent point. Not everyone needs the forum anymore, they have their own.

That doesn't really make sense at all. Of course they would go on a bigger show to plug their independent growing show. Its just O&A seems to have taken a stance against getting to know any new comics. They stopped having new comic on half a decade a go and are surprised the regulars are all too busy.

Get some new talent and opinions flowing into the show.

I was in the live audience for both Montreal shows and they had a few new guys there that were really good. I guess they aren't hanging out in NYC, but I wish these guys were occasional guests.

At least he has that great laugh that isn't irritating at all.

Yes it is (literal jim)

Tom Papa is a comedy legend compared to this awful "mike" guy. I don't even know his last name. Hey, now we know what Artie Lang will sound like if he lives to 70 and stops being even remotely funny.

Yuck, just thinking of him makes me cringe.

Psh, I turned it off during yet ANOTHER bad music break. Glad I did. Papa brings nothing to the table.

I'm Morgan Freeman.

He seemed alright today though. I will admit I have turned it off more times than not, when he starts.

show was a real dud today

He has made me laugh a few times, and I listened to his appearance this week to try and figure out what it is. It's just the laugh. He doesn't make a lot of stupid references, his jokes are okay with a few sparse good ones, no real bombs, no real stupidity, just lukewarm. That laugh though, that staccato sounds-fake laugh makes my skin crawl.

As dumb as Rich Vos is at least he has occasional good stories, or they shit on his stupidity, or he gives his twitter password away. Toms been on a lot of times and i cant remember one funny thing hes said.

i can name one funny tom pawpaw bit, he and anthony do impressions of an aging tom brokaw.



Haven't commented on here in a while, but wanted to jump in on this topic. I too dislike Tom Papa. He is not the usual type of comic they have on. He really isn't that funny and does not play well off of Jimmy and Anthony. I think there are 2 reasons why he is on the show a lot:

  • He is close friends with Jerry Seinfeld. The boys really do think if they put in enough work with Tom Papa, then Seinfeld will come. I don't think it will happen, but it's not my show.

  • Tom Papa is the only comic that seems to connect with Opie. The reason he comes on a lot is so that Opie has a guest or comic that he can be comfortable with. Jimmy's cool with just about every comic, Anthony has made friends with many over the years and is connected to some because of where he's from (like Adam Ferrera & Colin).

We all have our right to an opinion, but it still 'aint our show. At the same time, we are the fans that make this show popular. We do come to expect certain things out of the show.

Your second bullet point makes a lot of sense. It was like when Opie kept pushing for that god awful Colin Kane on the show a few years ago. Poor guy couldn't hang but Opie seemed to have a hard on for him.

I didn't mind Colin Kane. I thought he held his own if I recall the show he was on. Reminded me a bit of Ari Shaffir.

I agree. Apparently he's been a comic for 15+ years? Hadn't heard of him until O&A first had him on. He's been in comedy for that long and so bad. Must have sucked Seinfeld's dick pretty well.

I'm convinced they only have him on because he's friends with Seinfeld and they want Jerry on the show.

I hate Tom Papa.

I've suspected that for a while, but now it probably comes down to the fact that they like hanging out with him.

And in all honesty, I can't imagine a Seinfeld interview being anything other than a fucking disaster.

He laughs at Jimmy's bad jokes.

He laughs at everything.

He's a jovial chap. I don't see the problem.

He is the worst.

We're talking about Tom Papa, not Colin Kane.

He laughs at everything.