The PBS Frontline Document That Basically Proves As Much As One Can That Jimmy Is Totally Wrong About JFK and Oswald

0  2013-11-11 by waytogo17

Read this PBS Frontline article very carefully and with a critical eye and there is no way you can come away without thinking there was some type of larger conspiracy at work involving Lee Harvey Oswald and most likely elements of the C.I.A.


The thing that gets me about this shit is that if you truly believe the goverment killed JFK, nobody is doing shit about it. Nobody revolted because of the NSA. No truthers revolted because of 9/11. If it comes out that the govt did kill JFK nothing will fucking happen.

Well nobody knows about it, I just read this PBS article yesterday even though it has been on the web for 10 years. The mainstream press is still ignoring HARD EVIDENCE like this even 50 years down the line. Why? I don't know.

Can someone read this, then re listen to Jimmy and tell me if the title of this post is accurate? Oh and if you could quote the important lines from both this article and Jimmy so I know where I stand on this matter I would really appreciate it.

This article doesn't directly tie into all the things Jimmy was ranting about but it shows that even if Oswald was the lone assassin he was very much most likely part of a larger conspiracy. It shows that the C.I.A. was lying about what it knew about Oswald both before and after the assassination to various parties. It also shows that the C.I.A. record itself may have been altered after the fact (C.I.A. cables to be specific). It shows that someone impersonated Oswald in Mexico around Late Sept/Early Oct most likely as a way of implicating Russia and Cuba in the JFK assassination. One would assume they were doing that in order to push an anti soviet/anti cuba agenda. It further explains that many official parties including President Johnson/J. Edgar Hoover knew the day after or close to it about the phony Oswald in Mexico and put together the Warren Commission with the express purpose of making Oswald look like a lone gunmen in order to avoid possible Nuclear War w/ Russia over the killing of JFK.

PBS stands for Pol Pot Bolshevik Socialism.

You put more thought into it than Jimmy did.

Who the f downvotes my posts? Doesn't it say not to downvote unless the post is not show related?

i down voted cause it's you

Here, have another, just cos you're crying about it.