Would it help the show if E-Rock stopped "getting topical" coming back from the first break?

0  2013-11-11 by Drunken_Wizard23

I get the point of it is to spark spontaneous conversation, but it seems like it's just lead to obligatory daily music breaks. It seems so repetitive that I feel like I can skip the second hour without missing much these days. I wonder if they get tired of doing the same thing every day.

The boys come back from break with insert song here playing

Opie: I know why you're playing this, insert album here came out 25 years ago today. Ant, you never got into insert band here?

Ant: NO!

Jimmy: I like what I've heard from insert band here, I just don't know much of their music.

Opie: E-Rock, let's hear insert ten more songs from band here



I love the music breaks. Better those than Ant's racist tirades.

I don't think E-rock really can stop it. It's not his job.

Hardly ever turns into a music break but when it does... it's gold.

Couldn't agree more the music breaks are getting really annoying