For any Veterans we have on this sub, THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE.

25  2013-11-11 by PacinoWig


No. Thank you.

thermite paint! seriously though, thank you vets

mind control!


US Army Infantry checking in!!

From your experience, is O&A popular with the military crowd?

Who gives a fuck?

If you're a Navy Seal, don't become a Governor.

or an inside job.

Don't wear feather boas either

Thank you for deleting savage, car-bombing sand niggers so we don't have to

Jesus Ant

Normally I would be put off by the racism.

But it's hard to disagree really.

Tssssppffft what are ya healing animals or sumpin

Thank you!

Signed, Navy Vet

Navy Vet

not you

For this ONE DAY ONLY, be appreciated for appreciating veterans. Any other day, ignore them. That's the problem with this.

Thank for you for touching me with your fucking rif raff from rocky horror hair do

Good facebook message you fucking goon.

thank you vets


The trolls are strong with this post.


Jesus dude we get it already.

tss veterans, what did he rans from tss


good call

yay for baby killers

You leave Uncle Paul outta this, you bastard! He's an innocent man!

So brave. /u/planet_bullshit ; -281 comment karma. Just another troll with nothing to live for. You have my pity.

Aw, are you mad? I wipe my ass with the americunt flag, faggot. Fuck the veterans AKA invaders, rapists and murderers

No, are you illiterate? I said I pity you. What an empty life you must live to spend your time doing this.

Oh you're so right, what an empty life

except it's not, you supporter of babykillers. faggot

Its totally not guys!

in all fairness those babies had it coming.

What a wonderful society we live in where murderers are glorified.

No, what a wonderful society we live in where an abject coward can make such an utterly fucktarded statement in total anonymity. Good work, you clueless fuck.

Not since world war 2 have we gone to a war that was worth a shit. I definitely don't feel safer or freeer by putting troops all over the place, and intervening in every shitty country for no reason. Get a clue dickhead. if anything we lost rights as our military industrial complex grew.

For once, I agree with thermitepaint.

You didn't think Vietnam was worth it?

Korea was good

That has nothing to do with the comment I replied to. Thinking and logic might be beyond your grasp, try to slow down and stick to your med schedule. You're not nice when you've missed those pills that keep you level.


Nope my logic isn't clouded by shit. We aren't free, and never have been. Every god damn dead solider has died for a sham. There I said it. YAY!!! I can speak anonymously behind a computer... whoo i feel so free!!

Who the fuck said anything about any of that you schizophrenic cunt? The idiot said murderers were glorified. It's a bullshit statement.

Tighten up your tinfoil hat, fucko. You are leaking crazy all over the internet. You're too goddamned stupid to even comprehend what a conversation is about, even when it's written down so you can go back and have another look.

Go fuck yourself. I don't give a shit about your new world order theories or whether or not we are free or whether or not a war is worth fighting or any of that horse shit. That's not what this conversation is about you thermite paint huffing buffoon. Go take pictures of contrails and tell us all about how the government is spraying MIND CONTROL chemicals into our air and how HAARP controls earthquakes. That's fine. That's not what this conversation is about, you stupid fuck.

Literacy is grand.

EDIT: Suck my dick and lick my ass downvote brigade.

Well yeah basically murderers are being glorified. If the Taliban had a memorial day for there "freedom fighting" bombers you'd say they were glorifying murderers too. What exactly is the difference except the cause you're fighting for? You don't think our military has gone to foreign countries and at least killed a hundreds and thousands of people that didn't deserve to die? Then you're a fucking dumb ass.

Nope don't believe in contrails and I don't subscribe to all these conspiracy theories like the new world order and whatever. Don't know where all that is coming from. I simply stated I can't think of a noble war since world war 2, and there's never been a time since that a single dead fucking solider did anything to make me freer, and come to think of it we aren't even free. its a bullshit sham. why are we free? because we can get on the internet and talk a little shit? Well if that makes us free then keep dying boys.

oh that the username is a fucking joke you turd.

You are so stupid you don't know the difference between a suicide bomber that steps into a civilian crowd and kills 100 people, men, women, and children- and a soldier that is trained to only engage the enemy, not take shots if they endanger civilian lives, even take fire and not return it if there's a risk of civilian casualty? You don't know the difference?

Even WWII wasn't noble, you cunt. No war is noble. That's not the point. Learn to read, fucko. Read that first statement and my response to it and tell me where it says veterans make you free.

You are fucking stupid there is no difference between a suicide bomber and a god damn drone that takes out an entire village of people that have done absolutely wrong. If you can't see the correlation there then you seriously need to put down the fucking meth pipe.

I watched a military documentary the other day where the followed troops in Afghanistan around for over a year, and during one part of the documentary they accidentally obliterated the wrong house which ended up killing a number of children. So you tell me what's the difference? Both causes are fighting for what they think is a god given right to them. Also, guerrilla warfare tactics like the Taliban is using were used by Americans during the American revolution. Read a history book ya stupid shit.

So, all soldiers are murderers because of drone strikes. Got it. No difference between targeting civilians and accidentally killing civilians in the course of war. Got it.

You don't know shit about anything you spout off about. Seriously, go fuck yourself. Just don't do anything stupid like shoot up some TSA agents you fucking whackjob.

Nope. That is not what I said. I simply stated that there is no difference between what our military industrial complex does, and what a suicide bomber does YET we still use drones knowing that they've regularly killed hundreds and thousands of innocent people, and yes even are soldiers are responsible for such atrocities. Also, fuck face who do you think goes into the these villages after they are bombed by drones? Oh its our soldiers. And to add to that the documentary I am referring too had nothing to do with a drone strike, it was a strike done by soldiers who fucked up big time and ended up murdering children. but i guess its not murder right, because it wasn't YOUR kids?

Go fucking code pink somewhere else. You are unhinged. Seek help.

I don't even know what code pink is you faggot. Sounds like a cause for breast cancer. Sorry not everyone agrees with you. Funny I thought that's what your precious veterans were fighting for, and sorry I don't see the god damn difference between a military drone which kills people, and suicide bomber when we know for a fact drone strikes regularly kill the wrong person. There's even agreeable stats to what I am saying. Also if you don't think soldiers regularly kill the wrong person too then you know absolutely nothing about modern warfare and you need to fuck off.

According to some statistics as of December 2012 roughly 110-120,000 civilians have been killed in Iraq alone, but you're right no ones being murdered. That's just for Iraq I didn't look up statistics in places like Pakistan or Afghanistan which I am sure would raise the toll. Maybe more people would have died under Sadaam, but you know what? That's none of my god damn business.

I wonder what Troy Quan would think of this thread.

The sad part of that whole exchange was how everything you said was true, but it hit that guy so damn hard (like a diamond bullet) that his gut reaction was to instead call you a whacked out nutjob than to actually admit that no, there hasn't been a noble cause of war since WWII and yes, the U.S. has a lot of innocent blood on its hands.

It's just easier to stick a magnet on your car and make a Facebook posting than it is to really examine why and for whom American soldiers are dying in wars that the public doesn't really give a shit about.

No, actually I don't disagree with about 90% of what he's saying, I just think he's a fuckwit. He (and also you, apparently) missed the point entirely. that's not what this comment or my response was about



How am I clueless? Please elaborate. I said they are murderers (that's their fuckin job isn't it???).

Not all killing is murder. And the job is to get the mission done with minimal loss of life.


I thought Finland was supposed to be a pretty manly country. What's a faggot like you living there for?

There are people that value sacrifice, dedication, and loyalty to one's nation. Of course, you're probably a rootless cosmopolitan faggot that only values immediate pleasure and other mindless pursuits.

Finns are faggots

I'll tell you what I tell everyone else who says this shit. Don't blame the people, blame the politicians. I've worked in the military before and those people are great.

Your issue is with politicians sending kids off to war, leave the good people out of it.

No, are you illiterate? I said I pity you. What an empty life you must live to spend your time doing this.

