Anyone else feel an overwhelming sense of discomfort looking at the sidebar pic?

22  2013-11-11 by RzK

I've seen beheading videos, 2 Girls 1 Cup, the gay off and a lot more. But Stalk Pattis tooth to gum ratio is what draws the line for me.


Holy fuck! Home run!

Her face reminds me of this guy (NSFW DICKS).

So who took that hard drive?

she looks younger than ant

She was younger than ant is now when that picture was taken. It's from 2001.

or a female ant

Yes, when she smiles it looks as if her face is eating itself.

I just hopped on and noticed the sidebar pic. It's unsettling and I don't like it. She looks like a young Crypt Keeper.

Her teeth look very dry in that pic


(trying to make that sound like Patti)

Lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eyes

Please change that pic. I hate it

it's better than the pre-teens pic. Never ever... leave that pic viewable at work.

The face of someone whose life was pretty much a complete waste except for a handful of appearances on the radio. Will very likely die alone and a virgin. Yes, that's unsettling.

A waste by what definition? She's pretty happy with her life.

She lives in the most expensive city in the world with the help of section 8 and I'm sure food stamps, utility assistance... she's a mooch and a waste.

She happily goes to work each day. Didn't she go back to work immediately after that painful surgery? I don't consider that a mooch. Yeah, she receives subsidizes but someone has to make the carmel macchiatos in the world's most expensive city.

For someone like Patti, having any kind of regular job that she enjoys and works at reliably is a major victory. Keep in mind, this was a woman who grew up in an overly-restrictive household, was homeless, probably has some sort of cognitive deficit, stalked the show obsessively to the point where she had to be publicly humiliated in order to get the point across to her about how clingy she was getting. This isn't a neurotypical person we're talking about. For people like her, independent living and a job are very rare. She's far from my favorite personality on the show, but I can respect where she came from and her position today.

Also, food stamps does not always equal mooch. I am on them myself. I have a college degree to pay for and am also volunteering in the inner city and have only a modest living allowance to live off that covers my rent, gas, and if I'm lucky, maybe a $100 for my own entertainment activities. Without those stamps, I'd probably be homeless. There's people who abuse the system for sure, but most people on food stamps genuinely need them.


Thanks for pointing it out. Unsettling as all hell.

Superman's new disguise is pretty damn amazing.


Who hear is brave enough to fap to it?

Not gunna lie, I get turned on by thinking about how I could manipulate those thin retarded lips

Please lie.

Please lie.