"Uninformed" with Bill Burr & Joe DeRosa, all 16 Saturday Night Virus shows—38 hours—on YouTube.

46  2013-11-10 by stevenknight


You son of a bitch! You've done it again.

This is what got me into the Opie and Anthony show. I started out listening to Burr's podcasts, then he talked about Uninformed and I listened to that, and when that ran out I started listening to O&A because they brought it up a few times.

I also remember thinking that Danny seemed like a cool guy on Uninformed. That changed quickly.

same for me, and then i was like these OnA guys are not so bad, and i also thought danny was a cool guy, until he backed out of the drum off with some lame excuses.

this was deff the best saturday night show, its just so sloppy and whenever it was getting bad bill would just shit on him, or the truckers, and whenever they had a guest on it was for a reason, and love when they had keith robinson on and he would shit on joe then bill would turn it on him and the back to joe.

One of the funniest things I remember was when they were shitty on regular truckers because they were pussies because they didn't drive on ice like the Ice Road Truckers.

"One hand you have marines and ice road truckers, on the other you have broad way dancers and regular truckers."

Same here man, Uninformed was my gateway drug(pot) to the O&A show(heroin)

Joey Roses might not be the funniest dude ever but him with Bill is always fucking hilarious. Especially them constant shitting on each other


I touch myself at before bed just thinking of Steven knights YouTube channel...

DeRosa is a funny dude, his stand up is hilarious!

my shitty building designs will hopefully improve once i put this on a loop back at the office

And awaaaay we go!

fooooock ya

Is there any way you can edit out joe derosa from these shows?

Yup, DeRosa still sucks.

Ohhhh geessuss