How Much Does Twitter Owe O&A (and Jimmy)?

0  2013-11-09 by [deleted]

20,431 tweets ÷1,754 days on Twitter 11.6 tweets per day x134,779 followers 1,563,436 potential eyeballs per day x25% those paying attention 390,859 est. eyeballs per day x12.45 ¢/ daily eyeball $48,662 for @AnthonyCumia

14,645 tweets ÷1,756 days on Twitter 8.3 tweets per day x172,092 followers 1,428,364 potential eyeballs per day x25% those paying attention 357,091 est. eyeballs per day x12.45 ¢/ daily eyeball $44,458 for @OpieRadio

10,790 tweets ÷1,754 days on Twitter 6.2 tweets per day x305,097 followers 1,891,601 potential eyeballs per day x25% those paying attention 472,900 est. eyeballs per day x12.45 ¢/ daily eyeball $58,876 for @JimNorton

Read more: Interactive: This Is How Much Money Twitter Owes You |


I only care about the worth of Lady Di account.

$2,743 for @dianaorbani777 --- and she's been on Twitter for less than a month...

Poor Bobo (@RadioBoboxm105) is only worth $899 and he's been on Twitter for 1,739 days.

I don't think that's how it works.

How much value did your account generate for Twitter?

Twitter's IPO prospectus provided a handy basis for measuring the value that each Twitter user has contributed to the company's valuation. Now Time has produced a handy calculator that tells you how much Twitter "owes" you based on the value you created for it (importantly, this calculator does not tell you how much you owe Twitter for the value it created for you). It's crack-like fun.

Your quote says it: it measures the value to the company. Not what the company "owes" the user.


Dammit I actually owe Twitter money.

2,403 tweets ÷1,010 days on Twitter 2.4 tweets per day x1,507,292 followers 3,617,501 potential eyeballs per day x25% those paying attention 904,375 est. eyeballs per day x12.45 ¢/ daily eyeball $112,595 for @howardstern