Whoever Edits Rich Vos' OAPedia Page...

18  2013-11-07 by koolhandmikey

Amazing job picking up on and adding "Kareem Abdoo Jabbar" to Rich Vos' Vos-cabulary section today.


since OP felt it necessary to not link the page, http://oapedia.com/oa/Rich_Vos#Vos-cabulary

LOL these are hilarious. "Niggerette Gum" rofl

Goddamn Rich Vos!

You're a good egg.

Thanks, i figured after i wrote that, that maybe you did this from your phone, so my apologies.

Blue Teeth....still amazing!

Vos-cabulary talked about on the show just after Rich gave out his twitter password on the air and his account got hijacked: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0id6viXtJYw

this is great, thank you

Thanks and it's no problem, sir. I always pick up on Vos mess ups and add them as soon as they happen. I was dying when he said Kareem Abdoo Jabbar and knew it'd be a perfect addition.

You're a Saint on Eart'

He's like our own retarded Yogi Berra... it's fuckin great

Ya know guysch, I wrote for da oshkars, I'm not a hack or anythin.

You're welcome.