Does anyone else think management might not have been entirely out of line for being mad about ditching Oliver Stone?

6  2013-11-06 by Drunken_Wizard23

Not to say the interview would have been anything special, but Opie's excuse for not staying an extra 10-20 minutes because he needed to get his kid's hair cut and Ant's lack of excuse for leaving right at 10 seemed like their standard not giving a fuck.

It reminds me of a time a guest was running late and it was 10:00 and Opie got up and left the show and on his way out the door asked Ant and Jim why they weren't ditching the interview with him and Jim said "Because it's our jobs."

In my opinion Jim, Sam, and Ronnie B are the only ones left on the channel that have any drive or passion left for broadcasting, and if I were management I would have to at least take issue when the faces of the channel pull moves that could potentially hurt relationships between the company and publicists.

EDIT: Seems like everyone's caught up on how Stone isn't an enticing guest and therefore he didn't deserve to have the boys stay. I don't disagree with that, I'm just saying he wouldn't be scheduled if they didn't agree to have him in, and despite the slight inconvenience they could have just not made their coworkers like Roland and Tim's life more difficult when they should all be working toward a common goal. It's shit like that that leads to management not giving a fuck about you; thus then the listeners get hours of radio bitching about how management doesn't give a fuck about them.


No. He was late. The show ends at 10. Fuck Oliver Stone.

opie was right when he said people feel like radio is shit, they wouldnt be late for a tv interview, oliver stone sucks ass.

Don't need to read any of the other comments because yours is absolutely spot on. I'm sure his publicist knew when the show ends, if he got there half an hour late when the show is over, fuck him and the people who work for him. Oliver Stone doesn't deserve shit from them after that.

Clock time is the artificial invention of the capitalist industrialist bourgeoisie, designed to inform the proletariat when to begin their wage-slave exploitation.

Oliver Stone is a rebel, he has no need for your capitalist clock time, he will appear when his artistic sensibilities judge the time to be correct ... or he's just a cunt, yeah, that's probably more like it.

Yeah but they aren't hanging fucking drywall. They don't leave when the closing bell rings. They are salaried employees.

But, that being said, it's their show and they can leave/not come in whenever they want. They know how it reflects on them.

They aren't salary, they are contract. If your contract stipulates your hours, anything beyond that is kindness of your heart.

So you think that their contract stipulates that they end at 10 sharp? What time do you think this contract stipulates they start their live show?

They're contract would clearly say 6-10. Ant also mentioned it today

So, in your opinion, they are breaching their contract every day since they don't start the show until 6:10ish?

I have no idea. I download the show. I'd imagine there's something addressing it in the contract since it hasn't been a problem before. I mean the company seems like they'd jump on any opportunity to fuck them so they can't be in breach.

See, that's my point. It's not a 'punch-the-clock' type job. If they start the show a little late, they start the show a little late. If they stay late, they stay late. Hell, if they wanted to leave early, they leave early and no pay is docked. So while they are certainly allowed to leave whenever they want, they can't really be shocked if their bosses are unhappy with it.

Of course they can. It's the same old shit where companies won't go to bat for their talent. What should have happened is the bosses tell Oliver Stone and his people that it's their fault for being so late. The only reason we're even having the conversation of whether or not they should stay late is cuz he didn't show when he said he would. It's on him, and if he's pissed off at them cuz they didn't accommodate his irresponsibility then he's just being childish.

Sorry, that's just not how it works in the real world. Sometimes you've gotta eat a little shit. Again, I don't give a shit that they left and I enjoyed the interview that Sam did, and they had every right to leave when they did. But the bosses have every right to say "you guys probably should have stayed". Both parties are right.

That's the problem though. Why on earth should they take responsibility for him being late. It would have been nice for them to stay but how bout this, in the "real world" you don't get your dick sucked for being late.

Eh, you seem to be arguing with things that I'm not saying or thinking so I guess we're just on two different pages on this subject.

What do you mean, i'm directly responding.

But the bosses have every right to say "you guys probably should have stayed"

No. The should tell Oliver Stone to get here on time or he's bumped.

It doesn't reflect poorly. Only management cared. The listeners I'm sure didn't give a shit there was no Oliver.

I upvoted this, because fuck oliver stone, but to be honest, they are pretty slack fuckers disappearing like that.

I think they're using the Oliver Stone thing as a front for what's really happening which is they want Howard in the morning without Opie and Anthony competing with him for listeners. (Opie alluded to this in the morning). And fuck Oliver Stone. Anytime they book "big" guests they're always late because Howard goes extra with them.

Howard controls traffic?! Jooz.

Not only does he control it, he invented it. Hoo hoo Robin

hey now

i've never heard this joke before

No. Having Oliver Stone is a waste of airtime.

no. it gets sam more appeal and recognition from the outside world. i'm happy this went the way it did.

Ronnie B spent a bunch of time with Stone and it was dullsville the most part.

Contractually they are not obligated to stay late. Management is just using this bullshit "you shoulda stayed" thing to push whatever they've been planning.

Yes. If Mr. Guest Star couldn't do 9:30, he shouldn't have booked it.

I don't know but I listened to him on NPR yesterday about the JFK assassination and he came across like a complete nutjob.

No one cares that much about some dopey Oliver Stone interview. Sure it could have been interesting, but oh well.

There is way more to this than a missed interview with Oliver Stone. It's not like they blew off Jesus Christ.

Only way an Oliver Stone interview would be interesting is if O&A forced it to be interesting and threw their backs out carrying Oliver that fucking communist faggot.

It's really about having a modicum of professionalism, which we all know isn't O&A's thing, but if they had done this when Gary and Rob were still around, I'm sure nothing would have been said. But I'm sure to people who are relatively new to working with the boys, especially at this stage in their careers like Tim is, I'm sure they aren't used to working with a show that will up and leave when they're perfectly capable of doing their job during the extra hour their show is live.

"modicum of professionalism" = providing free services for SiriusXM

Hate to get all Occupy Wall Street in here, but all companies are the same, they all want something for nothing. The boys are only contracted for 6-10 and there's certainly no incremental bonus for them for putting in extra time. Maybe if SiriusXM would do something for the show once and a while instead of nickel and diming them for years while preparing to sell them down the river so Stern can get a few more listeners they could expect some free overtime, but until the company lifts a pinky finger to do something for the show they don't deserve any more than what they're paying for.


For Oliver Stone? I know it would be a good interview, but who cares that it didn't happen? Why should they stay late? Where is the line?

Any smart person going into Tim's job does his research. He knew what he was getting into.

Didnt they work with Tim in Boston?

Yea they did, but if I'm not mistaken those were the days where they still cared

In show business, professionalism is being on time.

The person who didn't show a modicum of professionalism was Oliver Stone for being 30 minutes late for his appointment.

It's really about having a modicum of professionalism

so is that why Tim decided not to tell the guys that their show is being forced to afternoon drive without their consent...

because Tim has a modicum of professionalism.

I think Ollie Stone was due for a humility check. I thought it was hilarious

I think they summed it up during the rant. Someone wants the show to be a media pitstop for publicity tours. They don't really want that, but it's a mandate that's coming from the top and they obviously have little interest in it.

I was actually laughing because I've been thinking they've been getting too many guests lately too.

Does anyone remember that whole thing where management was telling them they couldn't have groups of comics hanging out on the show? Anyone remember what the ruling and the reasoning was on that?

I think they summed it up during the rant. Someone wants the show to be a media pitstop for publicity tours. They don't really want that, but it's a mandate that's coming from the top and they obviously have little interest in it.

"media pitstop." That's a great way to put it.

I was actually laughing because I've been thinking they've been getting too many guests lately too.

Same here, and I was glad to hear Ant mention that he wasn't happy with it either.

Does anyone remember that whole thing where management was telling them they couldn't have groups of comics hanging out on the show? Anyone remember what the ruling and the reasoning was on that?

No, but I'd love to hear about that. When did that happen? I'd like to look for clips from that discussion since I think the comedians hanging out is the one of best parts of the show.

fact not fiction you reddit cowards, you listener minority, if oliver stone allow questions about his past films like platoon it could have been an amazing interview with anthony but he doesn't talk about that and only what he's presently working on/shilling, they established that prior to the last time they spoke with him. plus the interview only lasted 20 minutes before he had to go so even if he did there wasn't enough time to delve into something interesting. it was a non-starter and the thread starter should be viciously murdered by a pack of wild niggers.

If they were actually mad about it, maybe? But it's just a bunch of passive aggressive pantomime bullshit.

Yeah it was a little faggish to bail like they did. Isn't Sam's show technically their hour anyway? They just let Sam have it.

Plus, Oliver Stone isn't some douchebag actor there to promote a bad movie. He's an interesting guy even if you don't agree with his politics.

They made a good point. Someone like Jay Leno wouldn't delay his show for a late guest. Oliver Stone should be on time.


If Jim lost this radio gig he would be fucked,being on radio made his career. Without the radio he would be doing the odd comedy club with Vos and Bob Kelly.

I knew of Norton as a comic long before I knew of him as 3rd mic.

good for you tiger.Without the massive exposure from the O&A show it would be you and Jim at the Cellar.


Ha. I heard this in twitter voice!

Nice try fuckface. We both know that wasn't the point I was making.

Not at all. All I could understand from listening to the replay is that O&A didn't want to stay late because they've stayed late on other days and no one patted them on the back for doing so.

Fuck Oliver Stone and fuck management.

Do you have the link where Jim says "It's because it's our jobs." ?

And let's not pretend jimmy only sticks around when he wants a picture with someone.

The guests on the show suck if it's not a comedian or friend of the show.

i would have loved anthony to stuck around and chat, opie has nothing to offer on the topic, but i don't blame them at all because in the real world, not the reddit libfag wannabe rocket surgeon fertile crescent for social nigga decay, they had every right to depart. go fuck yourself Drunken Wizard you black boy lover.

I knew of Norton as a comic long before I knew of him as 3rd mic.

Yes. If Mr. Guest Star couldn't do 9:30, he shouldn't have booked it.