Looks like Scorch's live PFG shows are not going so well...

7  2013-10-31 by pootsforever


This is pure -- possibly completely incorrect -- speculation here, but I think shit like this is the reason The Boys haven't tackled Scorch's adventures lately.

It's one thing to make fun of a delusional-but-lovable guy while he's got a paid gig and a (kind of but not really) television show. But it's another thing to mock a dude on your successful radio show while he's struggling to make money and trying to reestablish what he once had.

While I don't see many of them on here, there are clearly a lot of dumb, overzealous O&A fans kicking the dude while he's down just for a cheap, fleeting laugh. Ugh. O&A fans should be supporting Scorch, inflating his numbers and boosting is ego, 'cause depressed Scorch is not fun at all.

No one would've watched The Office if it was two seasons of David Brent sitting in a chair, depressed and ruminating on his lack of success.

Totally agree. I really think he could be more successful if he turned into a self-deprecating Hasselhoff type character who could laugh at himself.

The fans who attack Scorch are the same type of fans that used to call Bobo's cellphone with death threats in the middle of the night...they want to be part of something but just don't get it.

Exactly. They want their crank-call to Scorch to make O&A so they just act like dicks to an audience of, what? 20 people? I'm glad they aren't going after Scorch right now. No reason to encourage that shit.

You can tell he's trying to go the self-deprecating route sometimes, but it's clear he's hurting and has a really hard time maintaining it. Deep down I'm sure he's just a sweet guy that refuses to let go of his dreams, and to have that mocked when reality's starting to hit has gotta be tough.

If Scorch was a radio jock in his late-20's/early-30's, I'd totally understand throwing a few beatings at him for his pathological lies and delusions of grandeur, but he's not. He's far past any sort of "prime," and that makes him more lovable oaf than, umm... Mancow-esk? Maxwellian? Bubba the Love Spongy?

I don't think I'm being soft, either. I mean, like Opie, Ant, and Sam have said before: after seeing him try so hard for so many years, how could you not want him to succeed? And after all these years of following him through O&A, I just want to see Scorch live his dream, too -- even if it's in his own head.

I just wish certain O&A fans saw it that way, too.

...they want to be part of something but just don't get it.

That's precisely it. Funny you mention Bobo, as these types aren't that far from being, well, Bobo. They co-opt little bits and pieces of things and totally breeze by any concept of a big picture, or what makes something funny (or original).

Unless they really think that O&A leave the studios and continue doing (or referencing) "bits", or yelling "FUCK SHIT AIDS DICK" at all passersby.

I totally agree. I follow Scorch on Facebook but I never comment or partake in his adventures. He's obviously delusional but it isn't our job to tell him that.

I tuned into PFGTV-V2 today, it was okay. It seemed to mainly be him testing out the video/audio equipment for the main show starting in December, but of course he still had plenty of messages from his sponsors to read out. He took some calls, got Ramoned, and somebody told him he stinks.

The only true Scorch moment was when he said he was broadcasting to 68 countries, and somebody in the chatroom pointed out that it clearly displayed that there were only 17 people in total tuned into Scorch's channel.

Any video of this yet? Was on a conference call, couldn't tune in.

Oooooh well aren't we Mr. Important!

You can't attack a guy's livelihood, Troy!

"joe did you just use the word 'livelihood'?"

You früty faggots!

I can't wait to see a recording of this.

"Gina Baglione O'Leary Funny thing about people like that -- if you stop giving it your time and attention, it'll go away." this bitch is crazy, why do all scorch fans sound like that.