No Jocktober 10/28/13?

1  2013-10-29 by howie42

NO jocktober today. DId I miss something? Also I feel like last week they didn't mention any facebook comments on the shows they talked about. Am I wrong?


Yeah, let's bump Tim Conway so we can listen to Pico and Sepulvada in the morning on K-Hits.

I could have listened to him berate them for 3 hours.

Sounds like a Quanspiricy.

They should get Troy in studio to discuss it.


spiracy..... spiracy....

spiracy..... spiracy....


Non-Scott & Todd Jocktober is lurching to a stop, it seems.

This jocktober started strong and slowly caught on fire because they tried to "change it up a bit" even though the facebook attacks are the best part
